Cuius Emptat?

As the border crisis goes from crisis to catastrophe, I was struck by a pic that Breitbart News  used to headline this article:

Simple question:  Who paid for all those t-shirts?

I really, really think we should be told — and not just the name of the organization itself, but also where it gets its funding.

Of course, that would require some actual, you know, journalism.  So don’t hold your breath.


No, not the TV show (although it’s a brilliant one).  I’m talking here about the  old (and untrue) “Texas defense to murder” known as “he needed killing”.

Now I’m also not talking about scumbags I’d like to see dangling at the end of a rope (George Soros, the Clintons, Fatboi Pritzker etc.).

No, I’m talking about your common-or-garden type of asshole such as this dirtbag:

Click on the link above, and feel free to explain to me why someone like this deserves to share the air with us.

You see, in the old days scumbags like this would be handled by brothers, uncles, cousins and so on, who would take this little bully to one side, and after inflicting considerable pain upon him, would caution him against any further kind of aggro against their girl.  And usually, this would be sufficient to end the situation.  But nowadays, of course, these good-hearted protectors would be in trouble, with all the Usual Suspects telling them to let the police / justice system take care of the problem.

Which more often than not leads to this kind of outcome:

A thug jumped for joy as he avoided a prison sentence for shaving his girlfriend’s head and vandalising her home and car during a jealous rage.

Owen James Tysoe, 32, ‘lost his temper’ and screamed ‘you’re a wh**e, you don’t deserve to live’ at his partner of three years on January 29 earlier this year.

The unnamed woman woke up at 7am to find him standing over her, before he started shaving chunks out of her hair.

Of course, it was all “justified”:

Nathalie Carter, representing Tysoe, had earlier said in mitigation that the event was ‘very out-of-character’ and he had ‘lost his very good job as a result’.

The barrister added: ‘Because he was incarcerated they couldn’t hold out that long for him.’ 

She said the incident caused Tysoe to lose his job, where he is said to have been in charge of more than 400 people. 

Ms Carter continued: ‘He knew the man she was having an affair with. They flaunted it in his face while his father was dying.’

Regardless of provocation, this kind of bullshit needs to be stopped — by the Brothers and Cousins Brigade, preferably.  Assuming that all her actions were as represented, all he had to do was leave the woman, but he didn’t.  Instead, he went all 7-year-old on her.

And in a just world, he would receive a sound thrashing instead of what he got at the hands of the court.



One of my favorite cartoon strips of all time was the late (and much-missed) Johnny Hart’s B.C. series.  The single cartoon which tickled me most when I first read it, maybe forty years ago, was this exchange:

“Oh Great Guru, what is the definition of contempt?”
“Winning the Husband Of The Year Award, and sending your mistress to give your acceptance speech.”

I have a new definition of contempt, and there’s nothing funny about it.  Try this one:

A key lawmaker reacted in disbelief Tuesday when a Biden cabinet official said the climate change agenda took priority over the livelihoods of blue collar workers because “there’s a lot of jobs.”

You have to read the entire exchange to get the full flavor of the contempt that senior government employees people (like this watermelon Deb Haaland) have for the working class.

And we know that they despise the working class even more because they support someone like Donald Trump, who actually does care about blue-collar jobs.  So the Greens get a double win:  ecology “protection” and punishing Trump voters.

How nice for them.

Caught But Not Shot

Seems as though that murderous Mexican illegal immigrant (discussed here) has been caught, but sadly, made no attempt to resist arrest and thus escaped being righteously shot to death.

Request to the trial judge:  please move him to the head of the Needle Line.  It’s even a Texas law — if you murdered someone and it was witnessed by others (as this one was), he can be placed as the very next candidate for execution.

Of course, the MexGov is going to piss and moan about this as they always do when we whack one of their citizens for being an asshole, but fuck ’em.

Not Incompetence – Not Anymore

This is part of a much larger personal story, but I just want to share with you something I said a long time ago.  I’d just launched a major new marketing program involving supermarket customers, their buying and their support for that new program.  Three days after the program’s launch, I went to look at the store sales figures to see how it had all shaken down.

The IT department had lost all the data.  Worse still, they couldn’t tell me when they’d be able to show me any data, going forward.

In a rage, I stormed into the CFO’s office and told him what had happened.  If anything, his shock was greater than mine.  He’d seen my sales projections, my gross profit projections and likely market share gain — but all that was gone.  I looked at him, and said, “It is really difficult for me to come to terms with such gross incompetence and profound indifference of its consequences.  I cannot begin to understand how such incompetence even exists in a huge corporation like ours.”  He looked at me, and nodded.  Then I said, “In fact, if I were a paranoid person — which I’m not — I would actually ascribe negligence on this scale to sabotage.”  And I turned and left.

I have had the same reaction to this situation in south Texas.

Law enforcement officials are seeking a “Mexican male” in connection with a shooting that left five people dead in Cleveland, Texas, Friday night, Fox News reports.
The San Jacinto Sheriff’s Office received a “harassment” call and responding deputies found four victims shot to death and an eight-year-old boy critically wounded. The boy was transported to a hospital, where he died.
All of the victims are believed to be from Honduras, according to San Jacinto County Sheriff Greg Capers.
Capers said his office received the “harassment” call at 11:31 p.m.
Capers said law enforcement is actively searching for the “Mexican male subject” believed to be the shooter and have “a copy of his consulate card.”
He said the Mexican man “has been known to shoot his .223 in the front yard, which is evident from the shell casings in the front yard.”
Capers believes the suspect has fled the area.

And this update:

San Jacinto County Sheriff Greg Capers indicated Francisco Oropesa, the Mexican national who allegedly shot and killed five people in Cleveland, Texas, on Friday, has eluded police and “could be anywhere now.”
The FBI is warning people to stay clear of the 38-year-old suspect if they spot him, FOX News reported: “Reminder, if you see him DO NOT approach him. He is armed and dangerous. If you have a tip about his whereabouts call the San Jacinto County Sheriff’s Office at 936-653-4367.”
On Sunday, FBI special agent in charge Fred Smith said police and agents have just been “running into dead ends” in their search for Oropesa.
He added, “Right now, we have zero leads of him.”

And the last little cherry on top of this shitcake:

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials provided updated information on the suspected killer of five Honduran migrants. Officials report that an immigration judge first ordered Francisco Oropeza Perez-Torres, 38, to be removed from the United States on March 19, 2009. ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations officers deported the migrant to Mexico later that month.
Subsequent to this, Oropeza illegally re-entered the U.S. and was removed, once again, in September 2009. He was removed two more times in January 2012 and July 2016.
In January 2012, a Texas court in Montgomery County (which neighbors San Jacinto County where the alleged murders took place) convicted the Mexican national for driving while intoxicated. The court sentenced him to an unreported period of incarceration.

So this murderous asshole has been deported before, not once but four times.  On his last entry into the U.S., he somehow got hold of an AR-15 rifle (despite all the fucking laws that exist to prevent felons and illegal aliens from possessing guns), with the depressingly-foreseeable outcome.

Between Immigration, local law enforcement, the Justice Department and the FBI, there has been not just one cockup, but a multiyear succession of cockups which eventually ended in the death of an entire, innocent family.

So, to go back to my original story:  at what point do we stop ascribing this disaster to gross incompetence, and start thinking about actual sabotage — a deliberate undermining of our immigration laws and the legal system?

By the way, a week after my meeting with the CFO, the head of IT was ignominiously fired.

Do not expect anything like this, though, to happen to anyone in government or the legal system.