
Then there’s this fearful nonsense:

[Tim Berners-Lee’s successor at CERN] Francois Fluckiger says privacy threats, fake news and online bullying threaten to turn the web into an uncontrollable force.

…and in other news, the descendants of Gutenberg’s printing press no longer print just Bibles.

The fact that some asshole even talks about “controlling” the web just makes me want to make this blog even more objectionable than it is.  But I won’t, because I have standards.  So here’s a simple and tasteful nature pic, instead.

Corporate Nannies

Of course, it had to be a Swedish company which decided that government wasn’t enough, and that Something Had To Be Done:

Volvo will limit ALL of its cars to 112mph from next year in a bid to reduce the number of deaths caused by speeding

Of course, if anyone wants to drive fast and buys a Volvo, they’re fucking idiots.

Next up:  Toyota’s Prius, because of this:

Vroom, vroom — or rather, Swooooshhhhhh!

Trick Question

Here’s a report about a bunch of asshole rapists.

Now, before clicking on the link, guess the ethnicity (and probable religion) of the scum in question.  (Hint:  the headline reads, “Nine-strong Bradford sex abuse gang face years in jail for grooming and raping two 14-year-old girls ‘to satisfy their sexual desires’ “  )

If you guessed (following the “Bradford” clue) that they were all of Pakistani origin (and ergo Muslim), you’d be wrong.  (I warned  you this was a trick question.)

They weren’t all  Pakis;  only eight of the nine rapists were.

Teach you to jump to conclusions.

Cutting Out The Middlemen

I think I can safely say that all who visit this here back porch are in agreement that centralization of the governmental kind is generally meant to create efficiencies, but seldom does.

The same is true of pretty much any organization which is dealing solely with collecting and disbursing other people’s money — and here I’m turning my baleful gaze onto the cockroaches known as “international aid societies”, who can skim money out of donations better than any dairy can skim the cream off milk.  And I have some support in this viewpoint, from the BritGov of all places:

Aid minister Penny Mordaunt has drawn up plans for the UK to take more control of how we help countries around the world.
The International Development Secretary has demanded a major overhaul so less of the UK’s £14.1billion aid budget is handed out through staff at international agencies.
She wants to use the cash to fund specific projects chosen by Britain with more oversight to make sure money is not wasted.
The proposal is part of this year’s comprehensive spending review, which will set the course of Government budgets for the next few years. Around a third (37 per cent) of the aid budget is currently spent as contributions to multilateral organisations, such as the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and European Commission.

Leaving aside the need for a minister for aid (the Brits love this Yes, Minister crap), what Mordaunt says is absolutely correct.  For those who know not who she is, by the way, allow me to enlighten with a  couple pics:




The Right Honorable Member from Portsmouth North sure makes a change from the dreary Socialist trolls who infest our body politic, doesn’t she?  And she makes sense — an even bigger change.

Clemency? I Think Not

Apparently the ISIS murderers have surrendered after getting the shit bombed out of them.


I can already hear the lamentations because, of course, there are Wimmens & Chilluns caught up in the whole mess so therefore we should give them all hugs and kisses and welcome them back into modern society.


After over a decade of rape, pillaging, murder and plunder from ISIS, it’s really hard for me to have any sympathy or call for any mercy for these assholes, especially given their track record in this regard (not to mention this recent discovery).  What the U.S. / coalition forces should have  done was hand all these “prisoners” over to the Kurds and Yaziris, after making sure that the latter had all the equipment they needed (e.g. bayonets, ammo etc.), and left it to the locals to mete out justice as they saw fit.

Feel free to add your thoughts in Comments, as did the Brits in the Daily Mail  articles.