Quote Of The Day

SOTI (commenting about the (post-Christchurch) KiwiGov’s reaction to people critical of the policy of welcoming “migrants”):

Multiculturalism is a such a runaway success that it requires a Big Brother police state to make it work.

Just like, errrr socialism:

Quite Right

All sorts of trouble has come out of this:

A Danish politician claimed she was told her baby daughter was ‘not welcome’ in the parliament’s main chamber.
Far-right speaker Pia Kjaersgaard allegedly ordered Conservative politician Mette Abildgaard to remove her five-month-old baby from the room.
The mother, who is in her 30s, said she had never brought her daughter to work before, but she had to so that day because her father could not take care of her.

And Mr. Speaker is absolutely right.  When did it become acceptable for mommies to bring their brats into everywhere?  (I don’t even like seeing young children in bars, and the thought of a baby in the Parliament building… good grief.)

And the mommy in question had the absolute gall to say this:

Mrs Abildgaard also added she is entitled to a year’s maternity leave with full salary from the Parliament.

And you didn’t take it… why?  Surely the whole point of maternity leave is so that by the time it ends, the parent is capable of leaving the child in the care of someone not its parent.

This is total bullshit.  Maternity is a wonderful thing — but it’s not everything, and proud parents need to get a grip on that fact and realize that the world doesn’t revolve around them and their offspring.

Is it too early for gin?


Here’s a little thought experiment for you.

Let’s assume that the Greenies get their wish, and all fossil fuel-burning cars were replaced with electric cars, by law.

Ignore all practical issues (because the Greens always do), and ponder this thought.

Right now, gasoline is taxed by the FedGov at 18.4 cents per gallon.  (Put those guns away, and concentrate on the issue at hand.)  How do you think the Gummint is going to replace that “lost” revenue (~$25 billion per annum)?

Ah, stop thinking about it, because the poxy BritGov already has.

Ministers have been told to consider a national system of road tolls to compensate for the huge loss in revenue from fuel duty when electric cars become mainstream on the back of new research.

[T]his revenue stream looks set to shrink significantly by 2040 when UK ministers plans to ban the sale of vehicles with combustion engines in a bid to persuade drivers to switch to electric cars.
A new study by Bloomberg News Energy Finance claims a road toll scheme charging up to 9p a mile should be introduced to compensate for the £14 billion lost in fuel duty revenue – a move that would cost motorists £710 a year.

(I should point out that said BritGov currently levies a fuel tax of just under 58p per liter — which is the equivalent of $2.91 (!!!!) per U.S. gallon.  It’s the Brits who should be reaching for the guns… oh wait, they don’t have any.  Sucks to be them.)

I haven’t even touched on how the states  will recover the lost revenue…

Remember Kim’s Iron Law of Taxation:  Never ever allow the government to create a new method of taxation / tax revenue stream because once created, it will never disappear.


Saw this pic (detail of #90 in the series) via one of Sarah’s posts.  It’s of a Mongolian prisoner circa 1913:

…and it got me thinking.  Why doesn’t this become standard prison attire for violent criminals in our system?  (I can think of only one improvement, and that’s to add a shackle to the ankle so that the scumbag can’t use the chain as a weapon.)  It would make prison breaks somewhat… problematic, shall we say;  and to transport a few convicts as a group simply requires the addition of another length of chain.

And please  tell me why the thought of a hundred or so MS-13 or Crips gang members thus attired in San Quentin doesn’t give you the Warm & Fuzzies…

One More Thing

The Christchurch terrorist was probably frightened off when he thought that the heroic guy who chased after him was armed, as noted here:

[Aziz] said the gunman ran back to his car to get another gun, so he threw a credit card machine at him.
He said he could hear his two youngest sons, 11 and five, urging him to come back inside.
The gunman returned firing but Mr Aziz said he ran past parked cars which prevented him from being shot. Mr Aziz spotted a gun the attacker had dropped and picked it up. He pointed it and squeezed the trigger but it was empty. He said the gunman ran back to the car for a second time to grab another weapon.
‘He gets into his car and I just got the gun and threw it on his window like an arrow and blasted his window,’ he said. ‘The windshield shattered, that’s why he got scared.’
He said the gunman was cursing at him, yelling that he was going to kill them all.
But he drove away and Mr Aziz said he chased the car down the street to a red light before it made a U-turn and sped away.

Couple-three points to be made here.  Firstly, all praise and kudos to Our Hero — I mean, chasing down a gunman with a card-reader?  Dude!  And considering that Aziz came from Afghanistan, this was probably a walk in the park by comparison to what he’s seen.  (“Only one  gunman?  Phooey.  Try ten  gunmen — now that’s  scary.”)

Secondly, note that even though Aziz was unarmed, the asshole thought  he had a gun and was shooting at him — hence the flight, and eventual capture.  I leave it to the imagination as to what might have happened had a few congregants been armed, but we all know that story.  Too bad it’s illegal to defend yourself with a gun in KiwiLand — because, of course, nothing bad has ever happened in New Zealand to justify that.  Until something bad did  happen.  And this was really  bad.

Finally, if any of those Muslim worshipers in Christchurch have ever supported, even philosophically, the acts of Muslim terrorism (and I’ll bet there are a few), just remember how it felt when it was happening to you.  I know this prick was a nutcase — but so are the extremist Muslims who do the same, or worse, to non-Muslims.

Jihad  cuts both ways, doesn’t it?

Old Times, No Longer Relevant

Via Insty, David Bernstein has an interesting post about some Democrat asswipe coming to the assistance of serial anti-Semite / newbie Socialist House Rep. Ilhan Omar.  He makes the issue about “checking privilege”, but I have a different take.  Here’s the screenshot, with the part that interests me highlighted:

Okay, let’s agree with Clyburn’s statement, arguendo.  Here’s my take:

Can today’s Blacks, and the Democrats and Socialists who support their claims, just shut the fuck up about 19th-century slavery and forget all about “reparations”? 

And a footnote to Rep. Omar:  it wasn’t the Jews  who put you in a refugee camp either, so you can STFU as well.