
For those who’ve seen Band of Brothers, there’s a very telling conversation between Carville and Winters, as the sergeant complains about his platoon commander, Lt. Dyke:

“It’s not that he makes bad decisions;  it’s that he doesn’t make any decisions at all.”

Any time you see that situation in a manager, any manager, it is a flashing neon sign of incompetence.

One of the reasons why Marxists make such poor managers is that if they are presented with a situation which cannot be addressed by Party doctrine, they are largely indecisive.  Even worse, if that doctrine runs counter to good management, they will use that as the underpinning for their indecisiveness.  We saw this a lot under Obama, who was pathetically underqualified as a manager, having had no executive experience in his entire life before becoming POTUS.  More often than not, when faced with a decision, he simply froze and allowed events to dictate the outcome, even if that outcome was inimical to the interests of the country he was supposed to be governing.  (And to prove my point above, his Marxist doctrine held that the United States was a malignant force in world affairs, so allowing harm to befall the country was — to his mind — actually the proper thing to do as it “corrected” or atoned for America’s past sins.)

And of course, today we see the same thing happening in New York City, where the doctrinaire Marxist Mayor De Blasio faces a situation of riots, looting and general lawlessness and mayhem on the city’s streets.  Bob McManus at the NY Post  sums it up perfectly:

In 1991, anti-Semitic rioting in Crown Heights took two lives and then ran for three full days and nights — allegedly with the approval of then-Mayor David Dinkins. He denies he let it run, but the fact is that when he finally ordered his deputy police commissioner, Raymond Kelly, to end it, it ended.
So even belated firmness works.
But in December 2014, ever-escalating anti-cop protest turmoil was tolerated — even wink-and-nod encouraged — by de Blasio’s City Hall. Each day was more violent than the one before — and it didn’t end until a suicidal lunatic drawn by the disorder opened fire on two cops sitting in a patrol car in Brooklyn, killing them both.
Feckless acquiescence of the sort we’re seeing now bred tragedy — and worked only insofar as the shock of the assassinations took the steam out of the demonstrations, and they faded on their own.
So there are two models here.

– De Blasio can go the firmness route — and Cuomo, who has never before hesitated to interfere in the mayor’s business, can back him up. That is, if need be, he can force de Blasio’s hand.
– Or they both can stand by and let the rioters roll.

Then there will be more looting, more burning, more victims — and an ever-escalating sense that the city is incapable of preserving the public peace and that it lacks the courage even to try.

I’ll take “stand by and let the rioters roll” for $10,000, Alex.

And the reason I can be so confident of my prediction is that De Blasio’s Marxism puts him on the side of the “people” — in this case, the rioters and looters who are either protesting racism — which he has to  support — or else going after The Man (looting Macy’s and redistributing wealth) — which he also supports.  (That he would have the tacit support of his state’s neo-Marxist Governor Cuomo is likewise a given.)

I should point out, seeing as I started with a historical anecdote, that the situation we now face in New York and other socialist-Democrat cities is pretty much the same as Chile faced during the presidency of Marxist Salvador Allende.  Unfortunately, Donald Trump is no Augusto Pinochet (as much as his Marxist opponents would like to paint him as such), so it is unlikely that what saved Chile from Communism will be replayed here, to save the United States.

But tell me that the thought of Mayor De Blasio being tossed out of a helicopter at 2,000 feet over Long Island Sound doesn’t give you at least a mild frisson  of pleasure…

Lest anyone think I’m being too radical, let me point out that if the Marxists could do it, they’d do it to you.  Except that they don’t do small stuff like helicopters;  no, they have things like gulags, “education camps” and insane asylums for their opposition — i.e. oppression and suppression on a mass scale.

And if you don’t believe me, I have a New York City bridge to sell you — if it’s still standing and hasn’t been burned up yet, that is.

Interestingly enough, what we need now is not leadership of the Dick Winters type:  cool, cerebral and logical.  No, what we need is more Lt. Ronald Speirs:  get in and get the job done, regardless of how many assholes you have to kill.

Breaking Point?

Heather Mac Donald, as usual, does the best analysis of the current situation in our cities:

Savagery is spreading with lightning speed across the United States, with murderous assaults on police officers and civilians and the ecstatic annihilation of businesses and symbols of the state. Welcome to a real civilization-destroying pandemic, one that makes the recent saccharine exhortations to “stay safe” and the deployment of police officers to enforce outdoor mask-wearing seem like decadent bagatelles.


This pandemic of civil violence is more widespread than anything seen during the Black Lives Matter movement of the Obama years, and it will likely have an even deadlier toll on law enforcement officers than the targeted assassinations we saw from 2014 onward. It’s worse this time because the country has absorbed another five years of academically inspired racial victimology. From Ta-Nehisi Coates to the New York Times’s 1619 project, the constant narrative about America’s endemic white supremacy and its deliberate destruction of the “black body” has been thoroughly injected into the political bloodstream.

Once the violence began, any effort to “understand” it should have stopped, since that understanding is inevitably exculpatory. The looters are not grieving over the stomach-churning arrest and death of George Floyd; they are having the time of their lives. You don’t protest or mourn a victim by stealing oxycontin, electronics, jewelry, and sneakers.

So, given that the government is proving itself to be a bunch of craven cowards who are unwilling to keep the peace and enforce the law, will we see more of this?  (First pic via Reader Ignore Amos and the second from Reader Old Texan.)

And so far — so far — nobody’s dropped the hammer (at least, not on our side).  At some point, however, this may change.

The only problem is that this is precisely what these pricks want:  martyrs to the Cause.  So by throwing down on these anarchists, Marxists and looters, we’d be playing into their hands.

At some point however, and I suspect we may be fast approaching that point, nobody’s going to care about that.  And then:

Then, martyrs will not be a problem.  They’ll have plenty.  In the meantime, however:


It may be time to start getting serious around here…

Burn, Baby, Burn

Let’s see if I’ve got this right.  The list of cities that are being besieged and set aflame by rioters includes the following:  New York, Washington D.C., Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Seattle, Portland and Minneapolis.

Quick:  what do these cities all have in common?

  • Their mayors are incompetent Leftist Democrats who have continued to go soft on crime, making petty theft the equivalent of jaywalking and encouraging the spread of homelessness on the streets;
  • They have a history of lawlessness, of hampering and undermining the police while coddling criminals;
  • They are “safe haven” cities for illegal immigrants;
  • They following social policies which create mini-welfare states;
  • They have terrible public school systems, entrenched by feral teachers’ unions;
  • They’re broke, and have no means of financial recovery other than handouts by their (mostly) near-bankrupt state governments or by the equally-insolvent federal government;
  • Even their wealthy citizens are neo-Socialists, and their middle-class hipsters support bullshit like anarchy, Black Lives Matter and anarchy;
  • Feel free to add your observations, if you think I’ve missed anything major.

In other words, these shithole cities embody absolutely everything that is un-American about modern society and government;  and yet we are supposed to feel some kind of sympathy or outrage that these cities are burning themselves to the ground?

Suck on it, assholes.  Reap that liberal / socialist whirlwind, good and hard.

And somebody let me know when the carpet-bombing begins, so I can get some popcorn supplies in beforehand.

Oh, and by the way:  this includes Dallas.  Just don’t come too far north of I-635, assholes.

MOAR Gun Control

From some Commie mayor in California [redundancy alert] comes this opinion:

[A]fter customers lined up around gun stores in several counties Tuesday — including outside the Bullseye Bishop in San Jose — San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo declared that “gun stores are non-essential.”
“We are having panic buying right now for food,” Liccardo said Wednesday. “The one thing we cannot have is panic buying of guns.”

Why not?  Actually, if there’s a risk of society breaking down (e.g. L.A.’s Rodney King riots), that’s precisely the time when law-abiding people have an absolute need for guns.

However, as this little Stalinist is in charge of San Jose (home to the largest per-capita population of socialists outside San Francisco or Seattle), I say:  fuck ’em.  They voted him into office, let them deal with the consequences thereof.

And when the Unwashed Horde comes a-callin’ for some impromptu undocumented property redistribution, most of the good citizens of San Jose won’t be able to defend themselves — although Hizzoner, protected by the mayor’s Praetorian Guard, won’t ever have that problem now, will he?

The same kind of thing is happening in D.C. and Philadelphia as well, but I’ve long since ceased to care about those shitholes.

However, there is one unexpected light in the looming darkness:

When Illinois Gov. J.B. [“Fatboi”] Pritzker (D) issued an executive order Friday to put a statewide shutdown in place, he exempted gun and ammunition stores by labeling them “essential.”

Illinois?  Illinois??  ILLINOIS???  Talk about unexpected.  Had you asked me earlier, I would have put Fatboi near the top of the list of socialist governors standing in line to use the Wuhan virus excuse to hack away at gun dealers’ businesses.

He’s still a total asshole, but hey… I’ll take ’em where I get ’em.

No Kidding

Every so often, even Nancy Pelosi is going to get one thing right (although not in the sense that the corrupt old Marxist bitch means it):

‘Civilization as We Know It Is at Stake’ in 2020 Election

Oh, we know that, Granny Guevara.  On the one hand, we’ll have a free-market economy with an ever-dwindling government regulatory burden, a robust energy industry un-crippled by spurious ecological regulation, and an increase in manufacturing jobs as companies quit the ruinous globalization process.  Still on that hand, we’ll have a stronger, more coherent foreign policy backed by a powerful military, containment of oppressive regimes and a lessening of danger from Islamist extremism.  Yet more on that hand, we’ll have stronger border enforcement with implications that lessen crime, disease and extremist incursions and increase employment prospects for U.S. citizens.  Even more on that hand, we will have a population that enjoys increased personal freedoms that include gun ownership, the right to choose our own medical care, and a smaller federal tax burden.  All that  is the “civilization as we know it”, which was the essence of the republic given to us by the Founding Fathers and our Constitution.

On the other hand:  if you Commie cocksuckers come to power we’ll have none  of the above, and our country will more closely resemble Cuba, Venezuela, and the old Soviet Union.

The choice we face in the 2020 elections could not be clearer.

Storm In A Teacup

Good grief:  does the insanity of the Left know no bounds?  (That was a rhetorical question;  we all know it doesn’t).

A Brit Conservative politician appeared in a social media post holding a bag of Yorkshire Tea:

…whereupon the Loony Left went batshit (as is their wont), threatening boycotts and wanting the company to dieeeee!

Never mind that arch-Lefty Jeremy Corbyn also  posed with a bag of the same tea brand a couple years ago.

Note:  there were no calls from conservative Brits to boycott the brand back then, because that would have been stupid.

I wish these Lefty tools would grow the fuck up.  This bullshit of “if they don’t agree with us, they must be destroyed” is getting really tiresome.

On an unrelated note, I have to point out that Taylor’s Yorkshire Tea is outstanding.  New Wife drinks only the “Gold” variety:

..and downs about eight large cups thereof per day.  The difference between the Gold and most of the regular brands we get Over Here (e.g. Lipton’s) is enormous.  If you’re a tea drinker, give it a try — you’ll thank me for it.  (I don’t want to hear from the iced tea people;  this is not a discussion about that foul stuff.)