Friday Night Movies

I have to admit to a secret addiction:  watching the election results of November 2016, most especially this half-hour summary.

Watch as the presenters manfully try to suppress their growing dismay at the inevitability of God-Emperor Trump’s election, and giggle like a little girl at the “We’ve lost but I don’t have the balls to tell you that!”  speech of Hillary Bitch Clinton’s lickspittle weasel campaign manager, John Podesta.

Of course, there are other wonderful videos to watch, and as a public service I’ve added a couple more, for your delectation:

“Trump Can’t Win” — a retrospective gloatfest

Liberal assholes’ stunned meltdown — “Get your abortions now!”, “This was a Whitelash!”, “You’re awake, by the way; you’re not having a terrible, terrible dream,” etc.

Enjoy, enjoy… and feel free to add your own links in Comments.

Independence Day 2018

As I looked for pictures which I thought would capture the spirit of the day, this one seemed to do it best:

In case you’re wondering, it’s a small town somewhere in Wisconsin.  And a close-up of the crowd further along the road:

For a more “traditional” pic, how about this one:

And lest we forget:

Finally, for all those Islamist assholes out there, here’s one which encapsulates the American Dream and denies theirs:

Now… get out there, eat that BBQ and enjoy the fireworks tonight, all of you.

Weekly News Roundup

 1) ‘Ice Pick Killer’ During Texas Execution: It ‘Hurts’Good.  Wish it had hurt more.

 2) SCOTUS Judge Anthony  Kennedy To Retire In JulyLiberals’ hair catches fire for the umpteenth time since November 2016;  End Times predicted.  I’d say more but I’m deafened by conservatives cheering.

 3) Bronx will elect a hardline Commie to Congressoh wait, that’s not news, sorry.

 4) Commies Go Apeshit In New YorkWashington D.C. And Portlandsorry, not news eitherWhat should have been news was that cops opened fire on the anarcho-assholes, but sadly, that didn’t happen.

 5) Germany Crashes Out Of 2018 World Cup — …which makes it twice in seventy-odd years they’ve had to retreat from Russia, only this time they can’t blame the weather. 

 6) Britishland Continues To Melteven the swans are being boiled alive:

…and people are (mostly) getting tanned:

…but some are unaffected by the heat: 

7) SCOTUS Tells Unions To Quit Stealing People’s Moneynext on the agenda:  abolishing public-sector unions altogether.

And finally:

 8) Warning Issued Over Drinking Too Deeply Of Liberal Tearsdon’t care.  Cheers, everyone.

Quote Of The Day

“So what we see is that there is no direct correlation at the global level between firearm ownership and violence.”  —  Anna Alvazzi del Frate (program director, Small Arms Survey)

There are several interesting snippets contained in this study, which blessedly seems to be focused on data and not an agenda.

The one that’s got the most airplay has been of course that the United States constitutes nearly half of all the guns held in private hands — yeah, I know, we need to do better — but the quote above is, I think, the clincher in the study.  This is because in the grand scheme of things, who and how many gun owners there are is just a statistic;  the more important information is how those gun owners use their guns — and the most interesting observation is that once you exclude military gun use, the most common use for privately-held guns, even with crime included in the incidence, is suicide.

And of course because suicide is going to occur regardless — whether by guns, pills, hanging, falls, jumping in front of trains, whatever — it’s quite clear that including gun suicide in “violent crime” statistics (which is what most of the would-be gun confiscators do) is a mendacious device.  (I know, when someone eats their gun there’s a violent outcome because brain splatter, but it’s hardly a more violent outcome than, say, hitting the sidewalk after a jump from a height of twenty stories, where no gun is involved.)

It’s a fascinating read, and it’s so clinical that not even TIME magazine can spin it into a Schumeresque sound bite.  In fact, the only reasonable sound bite from the study is the conclusion at the top of this post, which is why it’s the Quote Of The Day.

Union No

Wow.  So Michigan, once the very epitome of a union-controlled state, has kicked ass with a new law:

This week the Michigan House of Representatives took up a measure to put an end to a rule called the “prevailing wage,” a requirement that forces all construction projects initiated by state government to pay workers the same wage union members make even if the workers hired for said projects are not members of a union, reported.

The measure passed, but how it became law is extremely impressive:

The petition submitted to the House could have been allowed to become a ballot measure, and likely that is what Protect Michigan Taxpayers expected to become of their petition. However, the state legislature always has the option to submit a petition straight to the state house and that is what the Michigan Senate did when they heard the petition and then voted 23-14 to enact its provisions. That prompted the Michigan House to take up the idea and they passed it as well, 56-53.
Indeed, since the petition met the required number of signatures to be considered and since both houses of the legislature voted to approve it, this repeal doesn’t even have to go to the Governor’s desk for a signature.  It will now simply be put into service.
Hence, Michigan’s prevailing wage rule is a dead letter.

Hubba hubba.  Now go and read the rest of the article, which argues quite persuasively against the concept of federal employee unions.


Settled Science

when it comes to coffee:

Every day seems to deliver a new story about caffeine. One day it’s good for you, the next it’s to be avoided.
But a recent large scale study suggests not only do coffee and caffeine give us an ‘energy boost’, they also benefit our health.
The British Medical Journal published an umbrella review that showed the health benefits of caffeine and coffee far outweighed the risks.
The optimum health benefits of caffeine come from about 3-4 cups a day.

I know, I know… yer not gonna cut your coffee intake in half, no matter what the scientists say.

For the record, I drink Krispy Kreme “Smooth” blend coffee from K-cups. (yeah, go ahead and call it sacrilege: according to the coffee fanatics, I should grow my own beans, roast them myself, and grind only the freshest ones for my coffee needs. The only problem with that rigmarole is I wouldn’t have time left in the day to do anything else. I don’t distill my own single malt Scotch; why should I do the same for my coffee?)

Then again, no doubt some doctors would take issue with my other approach:

…but they’re just a bunch of old spoilsports.