Suppose They Ordered A War…

…and nobody showed up?  That’s the old Vietnam-era trope.  Here’s the modern-day equivalent:


Fox News reports that a high ranking CBP official told the network that their relationship with the Guard is “strong”.

“While this issue plays out in the courts, the relationship between Border Patrol, Texas DPS [Department of Public Safety], & TMD [Texas Military Dept.] remains strong,” the official said, adding “Our focus is and will always be the mission of protecting this country and its people.”

“On the ground, we continue to work alongside these valuable partners in that endeavor,” the official continued, adding “Bottom line: Border Patrol has no plans to remove infrastructure (c-wire) placed by Texas along the border.”

“Our posture remains the same. If we need to access an area for emergency response, we will do so. When that happens, we will coordinate with Texas DPS & TMD,” the official further declared.

You see, long after the current Administration has passed into the “Bad News” section of the history books, the Border Patrol will still have to work with the Texas guys.  Let’s just hope they stick to their ummm statements.

So, ask that question again…?

HOW Many?

Seems as though TXGov Abbott isn’t standing alone.  From various governors:

@GregAbbott_TX and the state of Texas have our full support.
— Brian Kemp (@BrianKempGA) January 25, 2024

North Dakota stands with Texas.
— Gov. Doug Burgum (@GovDougBurgum) January 25, 2024

Tennessee has always stood with Texas, and we always will.
— Gov. Bill Lee (@GovBillLee) January 25, 2024

Utah thanks Texas and Gov. Abbott.
— Utah Gov. Spencer J. Cox (@GovCox) January 25, 2024

Texas, you can count on Alabama to have your back.
— Kay Ivey (@kayiveyforgov) January 25, 2024

Nebraska is proud to stand with Texas now.
— Governor Jim Pillen (@TeamPillen) January 25, 2024

WV supports @GregAbbott_TX and the State of Texas.
— Jim Justice (@JimJusticeWV) January 25, 2024

Arkansas stands with Texas.
— Sarah Huckabee Sanders (@SarahHuckabee) January 25, 2024

Iowa stands with Texas.
— Gov. Kim Reynolds (@IAGovernor) January 25, 2024

Makes you proud to be an American, doesn’t it?

Dept. Of Righteous Shootings

The plan is, you offer a car for sale on FuckedBook MarketPlace, insisting on a cash sale.  Then, when the prospective buyer shows up with pockets bulging with the stuff, you say “Oops!  Sorry, there’s no car but we’ll take your cash anyway!”  You’ll even have a gun in case things get nasty.

Sadly for the planners in this particular case, their prospective buyer came not only with cash, but with his own gun.  Legally owned*.

So when these assholes did the shooty thing, he did the shooty thing right back and sent one of the choirboys to join the celestial one.

Even though this happened in Illinois (Peoria, not Chicago thanl goodness), the cops weren’t interested in the choirboy’s problems, and gathered around Our Hero instead, offering congratulations and attaboys for helping them manage crime in their town.  Okay, actually:

He was released without any charges.

Good enough.

*here’s what interests me:

The robbery victim who fired a shot was a legal gun owner in another state and had a license to carry the weapon from one state to another.

What is this latter license?  As far as I know, Illinois doesn’t recognize any CCPs from other states.  Can anyone enlighten me on this?

Dept. Of Righteous Shootings

…from the Youth Division comes this little tale of gunny goodness.

Executive Summary:  Father gets upset with family, threatens to kill everyone in the house, and indeed starts off by killing his adult stepdaughter.  His son says “Enough is enough” and blows a hole in Daddy Dearest, who then assumes room temperature.  Cops shrug and give the kid an “Attaboy” medal.

The only sad thing is that the woman had to die before her asshole stepfather was ushered out.

Plus 1

From Frequent Commenter JQ comes this heartening news:

Hi Kim,
I thought you’d be happy to know that I brought one of my nephews to the range for the first time yesterday. We started off with the safety rules. He shot a Ruger Single Six, S&W model 63, Ruger Mk II, S&W model 66 in 38 special and 357 magnum, SW1911 in .45ACP of course, S&W M&P 9c and a S&W model 29-2 in 44 special and magnum. At the rifle range we started with a Ruger 10/22, M1 carbine, M1 Garand and a No4 Mk II Lee Enfield. The lever action Glenfield 30 wasn’t working so we’ll have to try that again on another trip. He liked the 9mm and 22lr rifle best. The 10/22 has a scope on it so it was easier for him to use. With some time, practice and coaching, I’ll bring him to the 1911 side soon enough. If the weather stays nice we’ll visit the range again Friday. Now that the introduction trip has been a success, the flood gates can open. Please have mercy on my ammo locker. lol

Your mantra of making us a nation of riflemen one person at a time still has legs!

Thankee JQ, for doing your civic duty.  Your day at the range sounds like so much fun, I’m jealous.

To the rest of my Readers:  if that little episode doesn’t warm your heart as it did mine, we can’t be friends.

And yes, the mantra doesn’t just have legs, it’s eternal.

JQ didn’t enclose any pics, but here are a few from the archives:

…etc. etc. etc.  All good stuff, and a wonderful intro to The Gun Thing for our young novice.