Quote Of The Day

Couldn’t have put it better myself:

And that goes double if you come for my guns, BidenHarrisBeto.


Here we go:

Well I can explain it.  Once the count is over, the state closes the process and certifies the count, and no new ballots can be added post facto.  Stopping the count allows for fresh bundles of ballots to be “found” so that they can be added when the count is restarted.  As long as the ballots are dated prior to Election Day, everything is fine.  Hence:



Simple, when you know how.

Just so we’re all clear in the concept:  VOTER FRAUD IS A FEDERAL CRIME.  Which means that the F.B.I. will be called in to investigate.

You can all start laughing bitterly now.

As If We Didn’t Know

…that the Clinton Crime Family wasn’t always up to its ears in corruption and criminal activity.  From someone who was there:

Birkenfeld, who years ago made a series of disclosures about American clients of UBS Group AG who evaded hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes in the United States thanks to Swiss bank secrecy arrangements, told The Epoch Times’ Joshua Philipp in an interview that members of the Obama administration cut a deal with UBS that led to the bank paying a settlement of $780 million and only having to divulge the names of around 4,700 out of some 19,000 tax evaders.
He claimed that then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was “criminally complicit” for her actions in brokering an agreement between Swiss authorities and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the case against UBS, which led to a deferred prosecution agreement on charges of criminal fraud.
“Not only was Hillary Clinton criminally complicit, she… why would the Secretary of State be involved in an international criminal investigation? That’s your first question. The second question is, when there were 19,000 accounts that I handed over to the government, why did Hillary Clinton only settle for 4,700 accounts? That’s a 75 percent failure rate,” Birkenfeld said.

I have no idea what’s involved with all this, but I would put some serious money on a number of wealthy Clinton and Obama supporters (and the Clintons themselves) being among the tax evaders who escaped justice.  It is precisely this kind of thing that they specialized in, whether when Billy-boy was POTUS or when their surrogate Comrade Urkel was running the show or when, as above, Her Filthiness was SecState [some overlap].

Who They Are

From Issues & Insights:

Today’s Democrats are defined by policy choices and actions that are not consistent with liberty and independence. They are the party of:

    • A coup attempt.
    • Re-education camps.
    • Riots.
    • Intolerance.
    • Segregation (through its support for Black Lives Matter and racially divisive policies in higher learning).
    • Marxist indulgence. (see BLM again).
    • Election fraud.
    • Using government to punish political enemies.
    • Reparations.
    • A modern serfdom.
    • The cancel culture.
    • A job-destroying $15 minimum wage
    • Dependence on government.
    • Campus and workplace speech codes.
    • Crackdowns on dissenting political views.
    • Apologies for America being America.
    • Coastal elitism.
    • Crony capitalism.
    • Miserable health care.
    • More bureaucracy.
    • Second Amendment infringements.
    • Mandated masks.
    • Nags, scolds, and shrill ideologues.
    • Court packing.
    • Smothering regulations.

The Democrats’ plans also include robbing workers of their freedom; dictating Americans’ choice of automobiles; forcing on the country a crackpot green energy plan that will severely damage the economy while providing zero environmental benefits; transforming the country into a socialist “paradise”; and establishing single-party governance.

It’s not only what they plan on doing;  some of the above is what they’ve already done, and if not stopped, will carry on, and more besides.  You all know what to do;  if you haven’t already done it, get out and vote against these miserable asshole Marxist motherfuckers.

Quote Of The Day

From Insty:

“Abandoning the decentralized Blogosphere for the walled gardens of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube was a huge mistake, particularly for conservatives.”

Never did;  never will.

And now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to the Evil Loophole Gun Show at Southfork.