Och Aye The Noo!

“Ye may tak’ oor lands, oor lives, oor haggis… but ye’ll ne’er tak’ oor football!”

Defiant Celtic fans clash with police in Glasgow as they storm football ground to watch match after crowds were capped at 500 in Sturgeon’s Christmas crackdown

For once, I find myself agreeing with the manky Scots.  And a pox on their foul slag of a PM.

Cautionary Tale

A week or so ago, I talked about the Great Resignation.  Now the excellent City Journal  has this to say about that:

Younger workers opting to work less or to put in only the minimum effort may pay a future price in terms of stagnation or downward mobility. Workers receive the most pay raises in their twenties and thirties. This is also when people acquire the skills and contacts that pay off for the rest of their careers. One’s early years are not an ideal time to stay away from work, even considering the challenges that today’s younger workers face. Some jobs are certainly harder than others—especially when you’re learning skills and occupy a low rung in the workplace hierarchy. But opting out early only makes it more likely that work won’t get better later on.

All true.

Quote Of The Day

From the CEOs of Southwest and American, testifying during some Congressional hearing:

“I think the case is very strong that masks don’t add much, if anything, in the air cabin environment. It is very safe and very high quality compared to any other indoor setting.  High-grade HEPA air filters on planes capture virtually all airborne contamination and air quality is helped by how frequently cabin air is exchanged with fresh air from outside the cabin.”

So much for masking policies on airliners.

No Big Deal

Both New Wife and I got our second (“booster”) Covid jabs a couple weeks ago, and boy, how I suffered.

For the next two days, I couldn’t raise my left arm past shoulder height without it aching like a muscle pull.  Then on the third day, it rose again [sic]  without a problem.

In other words, I felt fine — not even mildly “off”, like I did with the first one the day after — and New Wife felt no side effects at all.

I honestly don’t see what all the fuss is about.

I do think that I’m growing a new head out my chest, though that may just be the gin talking.