Quote Of The Day

Via Insty:

Kelo  comes to mind, and a couple others also dealing with property seizures.  The big one, which if re-litigated now would result in its overturning, would be ObamaCare because the “tax” enforcement has now been annulled.  Not even Roberts could save it.

Educating Immigrants

From Gates Of Vienna comes a “tl;mr” (too long / must read”) post by a teacher at the sharp end — probably literally so — of the effort to get newly-arrived immigrant children to integrate into the host society.  As you can well imagine, it’s going to fail dismally:

I know I will be called a “damned whore”, “damned pussy”, and I know I will hear, “You don’t decide for me.” There will be mess and noise in the classroom, the hallways, the schoolyard and the dining room. Changing rooms where classes change for physical education classes will, as usual, be places where girls don’t dare change since boys will show up and sneakily photograph the girls.
Showering is not on the world map for girls and even for some boys in school. It is enough that one or two pupils refuse to follow the instruction and scream “shut up” at me every time I am going to say something; thus is the lesson destroyed for 28 other pupils who want to learn something.When I call parents in for a conversation, I hear that I don’t have the right to tell their children off, that I should be careful so that I won’t be reported to the principal or school inspectors. They know where my family and I live, what car I drive, and I know that the risk is great that my car will get scratched or destroyed in some other way. I know that certain pupils threaten other pupils, but I don’t dare get in the middle because I risk being beaten.

Read it, and don’t weep;  get angry.  Because this (and the mindset which enables it) either has come, or will soon be coming to a school near you.

Hidden Agenda

Talking about legislatures passing laws which seem to be quite insane, not to mention un-Constitutional and unenforceable, Joe Bob Briggs nails the mindset perfectly:

“We don’t like things as they are, and so we’ll make it really, really expensive for certain people to enforce their rights. We’ll make them fight every day for what should be rightly theirs for free. We’ll take away their birthright. We’ll screw with their businesses and screw with their wombs and screw with their assumptions about what the courts have guaranteed them, and some of them will give up, and some of them will make mistakes, and we’ll just make sure they have many bad days, and eventually they’ll get tired of fighting with us and we’ll get a team of brutal lawyers to take them down and put them in their place.”

And then having said that, Joe Bob concludes with the killer line:

Well, okay, I guess it worked with the Indians.

To us normal people, this is known as the “beating a dog till it snaps at you, then killing it because it’s dangerous”-style of government.

The only problem with this approach is that we’re not Indians.  And we have some serious fucking teeth.

Nah, Bring It On

Found via Insty (thankee, Stephen) these words of wisdom come from Bill Maher:

“Lately we’ve been hearing more and more about a second civil war which sounds impossible in this modern, affluent country. It is not. We talk about Trump as an existential threat, but his side sees Democratic control of government the exact same way. When both sides believe the other guy taking over means the end of the world, yes, you can have a civil war.”

“We are going to have to learn to live with each other or else there will be blood.”

Well, we conservatives have taken over (sorta), and the world hasn’t ended.  Much to my disgust, cops haven’t started shooting down Pantifa rioters in the streets, the editorial board members of the New York Times  haven’t been sent to the guillotine and we haven’t planted millions of landmines along our southern border — to name but three areas of disappointment.

Something else Maher said:

“And never forget, the single shining truth about democracy: it means sharing a country with assholes you can’t stand.”

Which would be absolutely true, except that we have Democrats trying their level best to subvert democracy with massive voter fraud and a sham impeachment of an elected President — and we’re not even going to mention the disgusting attempts to make America a land of popular majority government instead of the representative republic that it always has been, as laid down in the Constitution.

And speaking of subverting the Constitution, we also have Democrats attempting to end our First Amendment right of free speech with nonsense like hate speech codes, and we all know that Democrats everywhere want to overturn the Second Amendment by disarming Americans — to name yet another  two areas of conflict where the Left and conservatives are irreparably separated.

Simple truth for the Left?  I don’t want to live with Leftists, Communists, Progressives or whatever you call yourselves today.  The essence of the matter is that the two sides have radically different perspectives as to how this country should look, and the two are mutually contradictory.  Your side leads to Venezuela and Cuba, even though you say it leads to Sweden.  Our side just wants us all to live as the Constitution promises.

So why should  we live together?  For fear of revolution?

Don’t make me laugh.  We already had one Revolution in 1776, and the Constitution won.  The Russians also had one in 1917, and the Bolsheviks won — but only readers of the New York Times  could possibly think that Russia ended up better than we did.

Don’t even think you can emulate Lenin in the U.S. because you can’t, and you won’t.

We don’t have to learn to live with you;  you  have to learn to live with us.  Or else you can go and live in Sweden, Russia or Cuba because this is our  country, you Commie bastards.  This is the country of the U.S. Constitution, not Das Kapital.

Mother Of The Year

Imagine locking your kids in a room and leaving them unattended just so you can go to a hotel and screw a random stranger.  Think it’s unlikely?  Think again:

A mother who locked her three young children in a bedroom with some toilet paper and a bucket as she met her new boyfriend for sex at the Holiday Inn has been jailed for 18 months.
The 32-year-old locked them away on her eldest son’s seventh birthday as she left for the Holiday Inn Express in Burnley, Lancashire.

I have no problem with the jailing, of course, except insofar as the sentence did not include the words “daily floggings” and “mandatory sterilization”.

Go ahead.  Change my mind.