No Slam Dunk

As Mollie Hemingway says:

“The worst part of the Trump presidency was the hate-drenched media spewing chaos and conspiracy theories. The best part was everything else.”

Sent to me by Reader Old Texan:

At any other time, in any other place, with any other Republican candidate, charts like this would mean a 48-2 state result in the Presidential election.

This year…?

See Ya

I don’t really have a big dog in this fight, but I do like this news:

A pro-abortion extremist has been sentenced to 7.5 years in prison for firebombing the Wisconsin Family Action pro-life clinic on Mother’s Day in 2022.

Biochemist Hridindu Sankar Roychowdhury, 29, was caught by police using DNA from a half-eaten burrito that they left at the scene of the crime. Roychowdhury had thrown two Molotov cocktails through a window he broke, set a bookcase on fire, and spraypainted “If abortions aren’t safe then you aren’t either” on the front of the building.

The arsonist was facing up to 20 years in prison but has accepted a plea agreement to reduce his sentence.

I wish the sentence was longer, but that’s the legal system for ya.

Just remember my words, though, when some asshole gets arrested for firebombing an abortion clinic.  Because I’m going to feel exactly the same way, and most likely use the same words.

Bombing is bombing, regardless of who throws the bomb at whom.

Lone Asshole

If we’ve learned nothing else from history, it’s that it will be almost impossible to stop one lone asshole (e.g. ex-Marines Lee Harvey Oswald and Charles Whitman) from doing bad things to people in a public place.

As happened in gun-free Sydney AUS over the weekend:

Authorities received calls around 3:30 p.m. local time that a knife-wielding man was attacking people at Westfield Bondi Junction, NSW Police Assistant Commissioner Anthony Cooke said during a press conference.

Footage obtained by 9News Sydney showed the suspect, wearing a gold and green rugby jersey and shorts, brandishing a long knife and approaching several horrified shoppers.

Point of interest:  the “gold and green jersey” is in fact the team jersey of the Oz national rugby team Wallabies — no doubt, the OzGov should ban sale of said jerseys to prevent future events like this from happening.

Or, as Reader Mike L. suggests, the OzGov should institute commonsense knife control laws, like:

  • No one needs a knife longer than 18 inches
  • No one needs a knife with more than 10 serrations
  • No one should be able to buy a knife more easily than borrowing a library book
  • etc.

Much praise is being heaped on the “hero” Oz coppette who ventilated said stabby asshole and reduced his body temperature to the “room” setting.  Doing her job, in other words, and not going all Uvalde, running away and hiding.  And yes, good for her.

Of course, had a situation like this occurred in, say, Arizona, Florida or Texas, there is an equally-good chance that a Concerned Citizen would have applied the same solution as the hero Oz coppette did, perhaps even before he had a chance to stab anyone.  (We call that “pre-emptive goblin disposal” — okay, “fear for one’s life”, see next post — but cops usually have to wait until the stabbing actually begins before applying the appropriate trigger pressure.)

As I write this, we don’t know why our Wallaby supporter went all Apache in the mall, but frankly it doesn’t matter because in matters of this nature, he may have had what he thought was a good reason (Oswald), or else because his head was all fucked up (Whitman).

Sic semper dementis.

Private Property

Here we go:

A proposed rule from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) will soon take effect, forcing many private gun sellers to use the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) to sell their guns.

The targets of this rule are not licensed federal gun dealers, as they are already required to use the NICS on every gun sale and/or transfer.

Federal Firearms License (FFL) holders are required to conduct background checks on all gun sales and transfers because of the Brady Act (1993). That act created the NICS, and, since then, all retail sales of both new and used guns have been conducted via the NICS. Democrats have pushed to include private sales in the NICS requirement. However, Congress — even when controlled by Democrats — has refused.

But the recently proposed rule does what Congress has refrained from doing by allowing the ATF to set its sights on private, non-licensed Americans who may sell guns at some time throughout any given year…

…and when people refuse to comply with this fucking monstrosity, the rule will create criminals where heretofore none existed (as so many of these “regulations” do).

Oh, and don’t think you can get around this assholishness by swapping or bartering for guns, either.

I know, I know:

But a reminder:

This should be interesting.  My advice (and remember, I am no lawyer, nor any kind of criminal — yet):  if you are going to ignore this un-Constitutional infringement on your rights, make sure to do so only with trusted friends and family members — no strangers, ever, because you never know when the ATF is blackmailing or otherwise pressuring someone into breaking the law on their behalf.

Like they did with Randy Weaver.

We Knew That

Background:  the Irish government decided to resettle a few hundred “asylum seekers” in this small town, but the locals didn’t want any part of it.

Needless to say, a bunch of antifa types and journalists [lots of overlap] converged on the scene to break up the protest, because antifa is all about mostly peaceful protesting, you know.

“Wait a minute, Kim,” you may say,  “how can you say there’s overlap between antifa thugs and the media?”

Ummm well, there’s this:

A small group of men arrived in the afternoon of Saturday April 6th to the old Crown Paints Factory in Coolock which is being picketed by locals opposing the plantation of up to 1000 asylum seekers there. They arrived to counterprotest and take footage.
According to video and our sources, the men were told to leave as they allegedly posed a risk to the women and children at the protest.
When they wouldn’t move on, they were apprehended by the locals, had their flags seized, and forced to vacate the area.

You say:  “All well and good;  but what’s that got to do with that ‘overlap’ you spoke about?”

Here we go:

Some of the protestors dropped their mobile phones, unlocked, at the scene, along with other belongings such as driver’s licenses and UK identification.
The protestors reviewed the content of the phones to delete any invasive content that had been recorded.
On one phone, which seems to belong to a mainstream journalist, would appear to show a concerning level of cooperation between various media sources, NGO workers, and prominent antifa operatives in both Ireland and the UK.

Wow:  terrorsymps among the media;  who’d a thunk it?

Yeah, I can’t wait for The Glorious Day either.

Quote Of The Day

From Roger Kimball:

“Remember the ‘pipe bombs’ that were supposedly planted by ‘insurrectionists’ [on Jan 6 2020]?  It turns out they were almost certainly dummy explosives planted by government agents.”

Yeah… funny how that investigation suddenly evaporated, and news reports thereof disappeared down Winston Smith’s memory hole tube.

By “funny” I mean like “watching your dog getting run over by a truck” funny.

Feel the burn…