From Insty (link included):
…just nobody at this website.
Although, given both the cost and scarcity of ammo these days, it would probably be better to go with an SKS:
…especially as you can’t fit a bayonet to the MG-42’s barrel.
My favorite toy
The kids clubbed together and bought me a birthday/Christmas present:
Never owned a Savage 64F before, and this stainless-barreled one is as pretty as all hell — once one loses the black compo stock, that is [sigh]. Came with scope mounts, but I’m in two minds whether to scope the thing or not, given that its function is “plinker”. I guess it depends on whether my old eyes can get it inside a respectable circle or not.
Apparently, the store was not able to include even a single box of .22 LR, but I believe I’ve got a few rounds of rimfire lying around somewhere. (I’ll also need a few spare mags at some point, but that can wait awhile.)
So if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to the range to test it out.
Update: I couldn’t get a ten-shot string offhand inside a palm-sized ring at 25 yards, but the Son&Heir could (damn his young eyes) — so I’m gonna need a scope. [deep sigh]
Thanks for all the scope advice.
On the bright side: the 64F loves Aguila 40-gr Match more than any other ammo I tried. Fortunately, I bought a couple cases on a great deal back in about 2007, so there we go.
The fiendish Mr. Free Market sends me to this Very Bad Website, and demands that I choose one for rooftop duty.
ONE? Great Vulcan’s bleeding hemorrhoids.
Go there and see which one you’d pick… mine is below the fold.
Some of you may remember this:
As part of this:
So I know that to many people, this might seem to be good news*:
The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) reported Monday there are an estimated 434 million firearms in private possession in the United States of America.
But if you consider that that number represents only about 2.4 firearms per adult person in the U.S., and most people reading this may well own more than two guns [eyecross], it means there’s still an awful lot of work to be done if we’re to turn America back into a Nation of Rifleman.
And I admit to some lollygagging on my part: I don’t think I’ve taught a new shooter to shoot for over two years, now. That’s inexcusable.
Let’s get onto that, folks.
*Quite a few people are going to be horrified at that number, but I’m not interested in the feelings of timorous people and statists [some overlap] .
For the first time since I started this thing back in 2002, I feel it’s kinda superfluous this year.
That’s a good thing, right?
Anyway, I did my bit, although it took me forever to find the right ammo in a quantity larger than a single box… sheesh.
Whenever you’re looking at a gun stuff website and you find this little notice:
…that’s pretty much a crib sheet for places where you do not want to live.
This particular one spotted at Firequest, where they sell “exotic” (a.k.a. “cool but spendy”) stuff, e.g.: As I said to Combat Controller (who sent me the link), at that price I don’t just want death, I expect thermonuclear action at the naughty end.