Commentary will be short, like Mrs. Borat.
…which means I’m pretty much fucked, then.
And in a (possibly) unrelated event:
…Covid, cancer, HPV, whatever; you’re always gonna be at risk with this creature anywhere near your zip code.
…not an actual headline, just LOL.
…and as they say: “Owe the bank ten thousand dollars, you have a problem. Owe the bank $300 million, and THEY have a problem.”
And speaking of imbeciles:
…I actually know the solution to this, and it doesn’t involve shooting all the Colorado Democrat lawmakers. It does, however, require shooting all ex-California transplants / refugees in Colorado, but someone’s doubtless going to have a problem with this.
…ah yes, those were the days, when men were men and not sorta-women reminiscing about when they were still men.
…uh huh. He’ll just go with the old-time Democrat initiatives like higher taxes, civilian disarmament, more regulations and such.
…a.k.a. First World Problem, as can be seen in the pic below of this hellhole (right-click to embiggen):
…uhhhh I’ve got some news for you, son:
…I think we’re gonna have all the weapons we need, as the Biden Brigade will find out when they try mass confiscations. (And yeah, I know that’s not what he meant.)
And lastly:
…no link because you’ll probably want to eat at some point today. Instead, here’s a home-decoration idea:
…or else, a blast from the past: