Gratuitous Gun Pic: Beretta Mod 74/101 (.22 LR)

Seen at Steve Barnett’s:

No, that’s not an accidental double-post;  the first is a Model 74 (retail:  $850), while the second is a Model 101 ($1,250 because, I suspect, of its scarcity).  I suspect that the only real difference is mechanical, because other than a different stock design, I can see no apparent difference between the two.

Here’s the thing:  according to what I can see, the Models 71 through 75 are essentially the same pistol, differing only in barrel length (2″ or 6″), and all seem to have been confusing named and sold under the name “Jaguar”, regardless of model.  The Model 101?  Who knows.

At least all take the same hard-to find-and-therefore-expensive magazine — and those prices are for aftermarket mags;  original Beretta mags for these guns are made of ultra-unobtanium, and if you can find one, will typically run to three figures.

Ask me how I know this.

You see, I’ve owned not one but two of these beautiful pistols (both with the 6″ barrel):  one back in Seffrica which I inherited from my mother and had to leave behind when I emigrated, and the second here in Murka when I found one at a gun show and paid way too much for it.  Because did I already mention that it’s beautiful?

And here’s the other problem:  my mom’s gun was a peach.  I could drop bullets in the same hole all day (and I often did), and the action felt like ball-bearings on silk.  The Murkin one was awful:  it rattled around when firing, the mag was also loose, and I couldn’t hit a paint can at 10 yards with it.  Also, when I found an aftermarket mag, it was worse than the “original” mag.

So in the end, I sold it or traded it, I forget which, because I was totally disenchanted with the gun’s performance, especially when compared to my first one’s.

But I have to say that if I had the $$$, I’d buy one of the above in a heartbeat, not because of its quality — who knows, maybe my Murkin gun was just an anomaly — but because, as I may have said before, the 71/72/73/74/75/101 is achingly, breathtakingly beautiful.  Those flowing lines, that perfect rake on the grip… oh stop me while I can still speak.

And yes, that swooping Art Deco trigger-guard is hopelessly unfashionable nowadays.  People need and want a squared-off monstrosity like this:

…so that they can find adequate purchase for a two-handed grip.

I prefer to think that the Jaguar is not a two-handed pistol — I mean, it’s a .22, FFS — and when I see it, I think more of the shooter assuming a classical duelist’s pose with it:

And yes, it’s a romantic, out-of-date attitude.

Guilty as charged.

Dept. Of Righteous Shootings

Seems as though this man’s car was stolen, but the thieves were unaware that nowadays, you can track your car’s location.  Which is what Our Hero did, and confronted said scumbags in a mall parking lot.  He made them get out of the car at gunpoint and sit on the ground while everyone awaited the arrival of the San Antonio police.

Well, our Senior Scumbag wasn’t going to take this lying (sitting?) down, so he pulled his own gun and popped off at the car owner.

Whereupon Our Hero wasted the fucker AND shot Scumbag’s accomplice in the leg, I assume lest she wanted to retrieve her late partner’s gun and continue the festivities.

Quote of the day comes from the SAPD chief:

‘Certainly a case of self-defense, is what we have.’

Then, for the lawyers, he added (no doubt with a shrug):

‘We would prefer that they call the police before taking that into your own hands, but he did what he felt he needed to do.’

I think some applause for both the chief and Our Hero would be appropriate:

Texas, baby.

Of course, the family of the corpus delicti is all boohoohoo about it (sent by Longtime Friend and Reader John C.):

“Whether my brother was wrong or right, he had a gun pointed at him. I guess he took it upon himself to defend himself. The guy who shot him is a vigilante, not a hero,” Jose Garcia told KENS 5. “A vehicle is not worth taking someone’s life, I don’t care what kind of car it is. You don’t take the law into your own hands. Now my mom, my family, we all have to suffer and just deal with it.”

Errr well, I hate to break it to you, Jose, but under Texas law, self-defense during the commission of a crime is not justifiable. And the law is always in the hands of the citizen — we just deputize its enforcement to government.  But when the government is late to the scene, or absent altogether, it is absolutely the right of the citizen to enforce it.  Deputization is not the same as abrogation, despite what government wants you to think.

Also, if a vehicle is not worth a life, your deceased choirboy brother didn’t think the same way — or else he would not have been carrying a gun himself.  Clearly, he thought that a car was worth more than a life, which is why he ended up the way he did.

In any event, fuck him, he’s dead, the dangerous criminal asshole.  And while you’re right to mourn him, I’ll bet this wasn’t the first time he’d caused the family grief and heartache.  Everyone (your family included) is better off without him, as it is without all dangerous criminals.

Gratuitous Gun Pic: TNW Aero Survival Rifle

It’s a perennial discussion point on this here back porch of mine:

“I want a carbine-type companion piece to my handgun.”

Well, here’s one I had not heard of until recently and nor, it would seem, had the venerable Hitchock45:  the TNW Aero Survival Rifle.  (Ignore that silly MSRP;  here it is at BassPro, hardly the cheapest retailer on the planet.)

I have to say, I really like the look of this little darling;  it’s like a grown-up AR-7 Survival Rifle (.22 LR).

It also takes Glock magazines for the caliber of your preference — did I mention that you can pick your favorite chambering among 9mm, .357SIG, .40S&W, 10mm and (my choice, of course) .45ACP?  I’d buy a few Glock 21 mags — 13-rounders, of course, just to piss off the GFW Brigade –and yes, I’d prefer that the Aero took 1911 mags, but only because then I wouldn’t have to buy more of them.  But at about $20 per mag, I could do the Glocks easily.

The Aero does not have iron sights, which is another minor irritant, but I can see why:  a front sight on the barrel could cause packing- or unpacking hassles.  Okay, then:  I’d top the Aero with one of these Springfield red-dot scopes.

Your choice may differ — heading upmarket towards Holosun, Trijicon or Leupold — but I’d be happy with the less inexpensive choice.  Also, size is important because the Aero disassembles into a teeny lil’ packaway thing which would easily fit into a light backpack;  and the Springfield Hex is, from all reports I’ve read, extremely rugged and can handle the .45’s recoil with ease.

By the way, when you watch Hitchcock’s video, and you should, please note the difficulty he has with some of the Glock mags — but he resolves the issue in the same video:  load the mag firmly with the bolt closed, and all will be well.

If you are sensing from my tone that I want one of these little beauties very badly, you would be correct;  and the Aero and accessories are going onto Santa’s list as we speak.

Jonny’s Guns

What we in Texas would call “a good start“…

Some quotes:

“What is a man without a Silver Pigeon?”  (and in the background, Mr. Free Market nods in agreement)

“Every person should own a pump action.”

“How many high-end boutique hand-built semi-automatics are there in the world?   Not enough, I tell you.  Not enough.”

“I could shoot the absolute ass out of this gun.”

Jonny’s our kind of guy.

My only quibble is all those pistol grips;  but then again, he shoots far better than I ever could.

Proper Ranking

From my friends at the Texas State Rifle Association:

Let’s just look at that for a moment:

  • Grand Prize:  an old rifle, last used in the 19th century, firing a black powder cartridge that’s mostly unavailable except to hobbyists and reloaders
  • Consolation Prize: the Mattel AR-15 Plastic Fantastic


Hey, I didn’t set the competition up, they did.

En passant:  I fired the 71/84 once, and like a most black powder shooting, it was a lot of fun, but very messy. [insert sex joke here]