Fine By Us

This is interesting:

A radical activist who believes black students should only be taught by same-race teachers has received $20million from billionaires such as Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates.

Sharif El-Mekki has lobbied for a focus on anti-racism education in public schools through his prominent nonprofit and time as an adviser to Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro, as reported by The Free Press.

A former middle and high school teacher, El-Mekki lobbies through his nonprofit, the Center for Black Educator Development, CBED, which describes its mission as a ‘world where… all black students are taught by high-quality, same-race teachers’ and where ‘all teachers demonstrate high levels of expertise in anti-racist mindsets.’

CBED has over $19.5 million in assets thanks to donations from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

And Brother Sharif looks like about what you suspect he would:

Yeah, by all means pull Black kids out of these “White” public schools and put them into all-Black institutions.

Then watch as public schools’ test scores improve and crime goes down.  What will happen in the Black schools is as predictable as the sunrise, just a lot more depressing, and will need still more support from White liberal assholes (without any improvement to show for it, of course).

Somewhere out there, Martin Luther King is spinning in his grave at 12,000rpm, while all those old Afrikaner apartheid supporters are howling with laughter.

Separate but equal, indeed. It’ll work about as well as all other initiatives that have come from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, whose sponsorship of OBED allows ol’ Sharif to pull an annual salary of nearly a quarter of a million dollars.

Race hustling has always been a way for Black “leaders” like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to earn the big bucks, but it’s almost as good for the lesser lights, like the above.  For their followers… not so much.

Let African-Americans sink.

Fundamental Principle

I have said, many times before on this blog and elsewhere, that in America there is no such thing as “taking to law into our own hands”, for the simple reason that in America, the law has never left our hands.  Oh sure, we have deputized its enforcement, mostly to local law enforcement and (lamentably) on occasion to the federal government.

But make no mistake:  if our deputized law enforcement is unable or unwilling to enforce the law (most often the former, thank goodness), then it is indeed up to We The People to make damn sure that it is.  Which is why we have statutes like the Castle Doctrine and “stand your ground” principles;  we have every right to defend our families and properties, and that defense does not require us to “run away” in the face of such predation either.  (Of course, in some states — Massachusetts, Minnesota etc. — such prescriptions are an anathema, which is why their citizens live in fear most of the time, whereas in Florida, Oklahoma and Texas criminals commit crimes at their own peril, and the law-abiding are not themselves prosecuted for providing that peril.)

Which brings me to the next issue involving fundamental principle:  disaster recovery.

The United States, taken has a whole, experiences a wider range of natural disasters than just about anywhere else:  tropical storms and hurricanes, blizzards and deep freezes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, wildfires and floods;  you name the manifestations of that bitch Mother Nature’s enmity, and we get ’em, good and hard.

Typically, the responses to such disasters take several forms:  at state level, if the government has its ducks in a row, you have disaster preparation such as Florida having a veritable army of utility workers prepositioned to make sure that infrastructure can be restored quickly (thank you, Gov. DeSantis), or Texas having a “rainy day” fund for precisely that purpose.  And if you can take anything to the bank these days, it is the generosity of ordinary Americans to help out where they can, trucking in supplies such as water, food, construction materials and so on, quite often without asking any form of compensation other than grateful thanks from the recipients.

And then you have the federal government’s attempts at recovery assistance.  What a fuckup.  The so-called Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) has proven itself most recently to be completely and utterly inept, which by the way is typical of any Big Government agency trying to address a local situation:  they screw things up.

Worse still, when Big Agency can’t provide assistance, its inherent systemic arrogance often leads to hindering and even preventing assistance from being delivered by private individuals and organizations.  (It’s a childish and petulant attitude that “If we can’t do it, then nobody can”, and it’s a typical manifestation of bad government.)

Over at PJMedia, Scott Pinsker has written a fine piece on just this topic.  Go ahead and read it because it contains all the details that I can’t be bothered with;  but at the end he comes to this conclusion:

Most FEMA fieldworkers [as opposed to FEMA management — K.] are doing the best they can.  But something profound is going on:  The American people have stopped expecting the government to help them.  Instead, they’re turning to the Free Market.


The majority of Asheville residents (the ones who are still left) probably couldn’t tell you who runs FEMA. But I guarantee you they know who Elon Musk is: He’s the billionaire who’s actually trying to make a difference.

And when help finally comes to North Carolina, it’ll be from Musk — not Uncle Sam.

Keep your eyes on this: The ground is starting to shift… and not because of natural disasters.

I expect that voters are going to demand from their state governments that they (state government) and not FEMA be held responsible and accountable for disaster recovery.  What should follow after that is the state government should actively prosecute federal officials for getting in the way.

And I’m not advocating this, but I am warning of it:  the next time some FEMA helicopter “propwashes” an “unapproved” private supply dump, do not be surprised if local residents react violently.

I’m pretty sure that I’d be tempted to, in such a situation — and I’m ordinarily the most law-abiding person I know.  But catastrophe and disaster are not “ordinary” situations, and while a federal government agency may see it as just another bureaucratic exercise needing proper, orderly management, the people on the ground won’t, and shouldn’t.

Their lives and community are more important, and the sooner Big Government realizes that, the better — because if they don’t, a shit-storm will follow, and it will be their own fault.

Failed Shakedown

Oh, this is going to make all the Usual Suspects unhappy:

…as well they should, considering that Great Britain was foremost among Western European nations in banning slavery.  (They weren’t the first, but from memory, most of the earlier banners weren’t actively involved in the slave trade anyway, so they hardly count.)

Anyway, all sane people know that this whole “reparations” boondoggle is just a shakedown, playing on misplaced feelings of guilt for something perpetrated by Whitey’s ancestors.

Fuck ’em.

As the man said, “When are Blacks going to pay royalties on all the benefits bestowed in them by Western civilization?”


Oh sure, here’s another attempt to try to persuade voters that Democrats aren’t going to try to take their guns away… why see, they have guns too, just like regular folks.

…yeah, reloading a shotgun is a total bitch, innit?

Let’s look at the efforts of previous Democrat assholes:

…and the immortal:

…which, by the way, is of my own design, but help yourselves, you’re welcome.

The alternate:

They must really think we’re fucking stupid.

Piling On The Misery

Continuing the saga of electric vehicles (EVs), we learn about the fire risk.  An excerpt from the catalogue of catastrophes:

It is now, or should be, common knowledge that electric vehicles—cars, trucks, buses, bikes, scooters—under conditions of even low humidity or water damage, are prone to catching fire, owing to the unstable nature of the lithium-ion battery. As Chris Morrison writes at The Daily Skeptic, EVs are known to explode “with the force of a bomb blasting super-heated jets of flame, melting and decomposing nearby structural materials including metal and concrete, and sending vast amounts of toxic fumes into any enclosed atmosphere.”

Jammed into underground parking garages or packed in ferries, EVs are harbingers of almost unimaginable disaster—ecological and safety menaces to which the Net Zero fanatics among our political leadership are comatosely indifferent.

  “Willfully indifferent” is the more appropriate term, because as with all faith-based belief systems, danger is set aside as an acceptable risk provided that the goal thereof (in this case, Net Zero) is laudable.

My solution, which is that every time one of these EV things catches fire spontaneously we should toss a Greenie into the flames, would no doubt strike some as excessive.  Nevertheless, even the threat of such an action should shut these assholes up.

Wrong Priorities

Well, isn’t that special:

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas admitted on Wednesday that “FEMA does not have the funds to make it through the season.” One reason for that is that under Biden-Harris, FEMA spent $650 million this fiscal year providing services and housing to illegal aliens. And $364 million the year before that.

If you thought the Federal Emergency Management Agency was just in the business of providing relief to Americans of all creeds and colors when disaster strikes, let’s just say that the Biden-Harris administration has broadened the agency’s portfolio to include non-emergency aid to folks who aren’t even supposed to be here.


Imagine blowing your family’s rainy day money on a down payment for a car you can’t properly afford. You tell yourself you’ll put the money back before the next rainy day crisis comes along. But before you do, a hailstorm takes out your roof.

That’s how the government spends your money because when the hailstorm hits and there’s not enough money for the insurance deductible, they aren’t the ones who have to suffer.

In any other circumstances, there’d be some kind of consequence (e.g. hanging) for mis-allocation of government funds that end up endangering the lives of citizens, but these are the times we live in.

Read the linked article to get the full flavor of the bastardy.