Oh, Great

Apparently Mexico has elected a Commie rat bastard [some redundancy]  to be their next El Presidente.  How nice.  As if we don’t have enough of them ourselves in Congress, California, New York, Austin, Berkeley etc., now we’re going to be dealing with imports as well?

Needless to say, other Commies from all over are racing to offer their congratulations to Comrade Obrador.  (I love the fact that BritCommie Jeremy “Shitbreath” Corbyn has hailed Obrador’s election as a “new beginning” for Mexico.  Given Communism’s track record, it would be more accurate to call it the “beginning of the end” for Mexico.)

Oh well.  Now we really need to build a wall (e.g. as it was in Cold War Germany, with machine-gun towers and minefields) to keep the desperate Commies from flooding over the Rio Grande in even greater numbers (see:  Venezuelan refugees streaming into Colombia and Brazil).  If you thought the illegal Mexican border-jumpers were desperate before, just wait till Obrador’s policies force Mexico even deeper into the shit than they are already.

I also love the fact that the dear comrade’s campaign was positioned as “anti-corruption”, when we all know that under every Communist regime ever installed, all the guys at the top get massively rich from… corruption.  Mexico will be no different.

If this wasn’t happening so close to our borders, I’d just order up (and eat) a megaton of popcorn while watching the place implode.  But ugh… the Mex/U.S. border is only a few hundred miles south of where I’m sitting, and this is not going to end well.

Maybe a moat, as well as machine gun towers and minefields…?  How say you, O My Readers?

Excellent Article

Via Stephen Green at Insty comes this thought-provoking article by Michael Korfman, which you need to read first for the rest of this to make any kind of sense.  It’s one of the best takes on the geopolitical situation with respect to Russia and the U.S. that I’ve seen for a while, so it’s worth the time.  And the fact that much of his analysis is based on historical precedent makes his hypothesis even more compelling.

While looking at the reasons why Russia is doing what it’s doing, Korfman makes this comment (and it gives rise to my only quibble with his piece):

This theory of victory stems from the Russian assumption that the structural balance of power will eventually shift away from the United States towards China and other powers in the international system, resulting in a steady transition to multipolarity. This strategy is emergent, but the hope is that a successful campaign of raiding, together with the greater threat from China, will force Washington to compromise and renegotiate the post-Cold War settlement.

I don’t understand why Russia would “raid” the Western democracies to cause the focus of power to move towards China, which seems on its face to be a perilous activity for Russia.  After all, the United States is never going to invade and annex Siberia — which the Chinese are going to do, eventually and inevitably, as soon as they become strong enough — and with the loss of Siberia’s oil and mineral resources, Russia is going to be left far weaker even than it is already.

Unless, of course, the Russians are gambling that China will first try to establish hegemony in the South China Sea, and that if the U.S. has been weakened even slightly, that China will follow that course instead of invading Siberia.  It’s a big gamble.

Failing that eventuality, I don’t have a counter-answer as to why Russia is being a pain in the ass;  I do have a solution to counter their activities, which is to raid them back.  For starters, I see a hugely-favorable trade agreement with Georgia, a massive U.S. military entrenchment in the Baltic states (with some offensive and not just defensive capability) and a “boys will be boys” attitude towards CIA mischief aimed at undermining Russian beach-heads (a.k.a. their embassies) in every country in the world.  Two can play at the raiding game, and we need to show the Russians that we can, and will.  Yeah, it leads to dangerous brinkmanship;  but it’s also a way to stop their shit-stirring, or at least think twice before doing it.

As Cousin Avi said in Snatch:  “Russians. I should’ve known. Anti-Semite, slippery Cossack sluts.”  Truer words were never spoken, and we shouldn’t forget them.

Not Quite As Pictured

Aaahhh, Oxford…

…except it’s not quite like that:

A group of men who abused teenage girls in a vehicle they called the ‘slagwagon’ have been jailed for a total of nearly 90 years.
The men – aged 36 to 48 – befriended vulnerable girls as young as 13 before plying them drink and drugs at ‘parties’ in Oxford.
The eight men – branded ‘predatory and cynical’ by a judge – have now been jailed for between seven and a half and fifteen years each.

I know what you’re thinking, but before you start guessing, I’ll do it for you:

Click on the link and scroll down to see just how prevalent this bastardy has become in Britain.

Me, I’m thinking along the following lines, rather than short sentences of  imprisonment:

…although no doubt some of you will think I’m being too kind.  Feel free to propose your own bloodthirsty ideas in Comments.

News Roundup

Today will be snippets of news that are guaranteed to make your eyes squint and Red Curtains Of Blood (RCOB) affect  your vision.  The fact that most of the items happened in Britishland makes no difference whatsoever.  You have been warned.

1)  “Help!  My Mum’s been stabbed!”

2)  “Give us your stuff or we’ll chop up your babies!”

3)  Gun ban in the U.K. is still effective

4)  #74

5)  Moped muggers

6)  “You think you Brits are the only ones who can go crazy with a knife?  Banzai! 

7)  And lastly, just so we know that the rozzers are going after the serious criminals, there’s this one:

Tearful pensioner, 79, slams police for ‘threatening to prosecute her for feeding her neighbour’s pet’

8)  Or maybe they can go after this kid’s parents, for giving him a toy gun to play with.

Now you can all go off and clean yer guns.  I know I will.

The Empire Strikes Back

That would be the Austro-Hungarian Empire, of course, or rather its modern-day major components.  Fresh on the heels of Hungary’s Viktor Orban causing trouble with the Muzzies in Budapest comes this news from just over the border:

Austria’s right-wing government plans to shut down seven mosques and expel up to 40 foreign-funded imams in crackdown against Islamist ideology

Austria said today it could expel up to 60 Turkish-funded imams and their families and would shut down seven mosques as part of a crackdown on ‘political Islam’ that was described as ‘just the beginning’, triggering fury in Ankara.
Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said the government is shutting a hardline Turkish nationalist mosque in Vienna and dissolving a group called the Arab Religious Community that runs six mosques.
His coalition government, an alliance of conservatives and the far right, came to power soon after Europe’s migration crisis on promises to prevent another influx and clamp down on benefits for new immigrants and refugees.
In a previous job as minister in charge of integration, Chancellor Kurz oversaw the passing of a tough ‘law on Islam’ in 2015, which banned foreign funding of religious groups and created a duty for Muslim societies to have ‘a positive fundamental view towards (Austria’s) state and society’.
‘Parallel societies, political Islam and radicalisation have no place in our country,’ Kurz told a news conference outlining the government’s decisions, which were based on that law.
‘This is just the beginning,’ far-right Vice Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache added.

I love that the Austria’s (democratically-elected) government is branded “far-right”, when a cursory examination of the parts of their platform not to do with immigration reveals that they’re about equivalent to centrist Democrats (if any such thing still exists) — i.e. closer to the sainted John F. Kennedy’s political philosophy than to anything truly rightwing.

And incidentally, please note the recent electoral victory by an anti-immigrant party in Slovenia (also once part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire).

Anyway, needless to say that this attitude is pissing off the Muzzies, especially the Turks, who’ve been sponsoring these Islamist Fifth Columnist mullahs for decades.  Too bad, fuck ’em.  You’d think the “Gates Of Vienna” would have warned them, but they’re idiots.

Somebody pass the popcorn…

P.S.  If any person of the Disney-lawyerly-persuasion wants to take issue with the title of this post:  fuck you.  The expression predates Star Wars — and for that matter the entire Disney corporation — by over a thousand years (check Cicero’s writings), so if you think you have a copyright beef with me:  you don’t.