Someone took me to task the other day because I still occasionally wear a face condom despite having been vaccinated against the Chinkvirus. (Generally, I don’t anymore, unless some store flunky comes up and politely asks me to wear one, in which case I touch my face, assume a startled look, and put the stupid thing on.)
I put the face mask on because it saves lives.
Not “saving lives” in the sense of spreading the Chinkvirus, of course. In my case, saving lives means that when a busybody gives me grief about not wearing one, I refrain from breaking his fucking neck, because (and this is an important point) some Karen is going to take umbrage at my behavior and call the manager. (I think we can all see where this is headed.) When I rinse and repeat by breaking his (and most likely her) neck, the cops are going to be called, there may be gun play, and people are probably going to die (myself included).
So my putting on a face mask saves lives — just not in the Fauci sense of the word.