Novel Fundraiser

Wow, here’s an interesting one, from a Florida Girl no less:

Bryce Adams is no stranger to sexy snaps – and has shot to success by filming bonks with her boyfriend, which they share on the adult subscription site.  However, getting frisky for fans is not the only ingredient to the natural beauty’s success.

The 29-year-old, from Florida in the US, has an ‘authentic’ approach to the adult industry.

She documents all parts of her life – even petting her cat (no innuendo intended) – and the non-sexual content has helped her to build up a huge community of fans. 

Her followers include those in the Armed Forces, which has spurred her on to raise more than $70,000 (£61,000) for charity.

Bryce is grateful for the men and women of her country, who put their lives on the line so wanted to show her gratitude in her own unique way.

And so she decided to take her clothes off to raise money for Veterans Day (Friday 11 November).

She asked her 24,000 Twitter followers to retweet her naughty snaps – and for every retweet, she will donate $1 for veterans of the armed forces.

Bryce explained: “Veterans Day is near and dear to my heart.  I appreciate veterans and I thought, hey this is a totally different way for me to try and connect and support the veterans.

I know, you’re too lazy to follow the link…

Good for her, say I.


From yesterday’s Comments:

“More than three million (and counting) “Texans” voted for Beto.”

Just remember that if all three million had voted in the same place, he wouldn’t even have carried Houston, let alone the whole state.

In fact, given that the Lone Star’s voting population numbers about 19 million, and at least ten percent of any given population are retarded assholes*, Beto’s vote count is not even double that number.

*Assuming that all retarded assholes would vote for Beto, that is, but there’s a limit even to asshole retardation.

Street Takeovers

Reader Mike L. sends me this heartening news:

Dangerous street takeovers are happening more and more often in Oklahoma City and across the nation, which is why an updated city ordinance is cracking down on large groups of people who illegally block intersections, roads, or parking lots. Street takeovers can include street racing, or can simply involve participants using their vehicles to block intersections while they take over the area with friends.

Not only do illegal takeovers increase crime, they also block medical responders during emergencies.

The updated ordinance includes vehicles being impounded for 90 days, while participants can be jailed for 60 days, as well as face fines of more than $2,000.

My only suggestion is that the towed cars are taken not to impound lots, but straight to scrapyards where the car crushers are waiting.  To paraphrase Samuel Johnson:  nothing concentrates the mind more than an imminent crushing.

And the fine takes away the deposit for a replacement.

Lottery Dream #14

If I had the dough, I might buy this place:

Up for sale, this near-8000 square-foot property has five bedrooms and six bathrooms.  It was custom-designed and built in 2016 and sits on nearly 400 acres of rolling countryside.

The Arkansas house has a huge warehouse for parking cars, with more car spaces than bedrooms for people.  But the most amazing feature is a 1.2-mile race track that threads through the countryside around the property.

…as long as there was room left on the property for a 100-yard rifle range.  And I’d convert one of the larger garages into an indoor pistol range.

But that’s just me.

I Did Not Know That

Via Insty, a very interesting factoid:

SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is an airborne disease transmitted via aerosols, which are spread from the oral and nasal cavities—the mouth and the nose. In addition to the well-known division and spread of the virus in the cells of the respiratory tract, SARS-CoV-2 is also known to infect the cells of the lining of the mouth and the salivary glands.

Commercially available mouthwashes contain a number of antibiotic and antiviral components that act against microorganisms in the mouth. One of these, cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC), has been shown by a team of researchers led by Professor Kyoko Hida at Hokkaido University to reduce the viral load of SARS-CoV-2 in the mouth, primarily by disrupting the lipid membrane surrounding the virus. While there are other chemicals with similar effects, CPC has the advantage of being tasteless and odorless. Their findings were published in the journal Scientific Reports.

I use Scope mouthwash at least twice a day (morning and bedtime, but this is not repeat NOT a product endorsement) — have done so for years — and yes, it contains CPC, according to their own blurb.

Of course, future studies may find that cetylpyridinium chloride causes hair to grow on your liver or something, but sufficient unto the day, as a wise man once said.

I should also point out that this prophylactic measure is not exactly a new thing:

Perhaps if schools still did this kind of thing — you know, stuff that is actually helpful as opposed to crap like CRT indoctrination — the whole Covid lockdown bullshit may have been avoided.