The plan is, you offer a car for sale on FuckedBook MarketPlace, insisting on a cash sale. Then, when the prospective buyer shows up with pockets bulging with the stuff, you say “Oops! Sorry, there’s no car but we’ll take your cash anyway!” You’ll even have a gun in case things get nasty.
Sadly for the planners in this particular case, their prospective buyer came not only with cash, but with his own gun. Legally owned*.
So when these assholes did the shooty thing, he did the shooty thing right back and sent one of the choirboys to join the celestial one.
Even though this happened in Illinois (Peoria, not Chicago thanl goodness), the cops weren’t interested in the choirboy’s problems, and gathered around Our Hero instead, offering congratulations and attaboys for helping them manage crime in their town. Okay, actually:
He was released without any charges.
Good enough.
*here’s what interests me:
The robbery victim who fired a shot was a legal gun owner in another state and had a license to carry the weapon from one state to another.
What is this latter license? As far as I know, Illinois doesn’t recognize any CCPs from other states. Can anyone enlighten me on this?