Open Upset

Last Sunday, weasel-faced Oz golfer Cameron “Cam” Smith won the coveted award for “Worst Hairstyle Ever To Win A Major Golf Tournament” by a country mile:

His nearest competitor for the title, Miguel Angel Jimenez…

…did not make the cut.

Perennial challenger for the Worst Hairstyle award, Phil “Greedy” Mickelson…

…was not allowed to play because reasons.

News Roundup

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And the news is likewise:

I’d prefer that an alligator was eating the President alive, myself.

actually, they’re forcing us to vote you Green assholes out of office… but we’ll let you find that out for yourself.

and she’s well rid of him.

winner of the “Nothing Says ‘OKLAHOMA!’ More Than This” competition.

..expecting “class” from a Kardashian is like expecting a PhD from an aardvark.

I’m just amazed they still have any cattle left.

note “instructor” not “professor — and her bio is exactly what you’d expect it to be.  At Harvard.

and the pendulum swings, oh yes it doesBy the way, a couple of their policy proposals would be sure vote-getters in Europe as whole, not just in Italy.

hence the term “guided muscle”.

no, don’t be like the Democrats.  Fix the economy first, stupid, then address taxes.  Witch-hunts much later.


        probably needed a month’s worth of antibiotics to recover.

Finally, from EU-land:

but before clicking on the link, you may want to take a look at this Eva Vlaardingerbroek creature:

And by the way, I think that “Vlaardingerbroek” means “Flan-ingredient-pants” in English, but I’ll let Reader Jwenting correct me. (And indeed he has:  “Vlaardingerbroek refers to a polder near the town of Vlaardingen.  A “broek” is directly what in English is called a “brook” or creek.”)

Many thanks.

News Roundup

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So let’s let out some more gas:

how’s that vegetarian shit working out for India, by the way?

Jesus wept.

somebody else’s future, maybe;  just not mine.

lessee:  a Socialist who screwed up his country’s economy and caused untold suffering for its citizens by pursuing insane Green / Net Zero policies has to flee the country… am I the only one finding this inspirational?

how can I put this politely?  Oh yeah:  fuck off, all of you.

so did John Wayne.  What’s your point, Has-Been?

somehow, I think we have enough native sex maniacs and perverts already, without having to import more of them.  And while we’re on that topic:

sure, like I’m the only one here thinking about some of that “cultural appropriation” stuff.

post something cruel on the Internet, though, and PC Plod will be right over.

I know I have a copy of Sarah Hoyt’s shocked face lying around somewhere

trust me, you do not want to know what this is.  Okay, then, but I did warn ya.




And in the political world:

my Arizona Readers will know more about this than I do, of course, but from where I sit, she seems to have at least some of the Right Stuff:

More news of similar dubious content next week.


As an Ole Phartte of some renown, imagine my gleeful chuckles when reading about this man’s requirements for employment at his business:

A Welsh dessert shop boss has shared the most brutal job advert you’ve ever seen on Facebook, but has been universally praised for his no-nonsense attitude.

And if you don’t give at least one approving “attaboy” when you read the ad, we can’t be friends.

Here’s a similar no-nonsense attitude, but in precisely the opposite direction.

We run Britain’s strictest pub – no phones or kids are allowed inside and anyone who swears is BANNED

As one would imagine, I would be in real danger here — although I’ve found that the more I drink, paradoxically, the less I swear.  (Regular Drinking Buddies Mr. Free Market, The Englishman and Doc Russia might contradict this, though.)

Whatever:  I would happily guard my tongue at the Fox & Goose to be free from screaming children and fucking (oops) cell phones.  The only thing that might cause me to give the place a miss is that I’m not that fond of Samuel Smith beer — but then again, life is full of compromises. innit?