How About Both?

The bony Ann takes issue with POTUS nailing Iran, suggesting that there are bigger fish to fry.

While I take her point — and it’s a good one — I certainly feel that we as a nation are capable of doing both.  To use Insty’s expression:  La Coulter (and POTUS) should embrace the healing power of “and”, i.e planting minefields along our southern border while dropping guided missiles onto sundry evil Iranians.

Somebody buy that girl a plate of pasta.

Tragedy, Repeated

While we all feel for the folks in Oz whose environment is being set to BROIL, it’s worth noting that many of their problems have been caused by the same people as the California genus:

But let us not allow the heartbreak and the emotion to distract us from the truth about this natural disaster: it has nothing whatsoever to do with ‘climate change’.
…[charts and graphs etc]…
So, to be clear, there is zero evidence of any change in climatic conditions that might have increased the likelihood or severity of these bush fires. This is not — repeat NOT — a man-made climate change story, and anyone who claims otherwise is either a gullible idiot or a lying charlatan.
There is, nonetheless, good reason to believe that the stupidity and irresponsibility of man is at least partly to blame for this disaster — just not quite in the way that the left-liberal MSM and the green wankerati would have you believe.

Read the article for the full story, but if you have insufficient time, here’s the executive summary:

Animal-worshipers, Greens and pyromaniacs.  Just like in California.

I feel the need for mass whippings, hangings etc. starting to build… but no doubt someone’s going to have  problem with this.

Reality Cheque

Finally, someone has got it right about Brexit:

Although the past three years have seen torrents of ink spilled about the implications for Britain, there has been very little commentary about the consequences for the EU.

On January 31, the EU will lose its second-largest economy, after Germany, and the fifth-largest economy in the world, representing about 13 per cent of its total GDP. It will lose its third most populous state, its most important military power and a significant source of diplomatic and cultural influence.

Yup.  As the man said, follow the money — and foreign investment is pouring into London, not into Paris, Frankfurt, or Brussels.  Especially not Brussels.

Face it:  an independent Britain has only one sick economy to worry about (Scotland).  The post-Brexit EU has the basket cases of Italy, Greece, Portugal, Spain and… Ireland to worry about.  And, as Sandbrook points out, without Britain’s economy and just as importantly, Britain’s annual “member contribution” of about $10 billion.

But most of all, the Brits are feeling like what one of my Brit buddies said in reply to my email wishing him a Happy Brexit Year:

“Brexit — the air’s cleaner over here now that cloud has been lifted!”

And Mr. Free Market’s opinion of the threats of independence from Scotland is even more succinct:

I think things are going to be just fine, Over There.

Wedding Day Blues

From the headlines:

Tomos Rhydian Wilson (left and inset with brother Steffan), 29, from Swansea, went on a drunken rampage at his brother’s reception at the Lampeter’s Falcondale Hotel, Ceredigion, Wales

You had me at “Wales”.  No further explanation is necessary, unless you want to know the details.

See also:

PC Andrea Griffiths has resigned from North Wales Police

‘Nuff said.

Snowflake Government

Yeah, this is going to end well:

Fortunately, this little experiment is taking place in Finland, so the fallout won’t be too bad.  (And I always thought the Finns were the sensible  Scandinavians…)

Can you imagine this bunch of ingenues sitting down to negotiate anything  with Vladimir Putin or that Commie asshole from China?

World’s gone fucking crazy.

Sempiterna Sinistra

So the Britishland elections are over, and Boris “The Babe” Johnson has absolutely routed the evil Communists and Europhiles who opposed him (see link for body counts).

Of course, the Left has responded to their loss in typical fashion:

Yup… anyone who opposes them and their Marxist dogma is eeevil, raayyycisss and shellfish.

Kinda like our Lefties Over Here, huh?

Fuck ’em, and the class envy they rode in on.  And to the Stout Bulldogs among my Readers:  wave buh-bye to the EU and their minions:

…and allow me to share some of our favorite 2016 vintage with you: