5 Worst Notes

…that Amy Coney Barrett could have written on her pad while being interrogated  grilled  questioned by the Senate Democrats.

I’ll start the ball rolling:

  • “Check out Becky’s new beef stew recipe on Facebook.”
  • “If Scalia could see this clownshow, he’d be laughing his ass off.”
  • “# questions that have bothered me:  ___”
  • “Pick up eggs at 7-11 on the way home.”
  • “Also cream.”

Your suggestions in Comments.

Sleeping Dragon

I’ve heard the conservative-leaning electorate described as the “slumbering giant” or similar, and this article gives several good reasons why we are quietly waiting our turn to vote rather than burning down Harvard or the New York Times  building.  (Okay, also because that would be illegal, and we have jobs and such.)

More to the point is why we are quiet at the moment.  Just out of curiosity, can anyone give me a single instance where a conservative voter has gone around yanking “Biden” or “Clinton” yard signs out of people’s gardens?  Not one?  I can’t think of any either.  Nor, by the way, have I read any reports of cars being keyed or otherwise damaged simply because they sported a “Howard Dean For President”, “Clinton/Gore” or “Biden/Harris” bumper sticker — and in both the above, had there been any such incidents, you can be damn sure that it would have got full coverage on the nightly news or in the Washington Post.

No:  all such hostility has come from the Left, pretty much as it always has.

That said, just because we aren’t crucifying the board of the Soros Foundation en masse  or hanging random Pantifa rioters from lamp posts does not mean that we aren’t seething with rage — and believe me, we have every good reason to be enraged, not just at the above but also at the way that Big Government has become the equivalent of a giant weight pressing down on all of us.  (Here’s a little boo-hoo article from City Journal which talks about the topic in detail.)

In three weeks’ time we’ll see of all the above is true enough to bring out the conservative vote in droves, and keep the Left away from the levers of power.

Just don’t believe the polls.  As the first linked article suggests, they’re asking questions in a frame which no longer exists, and in any event, the Left has a real interest in making us think that we don’t stand a chance — just as they did when that Trotskyist bitch Hillary Clinton ran for office in 2016 — so the polls are not to be believed.

Here’s what I think:  the sleeping conservative dragon is going to wake up, and I don’t think the Left are going to like the results.  If it were me, I’d be warming up the helicopters’ engines and handing out pre-noosed ropes — we already have sufficient guns and ammo — in preparation for the Glorious Day (as Mr. Free Market puts it).

But like all conservatives, I’d be satisfied with a massive Trump / Republican electoral victory next month.  And for that, the Left should be grateful.

Dept. Of Righteous Shootings – International Division

So over in Brazil, these three mopes decide on doing a little undocumented clothes shopping, and call on a local emporium, waving a gun in the owner’s face etc. etc.

Whereupon Our Hero pulls out his own gun and shoots all three dead[pause to let the massive applause and cheers die down]

Now there are a couple of noteworthy aspects to this happy little episode.

 1) El Grandes Huevos had the gun pointed at him when he pulled his own gun
2) from his waistband, and
3) kept shooting until it was all over.

To recap:  no sexy quick-draw holster, no quick reloads.  Just eight(?) bullets and two brass balls.

We should all be so manly.

Good Guy 3, Choirboys 0.


Every so often, something is said or written that deserves to be memorialized in stone.  Since the start of the new millennium, I’ve identified two — one from each decade — that I think are the best.

2001 – 2010:  “Democracy — Whisky — Sexy”  (Iraq)
There is no better encapsulation of the benefits of Western society.

2011 – 2020:  “Don’t Trust China — China Is Asshole”  (Hong Kong)
Six words that can (and should) direct U.S. foreign and domestic policy, forever.

That both were written on signs displayed by foreigners means that we need to up our game.

Just Like The Bloody Romans

Those who remember Monty Python’s Life Of Brian  will be familiar with the line “What have the Romans ever done for us?”  followed by the recitation of roads, laws, plumbing, a supply of potable water, etc.

This via Insty:

So whenever some stupid Marxist [redundancy alert]  suggests that eliminating capitalism will help the Pore & Starvin, we should use one of their own arguments against them by saying:  “So really, what you want is for 80% of the world to live in poverty, again?”

But logic has never been a particular strength of the Left, especially when it contradicts dialectic.