Enough Already

As much as I am in awe of Kim Rhode’s prowess with a shotgun and her Olympic / World Championship achievements, I’m starting to think that she’s an idiot.

California thought they were onto something. Since they can’t seem to control guns, even though they really keep trying to, they decided to control bullets instead. After all, what could go wrong with that.
Well, now the state is staring down the barrel of a lawsuit. It seems that six-time Olympic medalist Kim Rhode takes a bit of exception to the new rules.

So she’s filed a lawsuit against the state, arguing that they’re interfering with her livelihood because under their new law, nobody can ship ammunition into California from another state or something like that. (I mostly ignore what California does because they’re batshit crazy and I don’t want any of that crazy to rub off on me.)

Kim (if I can call you that), please. The state of California doesn’t give a rat’s ass about your livelihood. In fact, they hate you and all the other sport shooters in the California because you show that law-abiding gun owners can be trusted and your shooting is a positive thing — and they can’t have that because they’re selling a narrative that all gun owners are eeevil killers and a powder keg waiting to explode and go insane, murdering a whole bunch of Innocent People.

So please, please leave the stupid place and go to Arizona or Texas or somewhere that will appreciate you and your skills and not try to screw you over anyhow they can. You’ve stood up for your principles, and that’s a good thing. But enough is enough; leave them to their own devices and let them sink into the pit of their own construction. All that’s going to happen is that if you win your lawsuit, California will find some other way to mess with gun owners, and another lawsuit will not help there either.

By the way, the above applies to all my other gun-loving Readers stuck in the Golden Shower State. I appreciate your stubbornness and all that good stuff, but really, it’s time to GTF out of there.

Additional Delights

From Comments in yesterday’s post explaining my brief abstinence:

“Maybe toss in a extra-ration of zoom-zoom, bang-bang and a bit of tasteful hoochie-coochie.”

I live to please. First, some zoom-zoom (Alvis Speed 25, 1939):

Next, a little bang-bang (Browning BAR in .243 Win):

…and finally, some hoochie-cootchie, of unknown provenance:

Unintended Shopping

The recent (unseasonably) cold weather in north Texas drove me off to find an unbranded fleece sweatshirt last weekend. (I refuse to wear any sweatshirt that has writing on it, e.g. “I’m With Stupid” or “Budweiser”.) As I have lost a fair amount of tonnage recently, I needed to try the stupid thing on to get the right size, hence the actual store visit (as opposed to simple online clicking).

So I went to Academy (next door to Kroger, hence efficient trip planning), only to find that Academy, like so many clothing stores, is only selling spring-type apparel, therefore No Sweatshirts To Be Found. [2,000-word rant deleted]  So there I was, in Academy, where of course the Guns & Ammo section is conveniently located right next to Men’s Clothing.

I don’t think I need to tell you what happened next.

All I know is that when I got home after my trip to Kroger, I had to carry indoors not only sundry grocery bags but also the following:

500 rounds of plinkage: 

…and 100 rounds of practice feed:

Why? Because they were on sale, that’s why.

I know, nobody needs a reason to buy ammo — and gawd knows I have quite a bit of it already — but the prices were irresistible, especially in these, the post-Obama Overpriced Ammo Years. Anytime I can get .22 for a few pennies each and .45 ACP for less than $15 a box… could we be seeing a return to reasonably-priced ammo at last?

I blame Academy. Had they stocked any unbranded fleece sweatshirts, none of this would have happened. On the other hand, it could have been much worse: I managed to resist the siren call of  couple of reasonably priced guns that were on sale, too, such as this pretty little stainless Browning Buckmark UDX:

I’m so self-disciplined.

Gratuitous Gun Pic: Pistol-Caliber Carbines

From deep inside Commie Blue America, Reader Brad R. writes:

I am faced with a dilemma. I need/want to buy a relatively inexpensive (<$400) pistol-caliber carbine. I also must take ownership of said carbine before June 13, 2018, because worthless, pointless recently approved LOCAL gun ban. While not an absolute requirement, I’d prefer a carbine in 9mm that is +P rated. I toss this in because (1) ammo common to gun(s) I already own and (2) lower cost than calibers such as .40 S&W, .45ACP, etc.
Last night, the Village of Deerfield – Board of Trustees (an unholy pox upon them) approved what they call an “assault weapon” ban. The ban was a response to the mass shooting at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High. It applies to just about every conceivable semi auto rifle with a detachable mag which also has any one (1) of five cosmetic features. There is also an extensive laundry list of specifically named rifles. The ban also forbids possession of detachable magazines with capacity of more than ten (10) rounds and applies equally to rifle & pistol magazines, without a “grandfather” clause. There are a couple of exemptions to the ban, but I don’t qualify for them. If any of your readers are familiar with the ban in neighboring Highland Park, the Deerfield ban is pretty much a carbon copy.
To illustrate the depth of stupidity of the ban, a Ruger 10/22 in a conventional stock would be fine, but the same 10/22 in a “tactical” stock would be verboten.
The ban in question does not forbid ownership, it only bans possession, manufacture, sale, transfer of the forbidden fruit within the boundaries of The Village. I don’t have to worry about possession. A personal situation allows me to reside outside of the village, but for complicated reasons I need to keep Deerfield as my legal address.
Moving north to Wisconsin or to another part of Fee America is not an option at this time. So there you have it. What Would Kim Do??

I am somewhat confused by the “possession vs. ownership” distinction (the same thing, surely?) but I’ll leave that aside for now.

Here’s the nitty gritty of the question: unless you go with a cheap ‘n nasty carbine (e.g. Hi-Point) that you want to get for symbolic reasons only, you’ll have to forget the sub-$400 price point. And given that the Colt AR-style 9mm carbine requires your bank manager in attendance at the time of sale, there are only a couple I’d look at, and your choices are kinda dependent on which 9mm pistol you want to pair with the carbine.

If your handgun is in the Beretta 92 series, then there’s  the Beretta CX4 Storm, the most innocuous of the pistol-caliber carbines.

I’ve shot this little cutie before, and I loved it: accurate, reliable and lightweight. And yes, it handles +P ammo easily.

Another option would be the Tresna Defense JAG9G, which takes Glock magazines.

I will confess that I haven’t fired this carbine yet, but a few people whose opinions I trust have done so, and they like both its reliability and the AR-style action. It also looks scawwwy (always a Good Thing when it comes to matters like this).

But speaking of scawwwy-looking guns, I’m going to throw a wild card into the mix here, and suggest that you don’t bother pairing your carbine with a handgun. Why not stick it to these gun-fearing wussies, and go all-out?

What I mean is this:

Yes, it’s a Kalashnikov, to be specific the KR-9 SBR carbine, in 9mmP (with the added bonus of an eeeeevil folding stock), and Kalashnikov USA is shipping them out as we speak. Now demand is high so you may have to jump on it, and the price is over a grand — but I cannot think of a finer way to rub the gun-controllers’ noses in it than by getting one of these bad boys. This pic was taken at SHOT this past January, and the reps were beating people back with sticks.

There are some other choices for carbines (see here), but I don’t know anything about them, and the low price points on some of them make me a little nervous.

For all those folks in a similar situation to Reader Brad, feel free to start shopping around.

And as always, additional suggestions and personal experiences / recommendations are welcome in Comments.

When The Impossible Becomes Everyday

We are constantly being told by the Left that we need to adopt the stricter gun laws of other countries — the U.K. and Australia spring to mind — because their gunshot violence rates are so much lower than ours Over Here.

And yet

Two men in their 20s are taken to hospital after being shot outside Mile End Tube station as London’s crime epidemic continues

and this:

Mother of a student shot and stabbed to death on a night out says she is “completely heartbroken”. His death is one of eight murders in London in a week and has sparked warnings that the capital could see a record number of killings in 2018.

Technically, of course, with handgun ownership almost completely banned in the U.K., this kind of thing should never, ever happen. Technically, Britain’s gunshot violence rate involving handguns should equal zero — but of course, it doesn’t.

And if we take the spate of acid-tossing incidents in Britain — where young thugs simply use sulphuric- or hydrochloric acid as their weapon of choice, the violent crime rate is absolutely staggering. (Yeah, having acid thrown in your face is so much better than being threatened with a gun.)

But when confronted with these facts, the Left just shrugs because as with all things Lefty, the intent is what’s important; the outcome is irrelevant. It doesn’t matter if people die or are horribly disfigured as long as the principle (of public disarmament) is laudable.

I wonder just how many of these British criminals would be so brazen if there was a good chance they’d be shot dead by lawfully-armed citizens… oh hell, we all know the answer to that. It’s only the Left who would be wailing about “pitched gun battles” and “Wild West shoot-outs” (when in fact, the violent crime rate in America’s Wild West days — where almost every man carried a gun — was considerably lower than today’s).

Which reminds me: it’s almost time to head off to the range.