Classical Interlude

I have often marveled over the astonishing virtuosity of Georgian pianist Khatia Buniatishvili in posts of yore, so there’s no need to add yet another video to her collection here.

However, I would be remiss in not pointing out that she was dazzling (in every sense of the word) in her Wiesbaden concert back in 2012, at age 25.

In the dozen or so years since then, however, she got married and had a sprog — and the effect on her appearance, so to speak, has been quite remarkable.

AND:  apparently she now has an OnlyFans account.

No need to thank me;  I like to keep everyone abreast of great developments in classical music.

And she’s still blowing the lid off her piano.

Tangential Redheads

Loyal Reader Mike S. writes and confesses that like me, he is a worshipper of les cheveux roux, and wonders if I would feature two of his current obsessions of that ilk, both being Irish actresses playing on BritTV soaps.

And why not, say I.  Here’s young Ellie Lavery of Hope Street:

Lessee… pale skin, freckled boobies and firecracker fuzz?  Yummy.

And then there is Niamh (pronounced Nee-Evv*) McGrady from Holby City:

All the above attributes, in a MILFy package.  Double yummy.

*No, I don’t understand Irish spelling / pronunciation either.

Classic Beauty: Sally Blane

I’ve spoken about Loretta Young and her sister Polly Ann before, and in the intro to the latter, I said the following:

Actor David Niven once described the Young sisters (Polly Ann, Elizabeth and Loretta) thus: “Each one was prettier than the others.”

So if I’ve looked at Loretta and Polly Ann, then where’s Elizabeth Young?

Here she is;  only she changed her stage name to Sally Blane.  In the early years:

And later on:

Good grief.  Small wonder that David Niven was so frequently a guest at the Young sisters’ house, the old dog.  Here he is with Loretta:

Classic Beauty: Diana Dors

It is difficult to read her biography without sorrow for Diana Dors’s career, which consisted mainly of exploitation, outright abuse (e.g. abortions forced on her by her lovers) and a succession of movie roles promised but never fulfilled.

Most of the above came from her appearance — although it must also be said that she was also a naughty, naughty girl — so let’s see what all the fuss was about.

Let’s look at the tout ensemble  now:

We’ll save the color pics for another time.