Muzzling Free Speech

And speaking of people who want to attack our First Amendment, we show some foreign interference (and no, it ain’t Russians):

BRITAIN was once the envy of the world for our legal right to free speech*. However, the tide has turned, and the government’s Counter Disinformation Unit (CDU), set up in 2019 and instructed in March 2020 to combat the spread of ‘false coronavirus information online’, has helped the United States establish a dedicated team to crush what it sees as dissent.

In the name of ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’, the CDU focused on coercing social media giants to execute ‘government-wide censorship efforts’. It has now exported its blueprint to the US, despite the fact that America’s prized First Amendment specifically protects citizens’ right to express themselves freely.

*Of course, it’s a lot easier to understand this when you realize that for all its so-called “storied freedoms”, Britain has never had absolute freedom of speech, nor anything approaching it.

A duty-of-care principle was established in the UK in 1932, and it is this anti-harm legislation the British government used to demand censorship of social media content, since reinforced by the Online Safety Act passed in October 2023.

Needless to say, though, their foulness found fertile governmental soil Over Here:

In August 2021 the Biden White House hosted a team from the CDU. They taught the Biden-Harris National Security Council (NSC), an interagency policy committee (IPC), everything they knew about silencing government critics on social media.

Feel free to read the disgusting details, if you think you can stand it.

Me, I’m off to the range.

About Those Hurricanes

…it turns out that this year is not going to see a “supercharged” hurricane season in the Caribbean and southeastern United States, and it’s a worrying prospect to all the Climate Alarmist Assholes like that “Hockey Stick” charlatan:

Penn State celebrity climate scientist Michael Mann announced in April that his research group’s 2024 North Atlantic season forecast was expecting an “unprecedented” 33 named storms, with a range between 27 and 39. That prediction has turned out to be a dud.

With Hurricane Francine hitting the coasts Thursday, the total number of named storms only comes to six, making it one of the quietest hurricane seasons to date.

I’m not going to bother to point out, yet again, that using “climate models” to predict short-term weather patterns is a waste of time, and not just because almost all climate models suck green donkey dicks, statistically speaking.

What needs pointing out is that the great Global Warming Climate Cooling Change© movement is a load of bullshit, not the least for the reasons stated above, but also because fanatical adherence to its so-called “prophecies” is leading towards societal collapse as our power needs are increasingly constrained in pursuit of the movement’s largely-unattainable goals.

Thoughts On #2

After the second assassination attempt on Donald Trump, I’m led to ask a few questions.

If this was a serious attempt, why use an AK-47 (or SKS –there seems to be some confusion here*)?  I’m a huge fan of the old Commie rifles, but it’s common knowledge that even scoped, neither is a serious “sniper” rifle.  Hell, I wouldn’t use it past 200 yards, and I’m what could charitably called a “practiced” shooter with both the AK and SKS.

Which leads me to the next question.

Was this Routh guy just some deranged asswipe who wanted to kill Trump in principle, but like many nutcases, had little idea of how to accomplish such a thing?  (I’m kinda leaning towards this scenario, by the way, because serious shooters never let their gun barrel poke out into plain view.)

Also in my mind:  at what point, if ever, is the Secret Service going to get serious about protecting Trump?  Supposedly, some eagle-eyed agent spotted Routh’s rifle barrel sticking through the fence, and the SS agent then opened fire on his position (but not hitting him surprise surprise).  (Hell, at least this time, unlike in the previous attempt, they didn’t wait for the dickhead to start shooting before trying to suppress him.)  Frankly, I’m starting to have serious doubts about their capability to protect Trump — which leads to the final, and most disturbing question.

Is there actually a conspiracy to assassinate Trump?  I’m not going to get involved in who might be part of a conspiracy because I don’t know enough about the situation or the people who might be part of it.

Here’s what I do know:  if there’s a third assassination attempt on Donald Trump, then it will take a great deal to persuade me, in the words of Auric Goldfinger, that this is not an enemy action.  Once again, as to who the enemy is, I have no idea but many suspicions.

Right now, however, I have absolutely no doubt as to what is causing these deranged assholes like Ryan Routh and the late Thomas Crooks to act the way they are, and it can be found in the words of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris along with all their lickspittle colleagues in Congress and the media, words which describe Trump as being “a danger to democracy”, a “dictator”, and so on.  (And I’m not the only one who believes this.)

If you keep on watering the ground, in other words, it’s an absolute certainty that some shoots [sic] are going to spring up.

*In terms of details about this business, the “fog of war” is a clear blue sky by comparison.  See here for a series of contradictory statements.

Fresh Bastardy

Reader CDM sent me some fresh news about the World’s Absolutely Worst Airline (that would be Australia’s Qantas).  The story’s too long and complicated for me to summarize properly, but the executive conclusion is that Qantarse fucked up their prices on First Class tickets;  then when they discovered the oopsie, offered the affected passengers a pretty good deal in compensation, but never followed through and instead ended  up charging one family over a hundred grand (!) for the privilege of flying Business Class — i.e. charging them full First prices for Business tickets.

Of course, this being Qantas, nobody in charge knew what the fuck was going on and they pretty much made it all up as they went along — with the predictable goat rodeo outcomes that we have come to expect from the World’s Absolutely Worst Airline.

I of course will never be in the same situation, having sworn a blood oath never to fly on Qantas, ever (background stories here, here and here for new Readers or Older Readers Who May Have Forgotten.  Oh, and here’s my response to one of their risible marketing efforts).  Not even if the only choice is flying Qantas or swimming over.

Qantarse delenda est.

New Ban?

This is an interesting development:

Australia will ban children from using social media with a minimum age limit as high as 16, prime minister Anthony Albanese said Tuesday, vowing to get kids off their devices and ‘onto the footy fields’.

Federal legislation to keep children off social media will be introduced this year, he  said, describing the impact of the sites on young people as a ‘scourge’.

The minimum age for children to log into sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok has not been decided but is expected to be between 14 and 16 years, Albanese said.

The prime minister said his own preference would be a block on users aged below 16.

Age verification trials are being held over the coming months, the centre-left leader said, though analysts said they doubted it was technically possible to enforce an online age limit.

Loath as I am to give any kind of credit to the OzGov, foul totalitarian nanny bastards that they are, I can’t help but wonder whether a) this can work and b) if it does work, will it benefit teens in any way?  Given that teens nowadays appear to have absolutely no problem in accessing porn — even porn sites protected by “age walls” — I’m somewhat skeptical about it all.

It’s probably just the usual “We have to do something!” posturing so common among all politicians.

(Just an aside:  Albanese’s “center-left” philosophy is somewhere around that of Bernie Sanders, politically speaking.)

My Problem With Immigrants

When I told people back in South Africa that I was planning to emigrate to the U.S., there were many comments made — “You’ll be increasing the average IQ in both countries, then” was a popular one.  But the most perceptive one was actually made by my ex-wife, who said:

“Well, Kim was born an American.  He just happened to be in the wrong country at the time.”

Actually, that was very close to the truth.  Before I was born, my parents had made plans to emigrate to Canada, and my dad had actually been granted a work permit.  Then my mother discovered she was pregnant (with me), and she couldn’t bear to leave her family, so that was the end of it.  (So I came thisclose  to saying “eh” at the end of my sentences, and pronouncing boat  as “boot”.  Small mercies.)

Anyway, I ended up here, and while living with Longtime Friend Trevor in Austin in 1986, I was invited to a party of South African expats.  I went, and it was a nightmare.  Back in South Africa, we used to call Rhodesian immigrants “when-wees” because almost all their sentences began with the words “When we still lived in Bulawayo…” etc.

Well, the South African party in Austin was full of South African when-wees, all bitching and moaning about how much better they had it back in the old Racist Republic.  And when I got sick of this shit, and asked of one particular whiner, “If it was so much better back there, why don’t you just fuck off home?”

The atmosphere became distinctly unpleasant after that little comment, and I didn’t stay long at the party.  I never went to another one ever again, wherever I lived.

Look, I understand this situation as well as anyone.  It’s a hell of a thing to change countries, to leave family and friends behind, and all the comforts of home as well.  All the customs and mores are different — and I didn’t have the same language issues as someone from, say, Serbia even.  The whole attitude to life is different in a new country, and it can be terribly lonely.

The natural instinct, then, is to gather with other people from the Old Country, so that you can commiserate with like souls, also lonely in this strange new land.  I don’t agree with it myself, but I acknowledge that it’s understandable.  (I made a conscious effort to fit into my adopted country.  I failed miserably in terms of speech — changing my fake-British accent has been physiologically impossible — but in all other aspects, I have been largely successful except for a love of cricket and biltong, which are even more ingrained than my accent.)

What gets up my nose — and I cannot stress this enough — is when someone moves to a new country, and then sets about trying to change things to fit in with their former country’s ethos and their own background.

It would be like me moving here, and then starting a pro-apartheid movement to keep the races segregated, and trying to change the laws of the country accordingly.

And if that sounds ridiculous, then I invite you to consider efforts to create a parallel legal system of Islamic shari’a in Western countries like France, the U.K. and, yes, the United States.  But because Islam is a religion and not a loathsome artificial system like apartheid, we are supposed to defer to this effort because of the freedom of religion guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, or because of a long-time reputation for tolerance (in the case of Western European countries).

The problem is that despite being based upon a set of religious beliefs, shari’a is not just a behavioral discipline, but a socio-political one.  Nowhere in Catholicism (at least, anymore) is it written that Catholics should (or even must) wage a holy war against non-Catholics without fear of reprisal at the hands of a Catholic court system.

Yet that is what shari’a not only implies, but demands.

And I’m not interested in hearing about “moderate” Muslims, either.  (The old not-so-funny joke about Muslims is that radical Muslims want to murder non-Muslims, while moderate Muslims won’t murder non-Muslims, but won’t mind if radical Muslims do.)

I have no problem whatsoever with immigrants congregating into neighborhoods of like background or ethnicity.  Like I said earlier, I understand that (even if I don’t agree with it).  What I won’t stand for is when these ghetto-dwellers somehow think that their little enclaves are somehow immune from the laws of the parent country, and are free to impose their own (transplanted) laws and customs on everyone who lives there, or even just passes through.

Think I’m kidding?  I invite young American (or British) women to walk through a predominantly-Muslim area wearing a tube top, no bra and a miniskirt, and see how they’re treated.  What would get admiring glances or even wolf-whistles in their own community will get a far harsher response in, say, downtown Bradford in England or even parts of Dearborn in Michigan.  The same clothing choice, by the way, would get disapproving looks and even a muttered comment in an Orthodox Jewish area in Chicago or New York, but it would be unlikely to result in screamed insults, assault or even worse, attempted rape, as it would in the Muslim areas.  (And further:  in Islamic countries, a woman claiming to have been raped is more likely to result in the arrest of the woman — for “temptation”.)

And this is my problem with immigrants.  (I have mentioned Islamic adherents above because it is simply the most modern manifestation of this, but I see absolutely no difference between Muslims and the Communists who came over from Eastern- and Western Europe, who set about trying to spread their foul ideology into their host country’s body politic.  We used to deny Communists entry to the U.S., but are unwilling to do so with Muslims because “religion”.)

It’s all very well to afford comfort and sanctuary to the “huddled masses, yearning to breathe free” (an inscription on a statue, by the way, and not official State policy).  It is another thing altogether to allow the huddled masses into your country, only for said huddled masses to set about changing all the good things about your country into something not only alien, but repugnant,

And for those who take issue with the word “repugnant”, allow me to offer but two words in rebuttal:  honor killings.

When it comes to immigration, I’ve always believed in the FIFO (fit in or fuck off) principle.  I’ve lived by that precept ever since I arrived here, and I see no reason why anyone else should refuse to do so — even if by doing so, your “sacred religion” is offended.  If your new country is all that offensive to you, fuck off home.

And by the way:  I can say things like the above because of the freedom of speech afforded to me by the Constitution of my adopted country, in the shape of its First Amendment.  If what I say is that offensive to you and you feel obliged to resort to other ways to demonstrate your disapproval, allow me to remind you of the existence of its Second Amendment.  I may have left behind a lot of Africa, but a response of violence to counter violence was not one of them.