Not Found Here

In another bulletin from the so-called “Internet of Things” comes this shocker:

Amazon and Google unwittingly approved smart-speaker apps designed to eavesdrop on users and steal their passwords

“Unwittingly.”  Uh huh.

I’m rapidly getting to the stage where the prefix “smart-” is becoming equivalent to “socialist” or “Democrat”.

And the day I say something to an appliance (e.g. a Bad Word) and it talks back to me is the day it gets fed some .357 Magnum FMJ bullets till it shuts up.

(I’m not saying that’s also true of socialists or Democrats;  but the way they’re going, anything’s possible.)

Their Loss

Looks like the LGBTOSTFU crowd has managed to get Chick-fil-A to close its first and only restaurant in Britishland.

As I pointed out to Mr. Free Market, The Englishman and Mrs. Sor in my email to them (entitled Homos 1, Good Guys 0), all this means is that the Brits (and especially the Sorensons, who live in Reading) will be denied probably the world’s best fried chicken.  Because, according to the freaks & loonies, the chain does eeevil and nasty stuff:

Reading Pride charged that the fast food chain’s charitable foundation “still supports questionable charities.” In particular, the LGBT activist group faulted the WinShape Foundation for donating $1.6 million to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and $150,000 to the Salvation Army in 2017.
Reading Pride quoted the Fellowship of Christian Athletes’ statement of faith: “We believe God’s design for sexual intimacy is to be expressed only within the context of marriage. God instituted marriage between one man and one woman as the foundation of the family and the basic structure of human society. For this reason, we believe that marriage is exclusively the union of one man and one woman.”

As everyone knows, I am no Christian.  Nevertheless, I think I’ll go and get some nuggets — probably a double order, to make up for their losses in the UK — at the Chick-fil-A up the road, just in sympathy.

And then I’ll be off to the range.  Do thou the same, O My Readers.

Thought For The Week

From the much-reviled Puritans (very relevant at this time of the year):

Puritans believed it was also “to knit the heart of a husband to wife,” a charming thought. One of the supposedly oppressive rules of the Puritans was that men should not get away with taking advantage of women. They were strict. They did not believe that a man and woman who were not husband and wife should be alone together, because they thought the temptation was likely to be too much for one or both of them. We threw that rule out, and guess what? It turns out it has a good deal of truth to it. Just because adultery does not occur in 100% of such situations, or even 30% does not mean it doesn’t happen more than is good for both individuals and society as a whole… [Puritans] did not foreswear the flesh, they merely believed it should be held under short rein.

So many of the “old social rules” which have been weakened and eventually discarded have, over time, been seen to be not only sensible, but whose absence has been very harmful to society.

But with the modern world’s insistence that we never ever ever go back to the old ways because that would be [pick any or all as appropriate]  reactionary, racist, hateful, intolerant, intolerant, silly, White hegemony, patriarchal and in general doubleplusungood, I’m gloomy about the chances of our ever reinstating any of those old customs, rules and mores.

Even if going back would be beneficial to, oh, just about everybody.

I think I’ll go to the range this afternoon.  That usually dispels my gloom.

Call To Action

Read this post.  Read every damn word of it.  And take heed of this:

“Right now, through November 2020, every day is Saint Crispin’s Day.”

And by the way, I see my local Congressweasel Van Taylor is among the list of bastards who sided with the Socialists against the President.

He will be hearing from me, in no uncertain terms.

“Cold Anger”?  Try red-hot fury.

I for one cannot wait until November 2020, when we’ll see if everything that’s been said about Forgotten America is true.


Oh, this is nice.

“Fair warning. Several community organizations are planning to shut down your showing of the Jordan Peterson propaganda film. While many of us aren’t Christian and some even flat-out condemn the religion, we do not want any harm to come to your place of worship or those within. However, we cannot allow fascism to continue to rise and will not tolerate its presence in our city, whether it is on the streets or on the waterfront or in a church. Read some history books, read about eugenics, read about sex and gender and then compare it to Peterson. Pray on it if you must. Do the right thing. As much as we joke about it, we really don’t want to have to bring out the guillotine to fix society.”

Way I see it, it’s a little difficult to guillotine people when they’re all holding loaded AK-47 rifles.  But hey, whatever floats their delusional boat.

Still, if these pricks can label Jordan Peterson — who must be one of the gentlest souls on the planet —  as a Nazi, you really have to ask yourself who, in fact, should be lining up for decapitation.