Anarchy In Britishland

Why do I giggle like a little girl when I read stories like this one?

Villagers are praising a fire that destroyed an ‘archaic’ toll booth that charged drivers 12p in cash only to cross the Manchester Ship Canal and caused frustratingly long traffic queues. Warburton bridge toll booth is suspected to have been reduced to ash by an arsonist who became fed up of waiting waiting to cross the bridge.

But wait!  The powers-that-be are not taking this lying down:

The booth’s owners, Peel Ports, are planning to replace the destroyed structure with a more modern toll.

…and I hope this one gets torched as well, especially if it’s an expensive modern one.  For a 12p (50c) toll?  FFS.

Anyone remember the spate of vandalism directed at speed cameras in Britishland a couple years back?  I do:

When Gummint has to put up cameras to catch the people who are vandalizing cameras, that’s when we’ll know we’re winning.

In the meantime back here in Murka, we can just fall back on the old (hypothetical, that is) question of whether one should use a rifle or shotgun instead of playing with matches;  and if a rifle, what caliber?  Myself, I tend to favor the .45-70 Government, but I’m prepared to listen to other suggestions.

Dept. Of Righteous Shootings

Some dickhead walks into a restaurant and for reasons that will be forever unknown (see below) starts shooting indiscriminately into the patrons, wounding several.

Whereupon another patron takes umbrage at this foolishness, draws his own handgun and shoots Mr. Dickhead dead on the spot.  Because this happened in Oklahoma and not Massachusetts, California or New York, no charges will be filed against Our Hero.

[pause to let cheering and applause die down]

Of course, some people are going to be wondering Why This Man Did Such An Evil Thing, and What Are The Root Causes Of Such Behavior, and all that crap.  Me, I don’t care.  The asshole is dead, nobody else died, and all because a law-abiding gun owner was able to deal with the situation before the cops arrived, over five minutes later.

Predictably, the International Gun Control Set (IGCS) didn’t see it the way I do, arguing that if all eeeevil guns were banned, then there’d be no need for the law-abiding to carry guns of their own — based on the assumption that criminals are going to obey the law which bans guns.  Then the IGCS went off and had a meal of tasty pixie dust pie, washed down with a cool drink of unicorn tears on the rocks.

This evening, I’ll just take care of my own 1911, which will need cleaning after the Friday afternoon range session.

Then I’ll raise my glass of single malt to salute Our Hero, who did what had to be done.  Feel free to join me.

P.S.  If newspapers were truly interested in informing the public, they’d find out what gun Our Hero used, what caliber it was chambered in, what boolets he used, and where he shot the asshole.  But nooo… that would be akin to a public service, and we can’t have that.

Dept. Of Righteous Shootings — International Division

So this choirboy in São Paulo decides to indulge in a little impromptu income redistribution by pulling a gun and trying to rob some mommies waiting to pick up their kids outside a school.

Whereupon one of the mommies pulls a gun and pops said choirboy three times in the chest, killing his worthless ass.

[pause to let the cheering and applause die down]

Turns out that Our Heroine was an off-duty cop, but that’s irrelevant because she could have been any mommy packing a piece for self-defense, couldn’t she?  (Of course, this would have been impossible anywhere there’s one of those stupid laws banning guns within x yards of a school, but let’s not quibble about that for a moment.)

Even better, from our perspective, is that the entire incident was caught on surveillance video.  (Note how Our Heroine treats the soon-to-be dead choirboy while he’s still alive and lying on the ground: that alone should cause another round of applause.)

And one final note of good cheer:  Our Heroine’s bosses in the police have commended her on her actions instead of treating her like the criminal.  Good for them.

Pushing Back

Here’s a headline I can get behind:

Bavaria orders Christian crosses to be hung at the entrance of ALL government buildings

…and the rationale is equally pleasant:

The German state’s government said the crosses should not be seen as religious symbols, but are meant to reflect the southern state’s ‘cultural identity and Christian-western influence’.

Needless to say, the Usual Suspects are outraged, as always, but fuck ’em.

I’ve been to Bavaria many times, and I can’t say I’m surprised at this. From what I’ve seen and gathered, southern Germans have more in common with American Southerners than they do with their northern compatriots. They’re (relatively) conservative, deeply religious and fiercely patriotic.

Good for them. Let’s see more gestures like this, thrown in the teeth of the creeping socialism and nihilism of modern society. And not just in Bavaria, either.

As a reminder: I’m not even a Christian, and this pleases me.