From a RedState article about the OzGov’s little totalitarian exercise in Covid lunacy, and the Aussie public’s abject submission:
Now, Australia’s Minister For Health has announced that 24,000 students will be herded into a stadium in Sydney to be vaccinated by the government by force. It should be noted that Australia has had strict vaccination laws since at least 2018. Parents can receive heavy fines and lose welfare benefits if they refuse to comply with the traditional vaccination schedule.
What sets this order apart is that Australian parents have been notified they will not be allowed to accompany their children into the stadium. In effect, children will be forcibly removed from the presence of their parents and injected by government agents.
The police? Somehow it doesn’t seem any more comforting that a law enforcement agent will be the one “escorting” your child to a forced medical procedure.
Imagine for one second the American military knocking on your door and escorting your children out to receive a treatment you may not feel confident about and they may not want at all.
It blows the mind that such a proud people like the Australians would so willingly submit to outright totalitarianism. To say it is disappointing is an understatement.
It makes one wonder if the current state of the American spirit is prepared to withstand any similar incursions from our own government.
The difference is that the Australian government has succeeded in disarming their population, or restricted firearms ownership and use to such a degree that there’s little difference. But over here? Hmmm…
While I can’t speak for all Americans, of course, I am willing to bet that there are at least half a million Americans who would resist, violently, any attempt by the State to abduct their children. The resulting carnage would be impressive, either way.
And then what? Does the State honestly think that when the news about this gets out — and it would — that we’d become like the lickspittle Australians and meekly surrender?
Ah don’ theenk so, Lucy. But hey, as the title suggests…