Work Ethic

The State (i.e. governments large and small) can always find ways to stifle individuality, especially when that individuality manifests itself in young people.  Here’s a recent example:

Bored and looking for something to do this summer, Danny Doherty hatched a plan to raise money for his brother’s hockey team by selling homemade ice cream.

But a few days after setting up a stand and serving up vanilla, shaved chocolate and fluffernutter to about 20 people, Danny’s family received a letter from the Norwood Board of Health ordering it shut down. Town officials had received a complaint and said that the 12-year-old’s scheme violated the Massachusetts Food Code, a state regulation.

No surprises there, this being Massachusetts.  (My only question:  who complained?  Some goody-goody, or someone fronting for the local ice cream shop?  Either way, they need a swift slap.)

Back in the late 1980s/early 1990s, I lived in in one of the Chicagoland suburbs — Palatine, a modest middle-class neighborhood of the kind that’s so Norman Rockwell it’s almost a caricature.  And while my house itself was small, it sat on just over a quarter-acre, which meant a large lawn in the backyard.  Said lawn took well over two hour to cut and edge, and in the short but warm, fecund Chicago summers, the grass grew quickly, meaning it had to be cut at least weekly;  actually, I would cut it about five times a month.  And it was a hot, sweaty business:  Chicago’s summers can be sticky, especially when contrasted with its icy winters.

At that point I was working from home (long before it became the cool thing to do) because the company was based near Fort Lauderdale.  And I really couldn’t afford to spend the time doing the lawn.  Anyway, one afternoon I was just about to go out and cut the thing when the doorbell rang.  When I opened it, there were two boys standing there, aged about ten.

“Cut your lawn for ten bucks?”

Hell, yes.

Whereupon these two little buggers (each had their own, okay, most likely Dad’s lawnmower) cut the lawn — good grief, they ran behind the mowers, and the grass was cut to almost professional standard in just about fifteen minutes.  They didn’t do edging (“Our Dads won’t let us because they say it’s dangerous”) but that was really just a half-hour job, and easily done after 5 o’clock.

“See you again next week, boys?”

They actually sounded surprised.  “You want us to come back?”

Hell, yes.  And over the next couple years, I never cut my own lawn again. And nor did a lot of my neighbors, once I told them about these kids at the next block party.  These boys made an absolute fortune, and worked their tails off.

And if the local council gauleiters  had ever tried to stop these kids from earning some money from good, honest hard work, I do believe that the neighborhood dads would have burned down their offices.  They didn’t interfere, of course, either because they never learned about these budding entrepreneurs or because they just ignored them (as they should).

Now I’m not suggesting that whenever Gummint does what they did to young Danny Doherty above, the neighborhood dads should torch their offices or tar and feather the bastards.  That would be incitement, and I’m never going to do that no sirree not me not ever.

But I sure as hell wouldn’t try to stop those irate folks if they did.  I would offer to hold their coats, however, just as a good neighbor should.

Suggestion & Response

This may become a regular feature:

And the response:

There’s an old saying which goes something like “Never start an argument with a man who buys ink by the barrel”.

How much more appropriate a warning against starting an argument with a man who controls the largest electronic media outlet in the world.


Okay, this wasn’t exactly a Righteous Shooting, but the principle is the same:

Maria del Carmen Garcia couldn’t bear the sight of her daughter Veronica’s attacker, Antonio Cosme, after he was freed. At the tender age of 13 in 1998, Veronica suffered a brutal rape at knifepoint by Cosme, their neighbour, who was originally given a nine-year sentence.

However, during a day release in June 2005, the unrepentant predator brazenly confronted Maria at a bus stop close to her home near Alicante. Adding insult to injury, he had the cheek to ask Maria “how her daughter was”.

After Cosme swaggered into a bar her family often visited, Maria, fuelled by anger and terror, bought petrol from a nearby station. In a bid to inflict some form of justice, Maria entered the bar with the fuel, drenched Cosme in it and set him ablaze.

And now the good part:

With burns covering 90 per cent of his body, Cosme didn’t survive and succumbed to his injuries days later in a hospital.

Our Hero Mom’s been jailed, of course, but:

Originally sentenced to nine-and-a-half years’ imprisonment for murder, Maria’s conviction was decreased to five-and-a-half years upon appeal. This sentencing sparked a national outcry in support of the anguished mother, with a groundswell of voices rallying to prevent her imprisonment.

I would have suspended her jail sentence had I been the judge.

The old Texas defense of “He needed killing”  is entirely appropriate here.

Here’s the rest of the story:

Back in 2011, after serving one year and 10 days behind bars, the courts placed her sentence on hold pending a pardon application, recognizing “special circumstances”, such as her clean criminal record and her insanity plea at the time of the crime.

Yet Maria’s freedom was short-lived; by 2013 she found herself back in custody when the regional high court in Alicante rejected her attorney’s request to delay imprisonment post-government denial of her partial pardon petition. Come 2017, however, she earned the privilege of daytime leave, setting the stage for her full release the following year.

It’s all old news, but good news nevertheless.

Dept. Of Righteous Shootings

According to Reader Andrew T., it seems as though this asshole went around a whole bunch of houses in a neighborhood outside San Diego, trying to break in for purposes as yet unknown, but let’s just assume it wasn’t to sing hymns.

Eventually, of course, he managed to actually break into a house and attacked both the homeowner and his wife — and then discovered, alas too late, that you shouldn’t bring just a stick and a rock to a gunfight.

Yup… Our Hero Homeowner popped him in the chest, and the Mass Burglar quickly assumed room temperature.

It doesn’t say in the news report, but it seems pretty clear that the cops just took the dead body away, shook hands with the homeowner and carried on about their other business.

Which is as it should be.

Texas Angels

Some background:  Longtime Reader and Buddy Dave L. and I have known each other for years, and along the way, we’ve swapped stories back and forth, talked guns and such, and shared good times and bad.

Both of us lost our beloved wives to illness, I only a couple of years before he did, and we’ve taken it in turns to talk each other away from the abyss.  You know, what friends do.

Another thing we have in common after our respective losses is that somehow, without trying, we both lucked upon women who were prepared to take the enormous risk of marrying a pair of cranky old widowers — I already did, and he will be doing it too, later this year.

Anyway, a couple of days ago he sent me this email, which I’m posting almost unchanged (other than anonymizing it a little) with his express permission, because it is just too damn good a story not to share, and Dave is an excellent storyteller.

Hi Kim:

I want to share a story with you about the goodness of two people that I encountered last week. As with all Dave stories it’s a little long and involved but you’re an observer of all that’s wrong with our society so I hope that this brings a smile to your face.

A couple of weeks ago the “soon-to-be-wife” and I decided that we needed a little “us” time. I’ve lived in Oklahoma for 42 years but I’ve never made the detour south of Amarillo to check out Palo Duro Canyon. We decided to drag our small camping trailer out to the canyon for a couple of quiet days.

I want to lay the foundation for the story. I have an 18-foot single axle camper. It’s about six years old and is in very good condition. I have less than 15,000 miles on the unit. I’ve never overloaded the trailer and I’ve been very careful about inspecting the tires and maintaining the proper inflation pressures. In short, I’ve done about all that I could to keep the trailer safe and in good order. (I later learned that most of the new trailers come from the factory with a set of cheap Chinese tires that are commonly called “Chinese Time Bombs”. These tires look okay but literally disintegrate at the six to seven year mark.)

We were heading down I-40 last Monday afternoon. I tow with a 2020 F-150 that has the towing package and is a well maintained truck. We were running at about 65 — I don’t feel comfortable driving much over that when towing — and we’d just crossed the Oklahoma/Texas border when I heard a loud bang and saw pieces of tire flying from my wheel. We got the rig shut down and I found just a little rubber and lots of steel cord on the wheel rim. Last Monday afternoon the temp was about 95 but STBW and I managed to jack up the trailer and change out the bad tire for the spare.

While we doing this a typical Texan (God bless him) pulled up behind me in a big dually Dodge and helped us with the job. We were on our way to finishing the job, but when you’re 71 years old and out in the hot sun, any help is sure appreciated. I noticed that he was wearing a blue polo shirt (this becomes important later). I offered to buy our friend a beer or lunch but he wouldn’t hear anything of it. So I gave him a bottle of cold water and we went on our way.

About two hours later we’re south of Amarillo heading toward the canyon and I heard another loud bang. Yes, the second tire decided that it was at the end of its useful life and let go as well. So now we’re stuck without a spare and I’m looking for a place where I can park the trailer on the jacks and find a couple of tires late in the afternoon.

A guy who ran a local landscaping business saw our trouble and came out and suggested that we park the trailer right there in his yard. He said that we could leave the trailer on his locked property and he’d help us with it in the morning. That sounded like a good idea so we found a motel room.

On Tuesday morning we used the landscaper’s floor jack to get both wheels off and I made a trip to Discount Tire for two tires which were not made of Chinesium. Total time spent doing all this on Tuesday morning was about two hours. I insisted that the landscaper guy have lunch on us, and that was the best $50 I’ve ever spent.

Now for the good part. The second guy was also wearing a blue polo shirt. Your mileage may vary, but I’m convinced that in Texas, angels wear blue shirts.

All the best,


New Wife and I will be going to Dave’s wedding in a few months’ time.  After all these years of friendship, it will be the first time we’ve actually met in person, and I cannot wait.