Quote Of The Day

From Niall Ferguson:

“Henry Kissinger was a colossus who bestrode a century: he shaped politics like no other statesman and the world wouldn’t be in such a perilous state if more followed his wise and ruthlessly pragmatic approach.”

Amen to that.  If Kissinger had a fault, it was that his towering intellect, logic and pragmatism prevented him from fully understanding the attitudes of the fanatics on the other side of the negotiating table.

Of Kissinger it can truly be said that he was always — always — the smartest man in the room.  His enemies knew that, and it only added to their frustrated rage.

And you only have to see who hated him to realize that he was, mostly, correct in his approach to foreign policy — unlike the feckless and ignorant fools and children who are in charge of such things today.

Read the article.

Call To Arms

At the Federalist Society, a speech from Bari Weiss which outlines the issue facing us at this time, and reminds us of our collective duty to save civilization.  As she rightly says:

When antisemitism moves from the shameful fringe into the public square, it is not about Jews. It is never about Jews. It is about everyone else. It is about the surrounding society or the culture or the country. It is an early warning system—a sign that the society itself is breaking down. That it is dying.

It is a symptom of a much deeper crisis—one that explains how, in the span of a little over 20 years since Sept 11, educated people now respond to an act of savagery not with a defense of civilization, but with a defense of barbarism.

Read the whole damn thing, because you must.

It’s not just Jews who are at risk.  We are all at risk, every one of us who claims to be civilized.

Gettin’ Serious

A leading indicator that some serious work will be needing done is heralded by stuff like this:

The U.S. Army on Monday released a recruitment ad that critics argue is a sure sign the military is gearing up for war.

There are no signs of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the 30-second spot, which features white males jumping out of a plane. 

Yup:  when it comes time to make war in earnest, ain’t nothin’ like a bunch of White men to get the job done.

And for those People Of Color who won’t respond to the ads because “there ain’t no Black men in the picture”:  by all means, stay the fuck away and let the professionals do the work.

When there’s hard work to be done, there’s no time for “feelings” or “representation”.  As the Army seems to have realized.

Popcorn Time

Ooooh, I like the sound of this, oh yes I do:

Football hooligans are planning to ‘team up’ and ‘protect’ the Cenotaph from pro-Palestine protestors… with police fearing more than a thousand will come to London where a rally against war in Gaza is set to take place.

For those Murkins who are unaware what this is all about:  unlike party-latecomers U.S. of A. to the fun and games of the WWI trenches, the Brits and French had been ritually slaughtered for several years in the trenches of northeastern France.

The First World War, in other words, had a far greater impact on British society (and it still does) than Over Here.

The Cenotaph in London is the great monument to the fallen of that war, and it is probably the single most unifying day in Britishland, where the entire nation falls silent at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, and wreaths are placed at the foot of the monument by kings, queens, princes and princesses.  It is, in short, important.

So the Great Unwashed — in this case the fools who are protesting the current unpleasantness — announced that they were going to hijack the ceremony to make their little strident protests.

Whereupon the working class of Britain — then and now the most patriotic of the British citizenry — have apparently decided that this shall not stand.  (Note that they’re called “football hooligans” by the Loathsome Jackals Of The Press, instead of “people who have a sense of honor” who, it should be said, have had enough of all this bullshit.)

Incidentally — and this predates the Balfour Declaration — had Britain not invaded Judea (the area now mistakenly called “Palestine”) back in that selfsame World War, the area might still be a satrapy of Turkey.

But enough history.  What I want to see is the lads from the Millwall, West Ham, Crystal Palace and other such fan clubs stop beating each other up (the normal Match Day pastime) and converge on the Cenotaph en masse.  Then they can start beating the shit out of the terrorsymp protesters, without the cops doing anything but nod approvingly and, if there were any justice in the world, corral the terrorsymps and prevent them from escaping the festivities.

That won’t happen, of course, more’s the pity.  But I hope just a few hundred terrorsymps get fucked up so badly that they have to wait in the interminable NHS waiting lines to have their broken bones, skulls etc. patched up.

I’ll be Over Here, raising a pint of Fuller’s London Pride in the lads’ honor, oh yes I will.  I’m even going to tune in to the ghastly BBC World TV channel in the hopes that a few BBC journos (who are almost without exception terrorsymps themselves) get their heads broken as well as they try to put their pathetic spin on the event.

That would call for magnums of champagne, never mind pints of ale.

Dogs of war, baby, dogs of war.  I want to see them unleashed, with extreme malice.

If I were in London right now, I might even put on a Millwall supporter’s shirt and catch the Tube over, just to see what I could do to help.  I haven’t been in a decent street fight since I battled apartheid cops in the streets of Johannesburg, and it’s about time.

Dept. Of Righteous Shootings

See if you can spot the bullshit in this otherwise-happy little tale:

Two alleged robbers entered the pizzeria around 8 p.m. “wearing hooded sweatshirts and masks.”

One of the alleged robbers was armed with a handgun and fired a round while trying to get behind the counter. One of the pizzeria employees then opened fire on the suspect, shooting the alleged robber multiple times.

The alleged robber was pronounced dead approximately 30 minutes after entering the pizzeria.

If you bust into a place wearing a mask and hoodie, and start popping off rounds, there’s no “alleged” or “suspected” involved:  you are a fucking robber.

And in this case, you are fucking dead.