Wrong Headline

Here’s a classic case of media slant:

Had They Bet On Nuclear, Not Renewables, Germany & California Would Already Have 100% Clean Power

This is what we non-journalists call “complete bullshit”.  In the first place, neither Germany or California “bet” on anything.  Germany closed all their nukes in a panicked reaction to the Fukishima disaster in Japan, and California deliberately closed their existing nukes and prevented new ones from being built because Californians are a bunch of fucking Green morons (as, by the way, are the Krauts).  There was no “gamble”, because everybody already knew that Green “technology” would be totally incapable of completely filling anybody’s power needs except maybe for the average sub-Saharan African country north of the Limpopo River.  For Germany and California?  Not even close.  And when even Al Gore is calling California foolish…

That said, I’m not taking a potshot at the author of the above piece, because authors seldom write their own headlines — this would probably be the doing of some Forbes   editor, who’s either stupid or purposely slanted.  In fact, given that Michael Schellenberger is TIME Magazine’s “Hero of the Environment,” a Green Book Award Winner, and President of Environmental Progress, the article is remarkably clear-headed and factual — which was clearly A Bridge Too Far for Forbes magazine, which used to be a go-to business publication but has recently become completely irrelevant — and the above should tell you why.


Not Quite

This from our little Somali-American friend (Soc – MN):

Ilhan Omar calls herself Trump’s ‘biggest nemesis’ and his ‘nightmare’

Please keep up your unhinged rants against America and Israel, my little Hamas/Hezbollah/Communist sympathizer, because you are actually going to help Trump win reelection in 2020 and, most likely, you’ll also help your adopted political party lose their House majority.

Some nemesis.  Some nightmare.  (Maybe for Nancy Pelosi;  not so much for Trump.)

What I’d like  to do is find the USCIS bureaucrat who granted you asylum in this country, and kick him — hard — in the nuts.  (Not in the ass;  he’s probably black and blue back there from kicking himself  by now.)

Fucking parasite.


Let’s hear it for the companies who are spying on us:

The only Alexa I’d ever let into my house is a wonderful lady friend thus named.  The electronic snooper and spy?  Well, I guess somebody could put one into my house at some point, but the recordings would be kinda boring, because I’d be dead.

Bloody hell, it’s bad enough that the bastard government alphabet agencies might want to climb up my ass on a 24/7 basis, simply because I once wrote that I wanted to beat Ted “Swimmer” Kennedy to death with a lead pipe;  and that ever since the fat prick died, I’ve wanted to pour a bottle of Glenmorangie 10-year-old over his grave (after first passing the stuff through my kidneys).

Now the post-adolescent techno-weenies want their turn at my asshole, just because I buy books and deodorant from their poxy company?  Fuck ’em.

Tell Us More

From Socialist President-Wannabe #257 comes this cheery little opinion:

Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg wants more gun control, and says policies like universal background checks and making it tougher to obtain assault-style rifles don’t infringe on Second Amendment rights.
“The biggest thing I can tell you about some of these weapons that I trained on and saw and carried is that there are some weapons that have absolutely no place in our neighborhoods in America in peacetime,” Buttigieg, a U.S. Navy Reserve veteran who served in Afghanistan, told a full house at Somerville Theatre on Tuesday.
The South Bend, Ind., mayor said, “We need to make it harder to obtain assault rifles. We need to have red flag laws that disarm domestic abusers. We need to establish universal background checks.”
But his ideas were, “not anti-Second Amendment, because every right and every freedom in the Constitution comes with responsibilities” he said, adding the right to bear arms “does not entitle you to … other weapons of war.”

So… “there are some weapons that have absolutely no place in our neighborhoods”, are there?  Which ones, specifically, do you have in mind, my little Socialist politico?

Because if you’re talking hand-grenades, RPGs or Claymore mines, then I might concede the point.  Everything else?  Go fuck yourself.

As for “the right to bear arms does not entitle you to … other weapons of war”:  well, I hate to break it to you, my little Indiana Mussolini, but way back when the Second Amendment was being debated, this little thought appeared:

“Congress have no power to disarm the militia.  Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birth-right of an American … the unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state governments, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people.” — Tench Coxe, Philadelphia Federal Gazette, February 20, 1789

And speaking of the federal government bringing the power of the sword nukes to the party (this applies especially to your butt-buddy-in-crime, Eric Swallwell), Coxe added this afterthought a few months later, in the same publication:

“As civil rulers, not having their duty to the people before them, may attempt to tyrannize, and as the military forces which must be occasionally raised to defend our country, might pervert their power to the injury of their fellow citizens, the people are confirmed by the article in their right to keep and bear their private arms.”  —  June 18, 1789

“Private arms” means not only hunting rifles and sporting shotguns, but mean and nasty assault rifles like AR-15s and AK-47s, i.e. those other  terrible implements of the soldier.  To protect us from you, and Swallwell, and all the others of your ilk when you start stepping on our Constitutional rights.

We’re not Venezuelans, and we’re not going to let you turn us into them.

Now fuck off back to South Bend, and disappear into your well-deserved obscurity.

More About MAGAnomics

in response to Sen Chuck Grassley (AG, Iowa) and his op-ed piece in the MSM:

@ChuckGrassley is doing the bidding of Tom Donohue, the corrupt U.S. Chamber of Commerce, K-Street, his BigAG benefactors, and selling out the U.S. middle-class while simultaneously cloaking himself in the flag. Despicable.

And he spells it all out in a long, but a very valuable rebuttal of what is so dishonest a piece of writing, it could have been written by a Democratic Socialist.

Wah Wah Wah

And in our last look at the economy for today, we have this news:

Private payrolls grew by 275,000 last month, the biggest increase since July, when they expanded by 284,000.
Services-providing jobs increased by 223,000 in April, led by a gain of 59,000 jobs in professional and business services.

The Democratic Socialist Party’s response to this fantastic news has been predictable:



Because socialists have a problem recruiting happy people with jobs to The Cause;  they can only practice their politics of envy with a willing base of unemployed, surly proles to support them.  And well-to-do liberals who are protected from the results of socialism by their wealth.

In the meantime, America’s getting on with it:

“The job market is holding firm, as businesses work hard to fill open positions,” says Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics.