We’re all accustomed to stories of how expensive real estate has become in the world’s major cities. Here’s one in London that caught my eye recently:
A Notting Hill flat that is so small [254 sq.ft] that there only appears to be a sofa available to sleep on has gone on sale on Rightmove for £350,000.
That works out to $1,872 / sq.ft [pause for recovery time] but it does raise an interesting question.
Is it actually uninhabitable? Well, it depends. If a single person (forget a couple, that’s insane) bought the place as a full-time residence, it would be tight — but not impossible. And honestly — I know the neighborhood — the kitchen would only be used in emergencies, because that area has about a jillion pubs, restaurants and takeout places pretty much within a few blocks of the place in any direction.
Its purpose, in fact, is that of a corporate flophouse; where an executive (e.g. Mr. Free Market) has a family house / estate far outside London, but spends Monday- to Thursday nights in the city. In these circumstances, all he needs is a bed and a bathroom, with the rest being more or less superfluous.
And the flat is quite pleasing to the eye withal, despite its shortage of area:
I could live there, by myself. But only because it’s in London. Anywhere else, and I’d feel like this: