
That word describes so much about FJBiden, but this one is especially so:

President Joe Biden spoke to the NAACP and called for Congress to “outlaw” AR-15s and similar rifles in the wake of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. Biden began by saying, “If you’re going to speak about violence, you’re going to speak about guns.”

He said, “An AR-15 was used in shooting Donald Trump, this was the ‘assault weapon’ that killed so many others, including children. It’s time to outlaw them. I did it once and I will do it again.”

…followed by all the old lies about infant mortality, which we’ve heard before ad nauseam.

You know, when it comes to a lone asshole with a gun and an agenda, an unscoped AR-15 poodleshooter in the hands of a callow 20-year-old loser might actually be less dangerous than, say a scoped Savage 110, chambered in .308 Win in the hands of an experienced hunter (of any age).

No doubt the Communists would be all about banning “sniper rifles”, then.

Feckless bastards, and that goes especially for FJBiden who, if his brain was operating at any level higher than warm rice pudding (a big “if”) might be taken seriously on this issue.

As it is, just file his feeble rantings about assault rifles with all the other sludge emanating from his wide-open cakehole, and ignore.

How Conveeenient

Well now this is an interesting development:

President Joe Biden tested positive for COVID-19 on Wednesday, the White House said as he was on the campaign trail out West.

Guess all those WuFlu inoculations he’s been taking didn’t work out too well, huh?

However, this news should be taken along with this little admission:

Biden actually said out loud what could make him drop out of the presidential race.

In a BET interview that was taped on Tuesday but wasn’t released until today, Biden said, “If I had some medical condition that emerged, if somebody, if doctors came to me and said, you got this problem and that problem…” (he kinda trailed off), that would be enough to get him to quit.

…in other words, putting his reelection campaign in the hands of the doctors… and then very conveniently catching an illness that would render him unable to stay in the race.

FJBiden isn’t smart enough to have gamed this scenario, but I can think of at least a dozen senior Democrats who could have.  (Not Hillary;  she’s not smart enough, and anyway, had she been in charge FJB would have slipped on a bar of soap or accidentally hanged himself in his White House bedroom long before now.)

Which doesn’t answer the question as to how, exactly, the Communists would replace him?  He could end his campaign and still remain President while his replacement tried to stave off the inevitable shambles in November.

Worst of all, an “illness” (me, skeptical? not at all) would turn FJB into some kind of victim and a sympathetic figure — whereas in fact this venal old bastard deserves anything but sympathy.

No Chance, Assholes

Oh wow… all of a sudden the Left has realized that demonizing the opposition and calling for their assassination, not to mention trying to get them off the ballot and tossing them into jail on bullshit charges, has all backfired, and now want “unity”?

Not gonna happen assholes (and this guy agrees with me) .

Making the political the personal sometimes gets, well, personal.  And as far as I’m concerned, the only reason that we conservatives haven’t flipped the switch and started getting seriously personal is that up until now we’ve shrunk from using their own tactics against them.

And we’re probably not going to do so, either.

Unless they really go beyond the pale.

And that point is… for us to know, and for them to discover.

Of Course They Would

Uh huh.

Now let’s ask the three really BIG questions:

How did this scrote climb up to so close a shooting position without someone from the Secret Service seeing him?

Why weren’t ALL the potential shooting positions already occupied by law enforcement?

One thing’s for sure:  it was a huge security cockup (as this guy explains here), and it’s only by great good fortune that this wasn’t an enormous tragedy.

And finally, the political question:

Why did Democrat politicians try to strip Trump of his ENTIRE Secret Service protection detail a month or so ago??


This little snippet has been making the rounds, wherein the Communist Media has been worrying not about an assassination attempt on a Presidential candidate, but about all the “Rightwing retaliatory violence” that could (note: could ) ensue.

Now far be it for me to fan the flames here, but even if we did want to visit a little righteous vengeance on our local Communist cadres, we are at a distinct disadvantage.

You see, the Commies really have only one target to concentrate on — Trump — whereas we BitterclingerRightwingTrumpistaDeplorables have what could charitably be called an embarrassment of riches.  I mean, where would we begin?

Forget Biden;  he’s on Nature’s Death Row already, and his VP is about as consequential (and as useful) as a fly buzzing around a dog turd.

Soros pére et fils ?  Tempting… but not immediately political.

Among the Democrat Politburo, there’s a huge choice, but they’re pretty much the Usual Suspects:  Schumer, Pelosi, Durbin, Blumenthal, Cantwell, Gillibrand, Markey… and that’s just the Senate.

As for the House, there’s a serious argument to be made in favor of the so-called “Squad” (especially the radical Afro-Muzzies), but honestly?  AOC is more fun as comedy relief, whereas her successor might not be,

Of geographic interest are the various Blue State governors:  Newsom (CA), Whitmer (MI), Pritzker (IL), Hochul (NY), Inslee (WA), Kotek (OR), Healey (MA) and so on.  I’m sure there would be a lot of local support for their removal, but even taken collectively, none could be considered as as much a figurehead as is DJT.

And forget the Supreme Court twerps like the Wise Latina;  not that important, in the grand scheme of things, especially as our next president will appoint decent alternatives once they too fall prey to the Grim Reaper.

So with all those choices, it’s more of a Hydra-headed situation.  Which means it isn’t gonna happen — because we don’t do that kind of thing;  we still express our displeasure (so far) through the ballot box.

Although I bet the Communist media would love us to change that.  (Ain’t gonna happen.)

For the Alphabet Agencies who might be showing an interest here:  fuck you, I’m trying to make a joke of what is actually a deadly serious business.  My suggestion for them:  concentrate on the real dangers:  you know, Antifa, BLM and Known Assholes etc. who have already shown themselves to be prone to violence.

Because FYI:  the next shooter isn’t going to be a Catholic homeschooling mom.