Life (with link):
What say you folks? Fair trial, and then a hanging?
Well, that ain’t gonna happen, sorry. Why not?
Keyword: Portland.
The old saying goes, “Those who choose security over freedom deserve neither.”
And yet… you have a situation like this one:
The man who transformed El Salvador from one of the most dangerous countries in the world to one of the safest, President Nayib Bukele, is despised by liberals.
When he won reelection in a landslide, liberal media outlets ran headlines stating that democracy had ended in El Salvador and that the country had become a one-party state. However, El Salvador is not Cuba.
Bukele did not eradicate opposition parties, nor did he imprison them or seize control of the press. Instead, he delivered on his promises. He made the country safe by locking up criminals.
And how did he do this?
In 2022, after a gang war resulted in the deaths of 87 people over a period of just three days, Bukele took action against crime. He constructed the country’s largest prison, the Terrorism Confinement Center (Centro de Confinamiento del Terrorismo or CECOT), with a capacity for 40,000 gang members. And he began filling it.
Human rights groups, who live in safe, wealthy Western nations, have criticized Bukele for violations of the rights of suspects.
But the logic is flawless. Only gang members have gang tattoos. If anyone else gets a gang tattoo, they will be killed by the gang. The same is true for tattoo artists.
They would be killed for giving gang tattoos to non-gang members. Additionally, part of the initiation to joining a gang is to commit a serious crime, often murder. Once they become a member, their full-time job is to commit crimes. So, logically, anyone with a gang tattoo is a gang member and has committed crimes.
If this makes one think, “That sounds like the foul MS-13 gang”, then one would be correct.
I have often thought about doing this right here in the U.S. of A., as whole areas of the country have become terrorized by gangs like MS-13. And as the gang members proudly wear their clan tattoo, why not just arrest them as self-confessed criminals?
Because that’s wrong — basically, it’s un-Constitutional, and on more than one level. And here’s how it was done in El Salvador:
Bukele decided to let logic prevail, arrest the gang members, and put them in prison. He was more concerned about the rights of street vendors, business owners, school children, working people, and ordinary citizens than he was about the rights of violent criminals.
The state of emergency he declared in 2022, and has renewed several times since, suspends the constitutional rights of the gang members and bypasses the corrupt courts and justice system, which had allowed the criminals to reign for decades. Since then, 75,000 gang members have been arrested, and 7,000 have been released.
Believe me, there’s a lot to be said in support about measures like those of Nayib Bukele. After all:
Bukele claimed that his country went 365 days without a murder. And while the exact number has been called into question, it is an indisputable fact that the country now has the lowest murder rate it has seen in 30 years, plummeting by 70%, and now stands at only 2.4 per 100,000 in 2023, making it the second lowest in the Americas, just behind Canada.
Okay, maybe that worked in El Salvador, which started off being a shithole country, and just dug itself a deeper one over decades of corruption and your standard Third-World degeneracy. Desperate measures were called for.
But the U.S. has never been a shithole country, in no small part because of the protections that our Constitution affords everybody — and not just non-gang members, either.
I am profoundly disturbed by the tone of articles such as the one I’ve linked to and quoted from in this post. Of course I can see the benefits of actions like that of Bukele.
But I can also see how that kind of thing can be turned around and used against, oh, people like MAGA supporters or, for that matter, gun owners.
And to quote a wise man (not a politician, but a playwright), who saw where this could lead:
“William Roper: “So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law!”
Sir Thomas More: “Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?”
William Roper: “Yes, I’d cut down every law in England to do that!”
Sir Thomas More: “Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned ’round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man’s laws, not God’s! And if you cut them down, and you’re just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I’d give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety’s sake!”
— Robert Bolt, A Man For All Seasons
Here’s a story which got my teeth on edge:
A Dublin singer has allegedly been sexually assaulted for the second time while on tour with her band.
Karla Chubb, the lead singer of Dublin-based grunge band Sprints, was allegedly groped and harassed while performing at one of the band’s recent gigs.
Sprints posted a statement revealing that Karla had been assaulted for the second time on Saturday.
The statement said: “Yesterday, Karla was sexually assaulted for the second time while on the Letter To Self tour. The fact that this has occurred twice is abhorrent, the fact it still happens at all is disgusting. We will not stand for it and we will not stay silent about it. Female performers should be able to engage with their audience, step off the stage or perform without fear of groping, unwanted touching, cat-calling and harassment. The fact that this is still an every day occurrence for most women is beyond reprehensible. To those who noticed and called out the behaviour yesterday, thank you. To those of you responsible for the behaviour, shame on you. Do better.”
Actually, the last bit is what got me reaching for another gin.
You see, this is a common thing, and I don’t know why some assholes think that just because the girl looks sexy or whatever, that they can cop a quick feel or worse.
I have spoken before of Gilly, our band’s vocalist, and her skirts:
Needless to say, she got a lot of attention, but we looked after her and made sure that there was always one of us with her at all times before, during and after a gig.
Here’s a little story about that.
We once played a 6-month gig as the house band at a seedy nightclub in Johannesburg, and such was our popularity that the room always exceeded the Fire Department’s maximum occupancy limit.
One example of this popularity was that we became favorites of a motorcycle band (can’t remember the name, but it was something like The Devils). Even though they were a rough-‘n-tough crowd, they always behaved themselves in the club during their weekly visit, dancing with their ladies and drinking up a storm (which is why the management allowed them in — their bar bill was the equivalent of the GDP of a small country). We sometimes invited someone in the gang to perform a song with us, and Long John — a tall, skinny guy with long, greasy black hair and the worst teeth in the Western Hemisphere — would enthrall the audience with his version of Pink Floyd’s Another Brick In The Wall (“We don’t need no sex education!” delivered in a hoarse bellow) which always brought the house down. It became a weekly fixture.
Anyway, one night I became aware of a guy wearing a red shirt who was intent on reaching up to the stage and getting his hand up Gilly’s skirt while she was singing. I growled at him once and he went away, but came back after a while and tried again. Gilly managed to avoid his groping, and unfortunately for him, he chose the last song of the set to play his little game.
During our break, I went over to the Devils’ tables and sat down next to the gang leader, a guy named Pete.
“Pete,” I said, “do you see that guy over there in the red shirt?”
“Man, that bastard’s been trying to finger Gilly, right there on the stage while we’re playing. I can’t deal with it because we’re employees here and I don’t want us to get fired. Can you do something to help her out?”
Pete scowled, beckoned to two of his guys and whispered something to them. They stood up, pulled on their gang colors, walked over to Mr. Redshirt Groper and dragged him out of the club.
I have no idea what they said (or did) to him, but I never saw him again. when I asked Pete what had happened — I mean, these were serious biker tough guys, and they might have killed him — he just grinned and muttered something about “teaching him a lesson”.
And that is the kind of thing that needs to happen to these assholes, not some mealy-mouthed statement like begging the assholes to “Do better” — don’t beg them to behave themselves, just fuck them up.
It’s all they deserve.
Here’s another thing which gets up my nose:
Columbia’s Rabbinical Leaders Urge Jewish Students to Stay Home Amid ‘Extreme Antisemitism and Anarchy’
Why? Why should Jews cower in their houses when these anti-Semitic assholes are screeching their “from the river to the sea” bullshit? They have as much right — perhaps even more so — to be on campus as these other tools, and if confronted then yes, they should have the right to defend themselves against attack.
If you get my drift.
The problem is, and always has been, that Jews respond like victims to anti-Semitic bullying instead of standing up to it. (The exception to this, of course, is the state of Israel, which is why the Arabs and their noch-schleppers get into such a frothy about Israel — “They dare to stand up to us and retaliate!” — when in fact that is precisely what is needed when encountering a bully.)
No, Jews are civilized — at least, far more civilized than those who hate them, e.g. Arabs and other Muslims — and so their response to threats has always been with calls to the “authorities” for protection instead of applying a local version of IDF remedies.
Well, the “authorities” ain’t gonna do shit to help you, guys, and in fact they’re more likely to be terrorsymps than protectors.
I have a dream, and it’s absolutely nothing like Martin Luther King’s.
I have a dream that I could get a whole bunch of my tough Tribe Readers to go with me to the Columbia campus, and do nothing but stand there and wear our yarmulkas during one of these little “demonstrations” by the Screaming Asshole Set. No signs, no yelling, nothing but our presence.
I’ll leave what follows to your imagination.
I’m always ranting about how the auto industry has overloaded basic transportation with evermore-complex technology (3 seat-position memory options? FFS), but of course, they’re not the only ones.
Here’s another example, seen via a link on Insty’s page:
What a load of bullshit. My old Keurig essentially has two options: size of cup, regular/strong brew, and that’s it. (“High Altitude Setting”? FFS #2)
Oh wait… I forgot mine’s warning light for “There’s No More Water In The Reservoir, You Idiot, Can’t You See Through The Clear Plastic?”
Let’s not forget the lie of “Brushed Silver” when it’s just shiny plastic.
And forgive me, but the whole point of a Keurig is that you can make a cuppa quickly without waiting for the water to boil, so the “Auto On/Off” switch is the work of Satan. (Yeah, “saves electricity” blah blah blah… fuck the whales.)
Needless to say, in the spirit of manufacturers everywhere, my model Keurig is no longer available; so when it finally quits working, I’ll be forced to buy one of these multi-featured over-complex monstrosities at, of course, a price which is 40% more than I paid for mine.
Don’t even talk to me about the cost of replacing my ageing VW, or my soaring blood pressure will ensure that the Tiguan outlives its owner.
…or, an unvarnished look at the WWII German Messerschmitt 262.
Along the way, this screamingly-funny chap slaughters all sorts of sacred cows, e.g. that the Me262 could have won the war for the Nazis, that Albert Speer was a genius, that German technology was superior to that of the Allies, and that Herman Goering was an incompetent asshole.
Okay, that last one happens to be true, as historian Lord HardThrasher sets about him with a cricket bat, calling most of history’s revered sources a pack of liars and completely debunking the myth of Germany’s technocrats, e.g. Willi Messerschmitt (yeah, the guy who designed the Me109).
Along the way, he proves that Allied bombing actually worked better than today’s naysayers would have you believe, and that bad things happen when you allow the reigns of power to be wielded by simpletons and incompetents.
But you all knew that.
There is plenty of bad language, but as Readers of this here website, you should be used to that by now.