Let’s hear it for this guy:
I bet they also come in Small, Medium and Large (maybe Extra-Large even) sizes, and none of that Venti nonsense. (Seen at Powerline.)
Let’s hear it for this guy:
I bet they also come in Small, Medium and Large (maybe Extra-Large even) sizes, and none of that Venti nonsense. (Seen at Powerline.)
i know I said there would be no math, but you have to look at these. Sue Radford:
Now to be honest, she hasn’t looked like this for (probably) 27 years — because she’s been pretty much pregnant most of that time (maybe with a couple months off for good behavior, here and there). Here’s the family’s chronological listing:
Chris 32, Sophie 27, Chloe 25, Jack 24, Daniel 22, Luke 20, Millie 19, Katie 18, James 17, Ellie 16, Aimee 15, Josh 13, Max 12, Tillie 11, Oscar 9, Casper 8, Hallie 6, Phoebe 4, Archie 3, Bonnie 2, and Heidie, 1.
And apparently they have taken not one penny of government support, ever. As the title of this post suggests…
Afterthought: I know what you’re thinking. Don’t go there. If her hubby is satisfied, then that’s all we need to know.
As pointed out by Sharryl Atkisson:
Amazingly, given the source, one important achievement was not mentioned, as noted in the comments:
That he did.
I sure do miss him.
Oooooh we got Sarah all riled up, and man is she pissed. (She even swears, albeit behind some ladylike asterisks.)
Don’t be surprised if at the end, you’re hootin’ and hollerin’ and shooting guns in the air, like I did.
Seems as though this punk kid decides that he wants to do something about overpopulation, i.e. shooting everyone he could in an apartment complex. He manages to kill an old lady (no doubt getting a nod of approval from NYGov “Granny-Killer” Cuomo), but at that point, an Olde Pharte decides that enough is enough, and shoots the little bastard dead with his… hunting rifle.
[pause to let the cheers, applause hooting, hollering and catcalls die down]
This being Arkansas, I doubt whether anything more need be said about this.
My old buddy, the late (and sorely-missed) Airboss used to keep next to his front door not a shotgun, but a bolt-action .308 because, as he explained, “I can take care of myself; it’s my neighbors who might need protection.”
Quod erat demonstratum.
I’ve seen a few funny things in my life, but very few as funny as this. Setup: a citizen is gassing up at the fuel pump, whereupon three choirboys swoop in for purposes of larceny. Now go and watch what happens next. (Try not to giggle like a schoolgirl, as I did.)