Here’s an interesting thing. The other day I was asked by an old friend from Seffrica where she could find one of my novels on Amazon, so I just told her to do a search for “Kim du Toit Prime Target” on their website. Here was the search result:
Errrr what?
Puzzled, I tried one of the other novels:
No problem there… and likewise for all the other works I’ve published at Amazon.
Then I tried again, using just “Kim du Toit” as the search string, and lo and behold, they all showed up, including Prime Target:
Of course, trying to reach anyone at Amazon who could look at the problem is like trying to decipher the U.S. tax code at opaque, impossible and misleading. Amazon must be the least-friendly organization on the planet when it comes to this kind of thing.
Anyway, here’s the link to Prime Target, in case anyone is still interested in a story about a government agency spying on U.S. citizens’ private data.