News Roundup

With commentary, spicy like Odalys Garcia:

apparently there was some Hollywood awards show, and a few trendies and old Commies sounded off, like anyone outside their own circle cares what they think anymore.  Viewership was 5.1 million, compared to Trump’s CPAC speech with 31 million online viewers.  LOL

a great idea for spending a whole bunch of other people’s money on a movie that maybe 0.0000005% of the Western world will actually pay to see, e.g. the previous such effort, Ballbusters.  And speaking of which:

A mother-of-three spat pepper spray into a police officer’s eye after it was fired into her face and mouth as she was arrested in Bristol
for some reason, I just can’t seem to find any sympathy for P.C. Pepperspray.

how about the “politics of fuck you”, you racist hustler.

Never mind, President Bigbucks is riding to the rescue:

and as a real African American, I cannot wait for you honkies to gimme wass ri’ fooey mine.

yeah, why IS that, President Braindead?  

which would be like saying that someone’s cough has got better, now that he’s dead.  More to the point:  WTF is the “World Economic Forum” and why should anyone be listening to them anyway?

and no doubt, the next Republican president is going to make him as dead as Bin Laden (because President Mail Fraud sure as hell won’t).

surprising as it may seem to some Brits, not everyone in the world cares about the antics of some titled twat.

[insert cock joke here]

in Portland-Am-Rhein.

and yet Over Here, we can’t even indict the bureaucrats who tried to undermine a legally-elected Republican President.  And speaking of which:

as if just being John Brennan wasn’t embarrassing enough.

Did someone say, “More Odalys Garcia”?

Thought so.

In A Nutshell

From Max Morton at American Greatness [irony alert] :

On one hand, you have traditional Americans. They come in every race, creed, and religion. They believe in law and order, expect everyone to follow the rules, and mostly just want to be left alone.
Family-oriented, self-reliant, and armed, traditional Americans populate the working-class ranks of the military, law enforcement, and industry. Sadly, most are technically illiterate. They underestimate the threat from the surveillance state and Securitate. Many still believe the FBI only goes after bad guys, and they cannot grasp that the national security apparatus now views them as the enemy. They rightly bristle when slandered with “white supremacist” or “terrorist” labels. A habituated trust in authority makes them vulnerable to snitching on others and collaborating with those they shouldn’t. Many are infected with white knight conspiracy theories that counsel remaining submissive. In general, they have nearly zero control of the nation’s money, media, government, academia, legal system, and surveillance state.

On the other hand is the ruling elite. They advocate a multi-tiered justice system and expect others to follow their rules, beliefs, and norms. They are politically savvy and disciplined. They view traditional Americans and their beliefs as an impediment to their wealth and utopian dreams, going so far as routinely to advocate extreme actions such as genocide, re-education, and the removal of the children of their political opposition.
They employ proxy forces, such as Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and journalists to bully ordinary Americans and weak-willed corporations. In order to intimidate and discredit their political opposition, they’ve weaponized the use of labels such as “white supremacist” and “terrorist” on their enemies. They are generally opposed to religion and personal firearm ownership, and they cannot allow you to be left alone. They will attempt to nudge wrong-thinkers into accepting the ruling elite’s ideology. If that doesn’t work, they’ll force compliance via law enforcement, military, and the intelligence agencies they now command. They control most of the national wealth and all of the media, government, academia, legal authorities, and surveillance state.

Not much I can add to that.  For various options for us to combat the above, read the rest of the article.

Be warned:  much of that is not only difficult, but beyond the reach of average Americans like me.

Check This, Assholes

Here’s something to brighten your day:

Miller was contacted following a complaint by an offended party about a poem he shared on social media which was deemed transphobic. The officer explained that, although not illegal, this nevertheless qualified as a ‘non-crime hate incident’.
Why, Miller asked, was the unnamed complainant described as a ‘victim’ if no crime had been committed? More to the point, why was he being investigated at all?
To which came that ominous response: ‘We need to check your thinking.’

So we’re all clear, this happened in Britishland, where the fuzz (I prefer the British term “filth”, myself) have been playing reindeer games like this:

Now I’m not one to advocate violence against the pigs (such as these);  I don’t believe in firebombing cop cars, or ambushing police officers, or anything like that.

But I would be hard-pressed to condemn an action where some free-speech-advocating malcontent might put a couple rounds of birdshot through this sign — as long as there weren’t any cops standing around, and nobody was hurt, or anything.

Note to the fascist Wokistas on this side of The Pond:  don’t even think about it [sic].  And if any of the local fuzz ever accuse me of an “offense” like this, they’d better have the relevant statute ready to quote, along with a large number of other cops.

I need to cut down my morning intake of gin, but bullshit like this doesn’t help.

Quote Of The Day

From Peter Hitchens, brother of the late Christopher:

“Officials and politicians dare not relax the measures they took in a panic, in case they are blamed if anything ever goes wrong afterwards. And millions genuinely believe they are safer as a result.”

What that means is that a series of panics will inevitably cause our freedoms to be ratcheted into oppression via the “concern for security”.  And the ratcheting goes one way, irreversibly.


Some rabbi has written out a reasoned response to the Chinkvirus vaccination issue, and lists his thirty-one reasons why he is refusing to get the jab.

Others would have confined themselves to five, or ten — but he’s a rabbi so he had to go into excruciating detail.  (My Tribe Readers will know exactly what I’m talking about.)

Your job, should you choose to accept it, is to read his list and pick your top three reasons (assuming you agree with some, disagree with others, as I do).

No need to cut & paste the whole thing;  I’ll do a quick tally and show the winner, giving three points for your first choice, two for the second and so on.

I won’t count my choices in the total, but this was my absolute favorite, his #15:

Those who raise concerns about this medical treatment are being bullied, slandered, mocked, censored, ostracized, threatened, and fired from their jobs. This includes medical professionals who have science-based concerns about the drug and caregivers who have witnessed people under their charge suffering horrible reactions and death shortly after being injected. When the establishment is purging good people who risk everything simply to raise concerns about a new medical treatment — even if they don’t outright oppose it — I will trust these brave people over the establishment every time. I cannot think of a single similar case in history when truth and morality turned out to be on the side of the establishment.

As anyone who knows me well can tell you:  the more I am nagged, bullied or coerced into doing something, the less likely I am to do it, to an exponential degree.

Bravo, Rabbi.

News Roundup

With commentary short and sweet, like Kristen Bell.

“It’s time for a wealth tax in America.”
no it isn’t, you rancid, fake-Cherokee Commie tart.

actually, I can think of at least two good reasons why she was always going to make it.

Photo by Frank Trapper/Corbis Sygma

and I think that watching Christine have her daily orgasm would probably keep depression away as well:

…but that’s just me.

and I think it’s probably time to bring apartheid to the world of entertainment:  Black Oscars, Black Golden Globes, Black Pulitzers, etc.  Then we could all ignore them, just like we do the regular ones, while the winners can all feel good about being big fish in small ponds.

otherwise known as “bringing the wood”.

uttered from his position at a British university, founded in 1650 by a Zulu chieftain. [/sarc]

and Darwin pays a visit to Nashville.

I’m not so sure that this is a bad idea, but I will entertain arguments in Comments.

in his defense, I should point out that he is Russian, so she probably should have known betterAlso of interest:  Wifey is quite a babe, while Mistress is a total dog — once again, Hubby is a Russian.

never mind, it’s just the annual brainfart from the Stupidest Person In Congress, Sheila Jackson-Lee (DOA) of HoustonNote:  not a single co-sponsor, so clearly I’m not the only one who thinks this.

Finally, from the Sports Desk: 
Apparently, we should congratulate some guys from Tampa for scoring more baskets than some other guys from Kansas.  The Tampa captain or whatever is apparently some REALLY old fart, who hadn’t yet been born when I was already on my second marriage, but who is married to a Brazilian tart with a German name.

and good for him, say I.