Via Insty, I see the following headline:
Sorry Joe, It’s Not ‘Putin’s Price Hike’ on Gas — It’s Yours
…and immediately a Red Curtain Of Blood rolls down over my eyes.
I know that PJMedia has from the start been a polite alternative news source (one reason why I wasn’t invited to join them, and probably never will be), but I can’t stand it any longer. Let me parse the headline, by way of explanation.
1) “Joe” is not the correct appellation to use for this brain-dead, dishonest, incompetent liar who faked his way into high office. “Joe” is a nice name: “regular Joe”, “Joe The Plumber”, even “cup of joe”. No, this bastard’s name is “Biden”, and that’s the politest name I can think of calling him.
2) “Sorry, but” is also misplaced. That’s the term you use to correct a wayward child: “Sorry Martha, but you can’t go out to play until you’ve finished field-dressing that hippie”, for example. Biden is not a wayward child, however; he’s a malevolent anti-American Communist (and did I mention “brain-dead”?).
So the correct headline, in the above instance, should have read:
Biden, You Lying Asshole: the gas price hike is a direct result of your wrongheaded energy policy, and has nothing to do with Russia
…and even that’s too polite. (Feel free to imagine how I would really like to say it.)