Let’s Test That, Shall We?

From a RedState article about the OzGov’s little totalitarian exercise in Covid lunacy, and the Aussie public’s abject submission:

Now, Australia’s Minister For Health has announced that 24,000 students will be herded into a stadium in Sydney to be vaccinated by the government by force. It should be noted that Australia has had strict vaccination laws since at least 2018. Parents can receive heavy fines and lose welfare benefits if they refuse to comply with the traditional vaccination schedule.
What sets this order apart is that Australian parents have been notified they will not be allowed to accompany their children into the stadium. In effect, children will be forcibly removed from the presence of their parents and injected by government agents.

The police? Somehow it doesn’t seem any more comforting that a law enforcement agent will be the one “escorting” your child to a forced medical procedure.
Imagine for one second the American military knocking on your door and escorting your children out to receive a treatment you may not feel confident about and they may not want at all.
It blows the mind that such a proud people like the Australians would so willingly submit to outright totalitarianism. To say it is disappointing is an understatement.
It makes one wonder if the current state of the American spirit is prepared to withstand any similar incursions from our own government.

The difference is that the Australian government has succeeded in disarming their population, or restricted firearms ownership and use to such a degree that there’s little difference.  But over here?  Hmmm…

While I can’t speak for all Americans, of course, I am willing to bet that there are at least half a million Americans who would resist, violently, any attempt by the State to abduct their children.  The resulting carnage would be impressive, either way.

And then what?  Does the State honestly think that when the news about this gets out — and it would — that we’d become like the lickspittle Australians and meekly surrender?

Ah don’ theenk so, Lucy.  But hey, as the title suggests…

Helping Hands

From his island lair somewhere in the Caribbean, Longtime Friend Knal N. Domp writes (with my response underneath):

I think the preference of the Afghan Muzzies for the AK demonstrates that it’s the choice of insurgents all over the world — mostly because it’s easy to operate, reliable and needs little maintenance.  (Pretty much the same reasons that I like them, incidentally.)

Not that I’m an insurgent, or anything.

100% Funny… And True

Taki’s Mag’s weekly feature “The Week That Perished” is often very funny, as well as irreverent.  Last week’s piece was the funniest yet — and as is often the case, the most true.  Take for example their explanation of the South African mess:

The riots and looting tearing through South Africa simply cannot be happening. The images must be CGI; the news reports fake. Everyone knows that black people only riot and loot because of institutional racism caused by evil whites and their damnable supremacy.
It’s a law of physics, no more violable than gravity.
So no, it’s simply not possible that blacks are rioting and looting in a black nation because of actions taken by the blacks who rule them against other blacks who used to rule them.
In fact, the backstory of the SA riots is so convoluted, only a writer of Marvel blockbusters could’ve come up with it. The origin story involves something called the “Zondo Commission,” which totally sounds like what Doctor Strange or Starhawk would appear before while trying to find the Galubrious Cubes or the Synstricious Stones or whatever inane plot device saves the universe.

And it just gets funnier and funnier from there — and it is 100%, ultra-clean, unvarnished truth.  My favorite part, though, is this:

And apparently killing Somalis…for reasons that surely make as much sense as anything else going on in that geographical septic tank. It got so bad that last week Somalian diplomats sent a formal protest to the South African government demanding protection for Somalis living in SA. The Somalian flag is a machete-wielding warlord carving a starving child in half while eating a baby. When your nation has become too extreme for those lunatics, maybe it’s time to dial it back a bit.

I know that there’s a considerable overlap of my Readers and Taki’s, but for those who aren’t, get over there toot sweet.

That Freedom Thing

The old expression goes, “If you are not allowed to laugh at something, you’re facing totalitarianism.”

Try this example:

Katie Hopkins has been deported from Australia after ‘joking’ about breaching hotel quarantine rules and calling Covid lockdowns the ‘greatest hoax in human history.’
The controversial British social commentator, 46, boarded a Singapore Airlines flight from Sydney at 3pm on Monday after her ‘critical skills’ visa was torn up by the Federal Government and she was fined $1,000 (£536) for answering the door of her room in quarantine naked and without a face mask in violation of quarantine rules.

Here’s the best part:

It was at 5am on Saturday that Hopkins took to Instagram live to post a speech where she ‘called out’ the lockdowns in Sydney and Melbourne and threatened to answer her hotel door naked.

Why is this funny, in light of her expulsion?  She never actually answered the door naked and maskless — she only jokingly threatened to do so.

Nevertheless, to the priggish OzGov, who have to lock down their population serially because of their inability to manage any form of mass inoculation against the WuFlu, this was All Too Much:

Home Affairs Minister Karen Andrews said on Monday morning: ‘I hadn’t heard of her before and I don’t want to hear about her ever again.
‘I thought it was just shameful, the fact that she was out there boasting about breaching quarantine was just appalling,’ she told the ABC.

‘As soon as we found out about her behaviour and the fact that she was out there openly flaunting our quarantine system here, we took pretty strong action as quickly as we possibly could to get that visa cancelled, and to make sure she would be leaving the country,’ she said.

What a bunch of self-righteous tools.

Thoughts On Mandelaland Part 3

Boy, they’re coming thick and fast:

What is the point of a government, when we know that it was private security and ordinary civilians who held the line this past week? For all the praise that Cabinet ministers have retrospectively doled out to police and the army, we have all seen the footage of cops responding to the riots with approximately the same urgency as a hungover teenager doing the dishes under duress.
Which was a teeny bit weird, because we’ve all also seen the footage of cops blasting a water cannon on elderly and disabled social grant applicants in January this year after giving them one minute to disperse.
What is the point of a government, when we know that it is warm-hearted citizens and NGOs who will largely be responsible for feeding those who must now go hungry? When Gift of the Givers announced they were on their way to fix things, I can’t be the only one who wished for the hundredth time that we could just chuck the keys to the Union Buildings to Imtiaz Sooliman and be done with it.
And what is the point of a government, when we’ve seen all those heroic ordinary people cleaning up the chaotic aftermath of the riots?

Read the whole article, because one of these days we’re going to be asking these questions of our own government.

Actually, I’ve been doing a lot of that already, and I bet some of you have been too.

Perennial Question

Let’s just ask ourselves yet again why non-Arabs and non-Muslims (some overlap) would prefer to see a Muslim-ruled Greater Palestine (i.e. without a State of Israel) over what we have now.

A Taliban judge has given a terrifying glimpse into life under the Islamist group and the fate that awaits Afghanis if the country falls back under their control.
Gul Rahim, 38, spoke matter-of-factly about cutting hands and legs off thieves, issuing permits for women to leave their homes and toppling walls on gay men as a form of execution in his Taliban-controlled district in central Afghanistan.
He added that his aim is to introduce the Sharia law punishments across the whole of the country if the Taliban can re-take control once America departs, saying: ‘That was our goal and always will be.’

And all those who think the Pals wouldn’t do anything like that oh no, they should be reminded to pick up their entry forms for “Gullible Idiot Of The Year” — warning:  strong competition from the U.S. State Department — at their local 7-11.

Although I have to hand it to the Sha’ria assholes:  those are some pretty creative punishments — which are, let us never forget, absolutely forbidden under our Systemic Racist White Man Hegemonic Constitution.