A couple days ago I went to the supermarket to top up our supplies of various necessities (you know: cleaning products, milk, vegetables, chocolate, etc.) and had two different experiences.
Firstly, there was Kroger, which was busy, but basically allowed one to walk in, shop around and keep a “safe” distance from other customers.
At Central Market, there was a long line outside the store, each customer standing at a “social distance” from each other, and only being allowed to enter the store at three-minute intervals. (Thank gawd it was a cool day [45F]; had it been Dallas mid-summer broil [100F++], I wouldn’t have stayed.)
At both stores, I estimated that face masks were being worn by about 50%-60% of all customers, in both stores (I not one of them). And I have to confess that I felt as though I should have worn one — even though Plano’s Chinkvirus infection rate is tiny, and the death toll less than a rounding error.
So as much as I have railed against the fucking lockdown and accompanying regs, I find myself curiously conflicted by this little piece of officialdom:
All persons shall wear facial coverings before they enter any indoor facility besides their residence, any enclosed open space, or while outdoors when the person is unable to maintain a six-foot distance from another person at all times.
I have to say that of all the stupid Gummint shit that has taken place recently, and loath as I am to ascribe any kind of sense to Southern California governments in general, this regulation actually makes a great deal of sense to me. I know that face masks are not perfectly efficient, but they do work from a logical perspective in that they prevent sneezes and coughs from spraying aerosol germs all over the damn place. It’s not perfect, but it is also a good prophylactic device — and the old “perfection is the enemy of the good” warning definitely applies here.
So the next time I go out on a shopping trip, I’ll be wearing a face mask from my Grab ‘N Go stash, and at all times in the future. And yes, I already carry a bunch of steri-wipes in my pocket, and clean my hands and touching-surfaces obsessively. All that plus our already-low COVID infection rate should suffice to keep me safe. Me, in a face mask?
I’ll have to take a lesson from one of our elected Texas politicians…
…after all, she does have a BA from Yale and a law degree from U. of Virginia. Or I can just go for a full-face cover: