Quote(s) Of The Day

From the Divine Sarah:

“No one makes it a crime to talk about the election being fraudulent if it was above board.”

To coin a phrase:  democracy dies in darkness.  What we have to ensure is that even in the darkness, freedom continues to flourish.

Also from Sarah:

“When the electoral (and incidentally the judicial) system becomes so corrupt that a party can be assured of winning even if they run a potted plant and a blowup sex doll who campaign exclusively from the basement and promise to raise everyone’s taxes and keep them house arrest indefinitely, why not hold show trials? Why not cancel every “enemy’s” ability to access the net? Why not arbitrarily declare all ideas in opposition to your own seditious?”

LOL “blowup sex doll”.  Even Willie Brown would laugh at that one.

Much Ado Etc.

Predictably, the Left has gone batshit-crazy after last week’s fun and games in Washington D.C. — I know, I shouldn’t call it “fun and games” when someone died, but in the grand scheme of things, I think that was accidental and not an essential part of the real story.

It’s also deeply ironic that after a year of rioting and whole city centers set ablaze, all either actively or tacitly supported by the left, that a single large protest by conservatives has become somehow worse than Kristallnacht  and the result of Trump calling for a seditious overthrow of the U.S. government, to name but two examples of the overheated Leftist rhetoric we’re now seeing.

Whenever someone supported by the Left does something stupid, the Left is all about “finding the root causes of the discontent”, or else categorizing it as justified because of some (often imaginary) injustice.  So I’m going to apply the same principle here.

Trump was voted out of office not by a popular vote, but by electoral fraud.  That’s not rhetoric or an untruth, it is a fact.  So when Trump called on his supporters to fill the streets of D.C. and “peacefully protest” (his exact words) this miscarriage of our electoral process, it should have come as no surprise that the people who gave him over seventy million (legal) votes felt as aggrieved as he was (and is), and did exactly what he called for.

That some people got carried away is inexcusable, yet quite understandable.  Let us never forget that the protest vote in D.C. was “largely peaceful” (to use the Left’s own excuse for a riot) and in fact overwhelmingly peaceful — there were hundreds of thousands of people there, and if we can agree that in any crowd, ten percent of them are going to be assholes, what’s amazing is that so few of them stormed the Capitol and sat behind Nancy Pelosi’s desk, thus “desecrating” the seat of government.

All this other talk about invoking the 25th Amendment and / or impeaching Trump to remove him from office stat  is all smoke and nonsense, given that he has but three or so weeks left in office anyway, and — this is important — under the terms of the Constitution, you cannot impeach a former President.

So fuck ’em, and the fraudulent horse they rode in on.

We didn’t start the hatred, by the way;  de-personalization and demonization of the opposition has always been part and parcel of the Left’s toolkit in their drive to power.  But now that we’re in this place, our hatred for these Marxist cocksuckers is not going to die away just because they’re asking us to stop.  If anything, the rancor and hatred is only going to increase, especially when the Left starts carrying out all the actions they’ve threatened us with.

As If

Here’s a good one:

Biden inauguration theme will be ‘America United’


Hey Biden, unite this:

…you fraudulent, conniving, dishonest little toad.  And that goes for everyone in your administration, your party, and all your supporters too.  As we say here in Texas, “Fuck all y’all.”

I just wish our range opened earlier, so I could exercise my other important finger right now too.  Oh well, later…

Quote Of The Day

Talking about voting patterns:

“It’s a time-honored tradition in big Democratically controlled cities like Chicago my home town, Philadelphia, to do precisely what they’re doing now.  I’ve never seen it at such a magnitude, because I think this is an indication of just how widespread it is, how deep it is.  And I don’t think it’s just confined to Philadelphia. My instincts, and again, coming out of Chicago Democratic politics, my instincts tell me it’s going on in Atlanta, it’s going on in Detroit, it’s going on in Milwaukee, it’s going on in Las Vegas.  It’s like what Justice Power said about pornography, “You can’t define it, but you know it when you see it.”  And coming out of the Democratic Chicago political establishment, I know how they operate.  They control polling places.  They stop votes when their candidate’s behind.  And then in the wee hours of the morning, in the dark of night, the stealing starts.  And we’ve seen that in big numbers, unprecedented numbers this election in Michigan and in Philadelphia.  It’s outrageous.  The fact that they’re doing it with impunity  is because the media is simply looking the other way, the corrupt mainstream media is not interested in protecting our Constitution or the rule of law, they just want to beat Donald Trump at all costs.” — Rod Blagoyevitch (D), former Governor of Illinois.

It would really have been nice if the Guv — knowing what he did — had put a stop to it when he was still in office… but of course, he was never going to do that, was he? because he benefited from it.

Kevin has the full story.  Just put your guns away before reading it.

So, Here We Are

Once again, as with that tool Obama’s election, we’re looking down the barrel of a full-bore Socialist government:  Presidency, Senate and House, all controlled by the Left.

We’re fucked.

You know, when Trump was elected, the Left screamed about how eeeevil he was and how he was going to send homosexualists into ghettos, how abortion was going to be made illegal, how People Of Other Nationalities / Races were going to be eliminated, etc. etc. etc. ad  fucking nauseam.

And none of it came to pass.

However, we know exactly what happens when the Left comes to power because we’ve had a dry run already with Urkel’s presidency:  nationalized health care, gun control, higher taxes, regulatory excess and a slumping economy.

And that will come to pass — just as it did from 2009 to 2016.

We’re going to get all that again, only worse because the Marxists have become increasingly more important in the Democrat Party, and if anyone can fuck up a country, it’s Marxists:  East Germany, the Soviet Union, North Vietnam, Venezuela, pre-Pinochet Chile… the list goes on and on.

The only difference this time is that while Urkel was a slam-dunk for two terms, Biden/Harris won’t be.  Unless the Marxists load the ballot boxes again.

Basically, we have to endure two full years of shit, and maybe — just maybe — the mid-term elections will shift the House back to Republican control and we can fight a holding action.  Unless the Marxists load the ballot boxes again.

And that’s assuming we can find somewhere a decent successor to the Trump philosophy — and I have to say, I’m not filled with optimism that we can.  If we do, however, then we have a slight chance of reversing the shit-show of the next four years.

Unless the Marxists load the ballot boxes again.

Of Course They Will

Here we go:

More than 300 District of Columbia National Guardsmen will be in Washington this week to help support police officers patrolling protests scheduled by supporters of President Donald Trump this week.

“We have received confirmation that the D.C. National Guard will be assisting the Metropolitan Police Department, beginning tomorrow through the life cycle of this event,” Metropolitan Police Chief Robert Contee III told reporters at a press conference on Jan. 4.

National Guard personnel will be assisting police officers from Jan. 5 to 7 with crowd management and traffic control, freeing officers “to focus on anyone who’s intent on instigating, agitating, or participating in violence in our city,” he added.

Mayor Muriel Bowser, a Democrat, revealed she’d requested National Guard help in a Dec. 31 letter to District of Columbia National Guard Commanding General William Walker.

Bowser said guardsmen wouldn’t be armed and wouldn’t be involved in domestic surveillance, searches, or seizures of Americans.

Damn right they won’t be.  That would be un-Constitutional, not that the godless Socialists ever cared much about that.

As long as Mayor Trotsky keeps the Guard hanging around the inevitable crowd of Commie agitators (that would be the BLM / Pantifa ilk), there shouldn’t be any violence.  I’m not holding my breath.

I just wish I could be there.  I do plan on watching it on TV while I sharpen my M4 bayonet, whispering, “Soon, soon, my Precioussss…”