So Much For The Army

Oy. The story is as follows: female recruit can’t handle bayonet training, gets cussed out by the instructor, bursts into tears — and the instructor is now facing a court-martial because feewings.

I’d put in a little excerpt from the article, except that it would cause all veterans’ blood pressure to soar and the howls of outrage would upset all the other people in the cubicle farm*.

And the Brits expect their army to go to war… it is, as they say, to laugh.

*I know that most of you read this website at work. Don’t bother lying to me.

Pushing Back

From Britishland comes this excellent news:

The University of Buckingham will become the first UK university to launch a ‘drug-free’ policy, where students will have to sign a contract promising not to take drugs on campus.
The move has been introduced in the wake of findings by The Sunday Times that reveal a 42% rise in the number of those being disciplined for drug use compared to 2015, among 116 universities.
Writing in the same paper, Sir Anthony Seldon, the University’s vice-chancellor, said that if students persisted in taking drugs, they would be expelled.

I await the same news from an American university, but I won’t hold my breath.

As an aside:  back when I was looking at studying at an overseas university, U of Buckingham caught my eye because of their excellent academic standards and reliance on a truly “classical” education. Now I wish I had gone there… and let’s be honest: could one expect anything less from a university which Margaret Thatcher helped found?

Chaos In Amsterdam

Apparently, there was a little problem in Amsterdam’s airport:

Travelers going through Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport today are being warned to expect serious delays after a total power outage overnight forced officials to close the airport.

However, that’s not the “chaos” I’m referring to in the title. This is:

The city had just celebrated King’s Day, a major public holiday, on Friday and the airport had previously warned Sunday was a “peak day” and would be exceptionally busy as a result of school holidays.

Here’s “King’s Day” (or “Queen’s Day”, as appropriate):

Schiphol must have been a picnic by comparison.

Pushing Back

Here’s a headline I can get behind:

Bavaria orders Christian crosses to be hung at the entrance of ALL government buildings

…and the rationale is equally pleasant:

The German state’s government said the crosses should not be seen as religious symbols, but are meant to reflect the southern state’s ‘cultural identity and Christian-western influence’.

Needless to say, the Usual Suspects are outraged, as always, but fuck ’em.

I’ve been to Bavaria many times, and I can’t say I’m surprised at this. From what I’ve seen and gathered, southern Germans have more in common with American Southerners than they do with their northern compatriots. They’re (relatively) conservative, deeply religious and fiercely patriotic.

Good for them. Let’s see more gestures like this, thrown in the teeth of the creeping socialism and nihilism of modern society. And not just in Bavaria, either.

As a reminder: I’m not even a Christian, and this pleases me.

What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

This Swedish woman is a tireless campaigner against the deportation of criminal “refugees” and in a gesture of… well, you guess it, I can’t — goes home with two teenage Afghans she meets outside a bar. The inevitable occurs:

A Swedish woman in her 40s was brutally raped by an Afghan teenager while another migrant man molested her, a court has heard.

As the man said: you’d have to have a heart of stone not to laugh hysterically at this story. Read the whole thing; I guarantee you’ll be shaking your head all the way through.

Man, some people are just plain fucking stupid.

Hovis Hill

There’s a hilly village in Dorset, Britishland which was used in a TV commercial for Hovis bread many years ago. Here’s a view of the same hill taken during one of the “Beast From The East” winter storms recently:

My first question is: what the hell would possess anyone to build a village on so steep an incline?

My second question: I wonder what the incidence of thrombosis is in this village, compared to the national average?