Lookalike Names

This one made me chuckle:

Snickers launched in the UK in 1967, but before consumers could get their hands on it, it went through a change of name — because Snickers was deemed too close to another, saucier, word.

“Knickers”, I assume.  Not that I think that that name is “saucy”, or anything like it.  “Knockers”, maybe?

On the bright side, imagine the fuss today if someone tried to launch a snack bar called “Sniggers”… and it was made of dark chocolate.  I imagine that Sniggers  having been rejected, one could try “Darkies”, then?

From the archives:

I should probably stop now;  but that doesn’t mean that you should.  Carry on, in Comments, by all means.

Monday Funnies

Look on the bright side:  your Monday might be sucking today:

…but at least you got to Monday.  Unlike these assholes:


Speaking of which, I bet Rep. Rashida Tlaib has a few sudden vacancies among her staff.


Okay, that’s enough of that fun stuff.  Back to our normal Monday fare:








And just for the hell of it:

Read more

News Roundup

And speaking of getting shafted:

...if you can’t stop him by letting him be assassinated, stop him by fixing the vote.

In Industrial Labor News:

...bad news: production is going to dry up; good news: it’s production of the 737 Max.

…wait;  I thought that everyone wanted these Duracell cars.

Time for some news of The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:

...where are they getting the money to pay the lawyers?  I think we should be told.

...it’s almost to the point where this is no longer news.

In Global Economic News:

...are we absolutely SURE this guy wasn’t born somewhere in the U.S.?

...LOL just wait till they see their ROI.

From the Department of Education:

...keyword:  Missouri.  Again.  It must be something in the water, there in the Show-Me state.

...keyword:  California.  Of COURSE it was going to be on film.

Still talking about sex:

...this study endorsed by wankers the world over.

...newsflash:  famous rock musicians are renowned for their monogamous behavior.

...I can actually see her point.

And in mercifully-link-free 


And sauntering down :

...of course, the old girl needs those tight clothes to keep the Jello-bits from wobbling around.

And still on the same old bint:

...wait, what?  Let’s see the correction:

...okay, that’s a little better.

And on that bit of Fake News, we end this roundup.

Monday Funnies

I feel I need to give y’all fair warning:

Idiot:  the French for “washing machine” is “femme”, so of course it’s feminine.  And speaking of femmes:

More swimsuits, I heard you say?  Oh, why not.

That’s the latest trend:  completely transparent bikinis.  More of these next week, unless someone complains.