
Came across this rogues’ gallery of all the  villains  leaders of the EU (click to embiggen):

Of course, I only recognized a few of them, EUPres Ursula van der Leyen over on the right, the dwarf Zelensky in the middle (but unless things have changed, Ukraine isn’t a member so WTF?) but anyway…

Then on the left of the pic are our two heroes:  my girl Giorgia Meloni from la bella Italia, and Viktor Orban of Hungary:

Giorgia, as always, looks lovely and stylish because Italian duh, and ol’ Viktor looks like he bench-presses an 18-wheeler every day before his breakfast of rusty nails ‘n blood — a manly man, especially when compared to his chinless counterparts among the rest.

Take out those two (and throw in that filthy Commie Keir Starmer from the UK), and you could pretty much just machine-gun the rest.  The world, and certainly Europe, would be a much better place for people to be.

♫ ♪ ♫ ♪♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Write lightly, yours truly, dear diary...♫ ♪ ♫ ♪♫ ♪ ♫ ♪


Not that we should believe anything that Josh Sugarman’s Violence Policy Center ever says, but even for them, this is egregiously terrible:

“More Than 2,500 Non-Self Defense Deaths Involving Concealed Carry Killers Since 2007, Latest Violence Policy Center Research Shows”

Yeah, except that the data shows no such thing — unless you lie, twist and conceal data which negates your premise, that us.

When you discount all of the categories that don’t match VPC’s horrid headline—suicide, murder/suicide victim, cases still pending, accidents and cases still under investigation—the final total is 625 over a 17-year period. Do the math, and it equals 36 a year, equal to about two holiday weekends in Chicago.  (Of course, this assumes that VPC’s figures are even close to being correct.)

And they pretty much aren’t.  Considering that only a (shamefully) small percentage of gun owners carry concealed, I wouldn’t even believe that annual number of three dozen.

The only problem with bullshit like this — Sugarman would call it a feature, not a bug — is that the numbers will be uncritically used by The Usual Hoplophobic Suspects — media, Congress, etc. — to bolster their demands that All Guns Should Be Confiscated, Right Now.

Uh huh.  Dream on, assholes.

Appropriate Age

As Colorado continues to turn blue — from Californian expats, and not from the cold — we have situations like this one:

On Friday, Colorado House Democrats approved a measure, HB25-1133, which would raise the minimum age for purchasing rifle and shotgun ammunition to 21 years and require that ammunition be stored behind the counter at retailers that sell it.

The battle against young adults’ Second Amendment rights is extensive, with many states and even the federal government debating and enacting laws that restrict the right of 18-, 19- and 20-year-olds to keep and bear arms. For every other constitutionally protected right, Americans are nearly universally regarded as adults at 18 and afforded protection under the Constitution.

It’s really quite simple.  If 18-year-olds are old enough to be drafted, sign a contract, get married (or get abortions) without parental consent, and vote:  then they are entitled to full Second Amendment rights as the adults they are.

Oh by the way:  as adults, they should be allowed to consume booze as well.  Adult privilege, in terms of the law, is kinda like virginity.  You either have it or you don’t.

And it’s long past time that we acknowledge that fact, under the law.

That said, if people think that 18-year-olds can do this, but not that, depending on the opinions and prejudices of politicians and moralists, then we should just go ahead and overturn the 26th Amendment and restore the age of majority (and the voting age) to 21 and have done with it.  (Oh, and make the 18-20 age group ineligible for the draft and ban them from driving, while we’re there.  Let’s at least be consistent.)


Then the current age of majority should preclude any and all restrictions under the Equal Protection clause, no matter how popular or how we choose to address the topic of “immaturity”.

Fucking busybodies can all go to hell.

Double Whammy

I know it was just a coincidence, but these two headlines came one after the other at last Thursday, and the combination thereof has pissed me off mightily, for two different reasons.

Here’s the first:

Dem Congresswoman: Musk Can’t Be Trusted Because He’s an Immigrant

…because he’s only been here for 22 years, you see, so naturally his patriotism must be suspect.

Well fuck you all to death, Congresswoman Kapur.  Like Elon Musk, I’m a naturalized U.S. citizen (since 1990, i.e. 34 years ago), and I was living here for four years before that.  That’s nearly five decades, you fucking socialist sow, and I’ll tell you what:  I’ll put my (and Elon’s) patriotism ahead of yours, for one, any day of the week.

You see, Musk and I have a lot in common.  We were both born into the same racially-stricken society.  He left to get away from it, while I (briefly) struggled against it — by lawful means, of course — but left because I could see no solution to the problem that would not involve pain and bloodshed.  We both arrived in this country legally, and both made our respective ways as productive, law-abiding citizens (he a lot more successfully than I, but that’s the way it goes).  What we came to was the promise of America, where everyone was equal under the law, and had the freedom to seek the happiness and success that would probably have been denied to us in our country of birth.  Our story, or its foundation, is no different from millions of others, and what the country has come to mean is a place which has absolutely replaced any allegiance to another, and instilled in us a lasting gratitude for the opportunities we were able to grasp.  Our patriotism is not one that we were born into, but one we chose — and in all fairness, it may run still deeper in us than in many native-born Americans.  We were not changed by the “magic dirt” of the United States;  we found that magic for ourselves, and I bitterly resent your belittlement of our patriotism.

Then there’s this little slur (behind a paywall,sorry,  but the headline says it all):

Violence Policy Center Tries to Paint Citizens Carrying Concealed as Threat

Fuck me, another country heard from.

Listen, assholes:  I am a gun owner who carries a gun, and I can say categorically that the only person who could ever be “threatened” by my gun is someone who wants to do me or mine harm.  In other words, it would be a reaction to a threat, and not a threat to others.

I came from a country where not everyone was “allowed” to own a gun, because there was absolutely no Second (or First, or any other) Amendment.  And guess who was denied that right?  Yeah, Black people.  That’s how oppression was maintained, and it was one I fled as rapidly as Elon Musk did.  And the only way my right to own a gun (or carry;  the two are indistinguishable) might ever be a “threat” is to those who would deny me that right.  Or to threaten me with violence, in any form, whether felonious or State-inspired.

That’s it.  End of sentence, end of statement, end of story.  Leave me alone, and all will be well.  The alternative is your choice.

These people — both groups (and there is considerable overlap between the two) — make me fucking sick, projecting their fears and their prejudices onto me and others like me.  I won’t stand for it, and I will fully exercise my First Amendment right to make statements like the above.

Fuck you, all of you.

Technical Thuggery

Well, when I saw this headline, I thought “Wow, this must be pretty bad, considering their history.”

One of the worst things ATF has ever done

And it was.

Not one of the guns or gun parts the ATF seized from former sailor Patrick Tate Adamiak was illegal. Not a single gun or gun part required any additional paperwork beyond a Form 4473, and most didn’t even require that. Adamiak was always extremely careful and did absolutely nothing wrong. 

Every single item that the ATF seized from Adamiak’s home is still sold to anyone who wants one. Most don’t even require an FFL for the transfer since they’re not even firearms but are instead legal gun parts. 

So, why is Adamiak serving 20 years in a federal prison?

Good question.  Here’s why:

(ATF Agent) Bodell’s incredible deceptions have become almost legendary. He actually turned toys into firearms and legal semi-autos into machineguns.

    • Bodell inserted a real STEN action and a real STEN barrel into Adamiak’s toy STEN submachinegun and got it to fire one round, even though the toy’s receiver wouldn’t accept a real STEN magazine. Bodell actually classified the toy, which are very popular, as a machine gun.
    • Bodell fired five of Adamiak’s very expensive and extremely collectible legal semi-autos, which fire from an open bolt. All the ATF technician could achieve was semi-auto fire, but that didn’t stop him. He classified all five highly sought after firearms as machine guns.
    • Bodell ruled that several receivers that had been cut in half were actually machine guns. The same receivers are still legally sold online and do not require an FFL or any paperwork.
    • Bodell actually rebuilt three inert RPGs, which had holes drilled into their receivers and were stripped of internal parts. ATF’s “expert” added parts from real RPGs until they would fire a single subcaliber 7.62x39mm round. As a result, he classified the RPGs as destructive devices.

So the ATF took Adamiak’s toys, turned them (partially) into (sorta) weapons, and had him sent to jail.  For 20 years.

Somebody explain to me why this cocksucker Bodell shouldn’t be swinging from a lamp post?  And ditto the fucking judge who allowed this bullshit to be taken as “evidence”?

Note to President Trump:   Pardon Adamiak yourself, and have Kash Patel take action against Bodell, just prior to closing down the entire ATF.  If you don’t, then why did we elect you?

Transferable Rights

I would have thought that things you do in your home country are no problem — I mean legal stuff and such, of course.

And of course too that would apply to your freedoms — in our case, freedom of speech, freedom of religion and so on.

But that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore when it comes to the UK and Europe.  Because they seem to be obsessed with policing speech — you know, the “hate speech” bullshit — they seem to be getting a leeetle too big for their britches.

Consider this, in Britishland:

Police officers questioned a grandfather for more than an hour after he called his neighbour “Mrs Twat” in a row about his dog.

Laurence Meir, 73, was visited twice at his home in Gorsley, Herefordshire, by police who warned him not to use the term again.


In January last year, Mr Meir’s dachshund Dixie strayed into his neighbour’s front garden, prompting the neighbour to allegedly call him a “twat”.

The neighbours had another run-in several weeks later, during which Mr Meir said “Hello Mrs Twat”.

Days later, two officers from West Mercia Police arrived at his home and questioned him for more than an hour about the incident, before warning him not to get “involved” with her again.

What about that second visit?

The police then visited his home for a second time after the neighbour complained that he poked his tongue out at her children.

“I was livid that the police had come to see me again about such a pathetic matter and couldn’t believe that they were wasting more of their time,” he said.  “I told the officers that I didn’t stick my tongue out at these kids and that they should go and catch some real criminals. But the police warned me that if it happened again then they would be forced to take further action. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, it really shows that the police have got their priorities completely wrong.”

“Further action”?  What the actual fuck are these idiots doing Over There?

But it gets worse.

A grandmother was spoken to at her home by police after she criticised Labour politicians online for sending offensive WhatsApp messages.

In a series of Facebook posts Helen Jones called for the resignation of a councillor embroiled in the WhatsApp scandal which led to the sacking of Andrew Gwynne, the former health minister.

The 54-year-old school administrator, who was not accused of committing a crime, said she was left feeling scared to post on social media following the unannounced visit by two officers on Tuesday.

Mrs Jones said two plain-clothes officers arrived at her home in Stockport last Tuesday at around 1.30pm, but she wasn’t in and they spoke to her husband Lee via an intercom. She rushed home fearing something had happened to a relative.

At 2.15pm she received a phone call from an officer thought to be the same sergeant who knocked on her door and was told the police had received a complaint about her recent social media posts.

Speaking to the Mail on Sunday, Mrs Jones said: “It was actually quite scary. It made me think I best just keep quiet for the rest of my life, because you just can’t say anything these days.

“I asked the police officer, have I committed any sort of crime – why did you call at my door? They said, ‘Someone has spoken to us about your social media posts’.

“I then said: ‘If I don’t take your advice and continue doing what I am doing, will I be committing a crime?’ He said no. I then asked: ‘What will you do about it?’ He said: ‘There’s not a lot we can do, we are just giving you advice’.”

Of course, to Americans, the concept of the fuzz coming over to your house because of something you posted on the Intarwebz is almost a joke, because we have that pesky inconvenient First Amendment whereby we can call (say) Barack Obama or Chuck Schumer a fucking asshole without the fear of a knock on the door from the police.  Furthermore, I am equally free to call BritPM Keir Starmer a fucking moron Commie who’s going to destroy Britishland because he’s well, a fucking moron Commie, he and all his little Labour Party lickspittles together.

Now pay careful attention to this.

Do you realize that through British and European law as currently written, if I were to visit the UK (as I am wont to do), I could be denied entry because of my predilection for “hate speech” — or even if I were allowed into the country, the cops might very well show up at, say Free Market Towers or wherever I was staying and arrest me for something I said in the United States?

Look at it this way.  Thanks to my Second Amendment freedom, I own a handgun (quit sniggering).  Now imagine that I went to Britishland and was arrested for possessing a handgun, because that’s streng verboten over in Airstrip One — and I don’t mean arrested for carrying a handgun in the UK (which I wouldn’t do, because I’m not stupid), but for possessing a handgun in my home country.

That sounds ridiculous, of course.  But if it’s ridiculous for the Second Amendment, it’s equally ridiculous for the First.  That my fevered rantings are available to oh-sensitive Brits and Europeans via Teh Intarwebz is just one of those things;  it may be inconvenient to the Powers That Be, but them’s the breaks.

I could be arrested Over There for pointing out on this blog Over Here that a whole lot of Muslims seem to be child molesters — using as examples, oh, the Rotherham grooming gangs who systematically raped non-Muslim minor girls, or the fact that Iraq just lowered the female marriage age to 9 years old — which wouldn’t matter to the “authorities” because that’s considered “hate speech” against a group of people and is subject to punishment.

Yeah, well fuck you, your fascist “hate speech” laws and your tender sensibilities.  If you fuckers think you’ve seen hate speech before, I haven’t even begun to hate.  You totalitarian thugs.

And no, I won’t be frightened by the threat of arrest.  If I feel like going over to Britishland or France to visit my friends, I will, and be damned to you.

Here’s the above-mentioned Mrs. Jones:

“It was actually quite scary. It made me think I best just keep quiet for the rest of my life, because you just can’t say anything these days.”

Yeah, well I’m not like Mrs. Jones.  Your pissy little laws don’t frighten me, and nor do your Stasi-wannabe enforcers.  I’ve been threatened by apartheid-era Afrikaner secret police, and to be frank, your petty little enforcers don’t impress me.

Sorry if I’ve pissed in your morning porridge, but say hello to my freedom of speech, you bastards.  And yes, I do own a handgun.