Quote Of The Day

“The Democrats’ hateful, moronic comments are beyond the pale, and the Democrats know it, but they don’t care because they have nothing to offer the public debate but rage, resentment and quackery. Until other Democrats stand up against this hysteria, they’re admitting to the country their party has no claim to national leadership.” — Republican Tom DeLay (TX), January 2001

Or, as the late and much-missed Acidman put it:

“I could tolerate leftists if they had any coherent ideas for a better way to do things. But they don’t. They cling stubbornly to failed brain-fart dreams that have been attempted over and over again with disastrous results, but they never learn. When better ideas come along, they simply screech and holler at them, then fling feces like the monkeys they are.”



As we have only a couple months before we give Trump another four years in office, I think it behooves us to to examine exactly what the Democratic Socialists stand for (quit that laughing, I’m trying to be serious for a change).  And as people seem to be more swayed by pictures these days, I’ll forego the boring essay I’d planned to write and rather, try to encapsulate the Evil Party’s platform more succinctly.  Here’s what we face:

Your future President:

…and Vice-President / President (because if you think Biden would stay in office for longer than the car trip back from the Capitol steps to the White House, you’re delusional):

(Photo credit: JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)


Gun laws:

Gun confiscation:

Gun usage:

Ammo purchasing:

And in short:

The Democratic Socialist government’s attitude towards the Armed Forces:

Law and Order:

Foreign Policy:

(Photo by John Stillwell/WPA Pool/Getty Images)

Only with blowjobs for China, Venezuela, Cuba, Iran and the United Nations — just like Obama.

As I wrote a long, long time ago (updated for the current set of assholes), here’s the Democratic Socialist party’s plan for us:

  • High Taxes
  • Gun Control
  • State ownership of capital / nationalization of industry
  • Constitutional deconstructionism (that pesky “living document”)
  • Nanny government and oppressive regulation
  • A weak, impotent military
  • Inept foreign policy
  • Trial lawyers and liberal, activist judges
  • Socialism
  • Subservience to the United Nations
  • Socialized medical care
  • Labor unions (especially for public school teachers and government employees)
  • Racism (hiring- and college enrollment quotas)
  • Class / race warfare
  • Voter fraud
  • Lax immigration controls and amnesty for illegal aliens
  • Wealth envy and redistributionism
  • Hostility towards business, and the free market in general
  • Over-aggressive environmentalism
  • Support for failed social programs

Oh hell, I don’t know why I bother.  Just think of California on a national scale — i.e. with nowhere for us to go except to a foreign country — with the Golden Shower State’s regulations, pro-illegal immigration, anti-gun policies, etc.

I can’t wait to get to the polls in November.

When You Lose Insty

…or, to be more precise, when you get the mild-mannered and polite Professor Glenn Reynolds to launch into a wonderful rant:

And all the “public health” people complaining about this can go fuck yourselves. You squandered all your moral authority rushing to line up in favor of the Black Lives Matter protests because you valued politics more than health. Now nobody will listen to you, because you’re a joke. If people die because you squandered your credibility, that’s your fault. You’re not disgraces to your profession, you’ve made your profession a disgrace.

Couldn’t have put it better myself.  Our public health officials are either a bunch of timorous nannies, or else a bunch of ferocious control freaks.  (And yes, I could have embraced the healing power of “and”, to use another Insty-phrase.)

Simple Solution

This is being reported as a thing:

Protests descended into violent chaos yet again in Portland over the weekend, as protesters targeted the federal courthouse and reportedly hurled Molotov cocktails toward federal officers.

There’s no “reportedly” about it:  the Pantifas are trying to set the cops on fire.  The question is:  what should we do about it?  Here’s my humble suggestion:

(That’s a Swiss police sniper, but you get the idea.  If all the cool kids — and especially the ever-neutral Swiss — are doing it…)

There’s probably no need to go Full Mosul on the thing, but whatever.

And the rules of engagement (ROE) should be quite simple:  the second the bomb leaves the thrower’s hand — establishing a prima facie  offensive action — open fire.  Ditto the little shits letting off commercial fireworks (rockets) aimed at the cops.

I’m done being all patient and indulgent.  Let’s see how the rioters’ nail-studded plywood shields stand up to a .308 bullet.

Still Laughing

I know that this is an old story, but I just can’t stop laughing about it.

The maker of Red Bull energy drinks has replaced its top U.S. executives amid internal tensions over the closely held company’s response to the Black Lives Matter movement.
Red Bull GmbH, the Austrian company that makes the drink, said Stefan Kozak, its North America chief executive, and Amy Taylor, its North America president and chief marketing officer, have left the company. It named other executives to temporarily fill the roles.
Red Bull didn’t give a reason for the changes, which were announced in an internal memo Monday.

Here’s my favorite part:

Ms. Taylor had been working on diversity and inclusion efforts within the company with Mr. Kozak’s support for several years but was met with opposition when she began advocating for Red Bull to be more overt in its support of racial justice in the last month, according to people familiar with the matter.
Some U.S. employees had recently raised concerns about what they considered the company’s inaction on the Black Lives Matter movement.

Hope all those “some employees” were canned as well.  “Diversity hiring” is one thing;  overt support for a bunch of Commie street thugs is another thing altogether.

I don’t drink Red Bull or any other “energy drink” (unless 10-year-old Glen Morangie gives you energy — not according to my experience, though).  But just for the hell of it, I might try it as a mixer with a shot of  Tanqueray tomorrow morning, as a wake-up call.

I mean, such good deeds should not go unrewarded, right?  Hell, I might even start supporting Red Bull Racing and Max Verstappen:

Prosit  to Herr Kozak, and a hearty fuck you to the wokesters.


Apparently some group of hard-done-by African-Americans (hard to tell which group, you need a scorecard nowadays) presented the list below to businesses in Louisville:

The proper response should be:

I think the Coalition Of White Players’ Armed Teams (COWPAT) should present the same demands for racial proportionality to the NBA and NFL.

Oh, and an FYI to the Angry Black Assholes in Louisville:  it’s not the local businesses who are destroying your community;  you and your little BLM-Pantifas are doing a great job of that all by yourselves.  And by the way:  fuck you and your “reparations” a.k.a “shakedowns”.

You’re not the only ones with guns.