
I forget where I got this (sorry), but SOTI I saw this, as the mindset of the Deep Swamp towards us conservatives:

“We don’t like things as they are, and so we’ll make it really, really expensive for certain people to enforce their rights. We’ll make them fight every day for what should be rightly theirs for free. We’ll take away their birthright. We’ll screw with their businesses and screw with their wombs and screw with their assumptions about what the courts have guaranteed them, and some of them will give up, and some of them will make mistakes, and we’ll just make sure they have many bad days, and eventually they’ll get tired of fighting with us and we’ll get a team of brutal lawyers to take them down and put them in their place.”

At American Greatness, Max Martin has this rather withering comment to make:

At this moment [conservatives] are the weaker side in this asymmetric struggle. Right now, we are 80 million couch potatoes and keyboard warriors with rifles in our bedroom closets. This is not a force to be reckoned with.

Read the article to get the argument that leads him to that depressing conclusion.  Not part of his analysis, by the way, is that a large number of the so-called 80 million are a bunch of old bastards like myself, who have neither the health, energy nor will to do all the stuff he suggests we do to avoid being buried by the liberal ruling elite.

So what’s left?  DO we just resign ourselves to the fact that at some point, if we refuse to give in to the feral [sic] government, its rules, regulations and apparatchiks, we should just wait in our homes for the sturmtruppen  and Stasi to come for us, and then surrender meekly to be led off to Room 101?  Or, for those of us who have nothing to lose, resist with violence rather than just resign ourselves to our fate?

Let’s face it:  if the American Revolution was actively pursued and fought (by some estimates) by only 13% of the then-population of the soon-to-be United States, that means that the other 87% were either British loyalists or the 18th-century equivalent of couch potatoes.  That being the case, who is going to form the 13% of conservatives (10 million?  we should be so lucky) who would actively form the resistance against the fucking establishment?

Here’s the late Joseph Sobran on the topic:

“By today’s standards King George III was a very mild tyrant indeed. He taxed his American colonists at a rate of only pennies per annum. His actual impact on their personal lives was trivial. He had arbitrary power over them in law and in principle but in fact it was seldom exercised. If you compare his rule with that of today’s U.S. Government you have to wonder why we celebrate our independence…”

And if I may be so bold:  what’s facing us, as the de facto  survivors and supporters of the principles that formed our republic, is a far more formidable foe than George III.

  • They aren’t thousands of miles away over the ocean, with no communication other than written letters and ship-borne transmission.  They are right here, and their military force, communications and even media support are far, far greater than anything the British king had at his disposal.
  • Whereas George III and the British population may have had a relatively benign attitude towards those pesky columnists, our modern-day opponents actively hate us and think we should be exterminated — whether by shunning (of our voices and our access to communication), or in some extreme examples, killed.  (Lest I’m accused of being overwrought on this issue, let us remind ourselves that nobody dreamed that the oh-so civilized Germans, with their cultural history of Goethe and Schiller, would be capable of mass murder and genocide — except that they were.)
  • The Revolutionary army of 1776 was well armed for the time.  We have a few thousand committed riflemen, to be pitted against a modern army.  We can’t even drink beer when threatened by Meal Team Six, let alone withstand a sustained assault against our lives by a federal army such as FBI SWAT teams, DHS ditto, or even IRS agents.  They can concentrate their forces against us;  we can’t do the same against them.
  • Forget that shit about the U.S. Armed Forces being composed of supportive conservative warriors.  They aren’t any more, at least at the officer level.  If the government decided to use them against us, they will.  They’ve walked all over the Constitution in terms of our freedom of speech and they continue to do so on our right to bear arms;  so if you think a little thing like Posse Comitatus  is going to stand in their way, I have a New York bridge to sell you.
  • Most importantly of all:  we have no leaders.  Even if we did, the modern state can dispose of them with absolute ease and little fear of retribution:  our equivalent of John Hancock, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and George Washington wouldn’t last a day without being muzzled, arrested and imprisoned under the various anti-terrorism laws.

I wish I had something more upbeat to say about all this, but the reality is that I’m in the grip of a profound sense of gloomy foreboding.

Feel free to add your thoughts in Comments.  And if you’re afraid to be candid because of the possible consequences… then that is precisely what I’m talking about.

Pecking Order

Now we have yet another way to make criminal acts still worse than the acts themselves:

Misogyny will now be recorded as a hate crime with police asked to identify whether offences are motivated by ‘hostility based on sex’

So it’s not just bad that you kill a woman;  calling her a “filthy bitch” as you stab her to death makes the crime that much more reprehensible.  But it gets better.

Police forces will be asked to record and identify any crimes of violence, including stalking and sexual offences, where the victim believed it to have been motivated by ‘hostility based on their sex’, a Home Office minister said.

Ummmm I thought that stalking, for instance, has always been solely motivated by hostility based on sex — unless he’s following her around to see who she’s bonking now that they’re no longer a couple, maybe?

Damn, it’s confusing.

Okay, let’s see if I’ve got the order of badness right.

Killing a Black person is bad;  killing him while calling him a filthy nigger is terrible, the worst, unforgivable.  (I think we can all agree that thanks to the Burn/Loot/Murder pressure group, that action is pretty much at the top of the Evil Hate List.)

Next, I would imagine that calling someone a fucking Paki / towelhead / Meskin / [insert brown-skinned ethnic group here]  as you shoot them in the face might be next in the pecking order.  (Not included:  Chinks, Japs, Flips, dot-head Indians and other East Asian types, who somehow seem to be excluded from this shitfest — probably because they’re not whining as loudly, and good for them.)

Now we come to wimmyns, as noted earlier.  (Killing one of the “protected” species of women — e.g.  a  Black woman — while denigrating her race would elevate the evil standard straight up to Group 1, of course.)  Anything at all that hints at some kind of animus towards a female victim (by a man — women are of course completely blameless in this little game, bless them) is now going to feel The Full Force Of The Law.  (Not quite sure where genital mutilation or honor killings fall in this order — my guess is they’re not included because delivering ad hoc  clitoridectomies seems to be the sole preserve of Black men — a protected species — and honor killings are okay because We Don’t Want To Offend Muslims Lest They Hate Us Even More. )

Jews — once the most protected species because Auschwitz — seem to have fallen down the table.  Killing a rabbi while calling him a filthy Jewboy probably has some cachet, even, among certain Muslim asshole groups e.g.  Al-Qaeda and/or Nation Of Islam.  But a Black man murdering a “Jew bastard” in Hymietown (thank you, Rev. Jesse Jackson) would probably be punished with a light slap on the wrist nowadays, because Jews are asking for it because they have too much money and control the Bilderbergers or some such.  And Jews don’t murder too many people of any group other than Jews, unless they’re Supremely Evil Mossad agents who kill Pore Ayrabs without rhyme or reason (I’m told).

Way at the bottom of the Evil Hate Scale are MPPs — Male Persons of Pallor — because everyone knows that we are the root cause of all the world’s problems e.g. through systemic racism and ingrained misogyny, therefore it’s open season on us and we can be murdered, raped, stalked or beaten up pretty much at will, by any of the above, without too much in the way of consequence.  Insults delivered during the murdering etc. are probably not necessary because, annoyingly, nobody has yet come up with a pejorative nickname that actually causes offense to MPPs — “cracker”, “honky”, “chauvinist pig” and the like are fairly innocuous, and are actually quite cute, really.  Just being a White man per se  is sufficient motive for blameless murder.

Frankly all the above reminds me of something… wait, what is it?

Oh yeah, now I remember.  It’s just like Apartheid South Africa, only with the groups inverted.

Not Interested

Via Stephen Green at Insty I see that the NorKs are giving President Braindead’s diplomatic initiative the cold shoulder:

The White House said it had not received any response to repeated efforts to reach out to Pyongyang. The news comes as Joe Biden has sent his top diplomatic and military representatives to Asia.

At first glance, one would be puzzled at the Norks’ indifference, because when the Democrats are in control of the country, our “diplomatic initiatives” are most likely to be in the order of “Come to the table so we can bend ourselves over it”.

But considering that the Norks don’t jump unless the ChiComs first tell them how high, all is explained.  Beijing isn’t interested in any kind of diplomacy with the U.S. when they know they can just bully the flabby-kneed idiots in the State Department and White House to get them to do what they want us to do.

And Biden’s “top diplomatic and military representatives” are likely to be complete morons and milquetoasts, so small wonder.

Never mind missing Trump;  I miss Mike Pompeo just as much.

Machiavelli And All That

Saith Insty, who is wise and wonderful:

“So why has the establishment turned on [NYGov Andrew] Cuomo?  It’s not his misbehavior — they always knew about that and didn’t care.  My theory:  Kamala will be president before 2024, and she’s quite unlikable and didn’t garner a single Democratic delegate in the primary.  They’re trying to bump off a potential primary challenger, and with Gavin Newsom already self-neutralized, Cuomo is the biggest remaining threat.”

Machiavellian?  Not especially.

Yeah… gawd forbid the Socialists should get behind a mass murderer of the elderly as their Presidential candidate.


In 1985, I came to New York City for the first time.  I remember the almost unimaginable expectations I had:  the Big Apple, “If I can make it here”, and all that.

Of course, I arrived in the middle of a garbage strike, so the streets were filthy, mountains of trash bags were on every street, and rats the size of fox terriers roamed the streets like packs of hyenas, in broad daylight.

I remember being hustled on every block by someone, not asking but demanding that I buy their cheap tat of dubious origin, and every shop along the street was proclaiming that they had to sell sell sell all their merchandise NOW! because they were losing their lease.  (A total lie, like so much about New York.)

Then I went to the Lower East Side.

I was forcibly reminded of all this yesterday morning, when I saw this front page pic:

…and the accompanying article:

It’s been six months since the mayor promised to pump more money into the city’s street-cleaning efforts. And the trash problem has only gotten worse.
De Blasio in September announced initiatives to reallocate Sanitation Department funding to bolster litter-basket pickups in communities hit hardest during the pandemic, including Bushwick in Brooklyn. But according to the official mayoral report of “acceptably clean city streets,” street cleanliness there plummeted to 33.3 percent in January, compared with 86.1 percent the month before.
The same neighborhood scored 95.4 percent a year ago.

But this post isn’t about New York fucken City.  It’s about the whole country.

NYFC Mayor Bill de Blasio is quite clearly the most Marxist of all elected officials in the United States (residents of San Francisco, Portland and Seattle may quibble), and it is quite clear that what he is doing as mayor is just a microcosm of what his fellow Marxists are attempting to do all over the country.

They’re taking us back into the Third World.

Anyone who has ever spent any time in Third World countries will know that one of the most obvious manifestations of Third Worldliness is the amounts of trash that people there just toss out into the streets and out of car windows;  and when you travel through the countryside, fences will be plastered with plastic bags and other trash blown against the wire by wind.

Here’s Los Angeles:

…and San Francisco:


 …and Philadelphia:

I could go on, but you get my point.

Let’s look at other aspects of the Third World… such as their elections.

In the main, Third World elections are corrupt, whether through the actual process or whether by fraud, suppression of the “incorrect” vote or denying impartial monitoring of the process.

Oh look, it’s Detroit in November 2020:

Here’s another example of blocking observers from checking the counting process:

Oh wait, that’s not Detroit;  it’s Nigeria.  I was distracted by the razor wire atop the wall.

Does any of this ring any bells?

A new report on the vast expansion of mail-in ballots in the 2020 election is set to spark new concerns among some Republicans who back former President Donald Trump’s charge that some states went too far to change the rules — illegally.
Among the three “key takeaways” cited was this: “28 States changed their policy to make it easier to use a mail ballot.”
As a result, it added, “For the first time ever, more people voted early with a mail ballot or in-person than filled out a ballot at the polls on Election Day.”

Of course, the typical Third World mantra about elections is, “One Man.  One Vote.  One Time.”

So here’s the U.S. version:

It would be an understatement to describe H.R. 1 as a radical assault on American democracy, federalism, and free speech. It is actually several radical left-wing wish lists stuffed into a single 791-page sausage casing. It would override hundreds of state laws governing the orderly conduct of elections, federalize control of voting and elections to a degree without precedent in American history, end two centuries of state power to draw congressional districts, turn the Federal Elections Commission into a partisan weapon, and massively burden political speech against the government while offering government handouts to congressional campaigns and campus activists.

And that’s the opinion of the National Review, surely the most ineffectual and milquetoast collection of conservatives around.

And finally, let’s consider the corruption through nepotism that is a fact of life in the Third World — and now in the U.S. as well:

During his long senatorial career, Joe Biden cast himself as an everyman, “Amtrak Joe,” known for taking the train daily to Washington, D.C., from his home in Delaware. The image he sought to create was one of a simple legislator independent of the usual corrupting influences pols face.
In truth, Joe Biden knows those influences all too well. He heads up a family of wealthy lobbyists and political operatives who have spent decades trading on his last name.
In Profiles in Corruption, Peter Schweizer points out that the Biden family’s wealth “depends on Joe Biden’s political influence and involves no less than five family members: Joe’s son Hunter, daughter Ashley, brothers James and Frank, and sister Valerie.”

It’s taken the Left some time to effect their change of the United States, surely the first among First World nations, into a Third World state.

But here we are.

And now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to the range.

Blindingly Obvious

It’s not often that I feel the need to chide Insty, but he asks a silly question of a Michael Barone article.  Barone states:

When public policies have produced disastrous results and when alternative policies have resulted in immediate, seemingly miraculous improvement, why would anyone want to go back to the earlier policies? Is there any reason to suppose that this time will be different?

We know where such policies led before. Is there any reason this time will be different?

Whereupon Insty states, correctly:

The explanation is that Democrats don’t care about the downsides to these policies, because they feel like the upsides offset them.

But he then falls into the standard trap of the intelligent person by asking:

So what are the upsides that they see?

Silly rabbit.  The upside to any policy proposal or implementation by the Left (Marxists) is that it makes them feel virtuous.  (The only other significant upside is if said policy increases the Left’s grip on power.)  In the face of those two features, downsides pale into insignificance.

I will now quote again the late-and-very-much-missed Acidman:

“I could tolerate leftists if they had any coherent ideas for a better way to do things.  But they don’t.  They cling stubbornly to failed brain-fart dreams that have been attempted over and over again with disastrous results, but they never learn.  When better ideas come along, they simply screech and holler at them, then fling feces like the monkeys they are.”

The reason they do that is because better ideas underline their (many) failures.  And that gives them Teh Sadz.