Monday Funnies

What happens on Mondays, doesn’t necessarily stay on Mondays.

In similar vein, let’s look at some likely disaster scenarios in the near future:

My confident prediction:  never in recorded history will so many guns have been lost in boating accidents, fires or similar catastrophes as during a Biden/Harris/Beto Administration.

Then again:

I should stop now…

Get some practice in.  I know I will.

News Roundup

Slim pickings for today, as the news is all about the same old boring shit.  However, in the public interest…

that’s not quite true:  he referred to your country as a “shithole” (which it is), but considering that assholes and shitholes are inextricably linked, maybe you have a point, there.

Black Watch Matters?  Not, it appears, to the BritGov.

of course you’re sorry, Christiane.  And speaking of all that “healing” stuff:

I know, she’s a brainless Hollywood harlot actress, but I wish I could load all these fuckwits in a time machine  and take them back  to 1939 Germany, just so they could see what real Nazism looks like(And yes, of course I’d leave them there.)

I’m a little confused, here, Congresswoman Rancid African Bitch:  was that the “chaos” of the largest economic growth period in U.S. history, or all that actual chaos caused by BLM/Pantifa-inspired riots and looting in Republican-controlled cities?  But then there’s this:

yeah, by all means let’s end our imperialistic military adventure in Omar’s home country.  (I think I just peed in my pants, a little.)

distressingly, this report contains not a single mention of public scourging I should also add that as this happened in Wales, the word “brainless” is superfluous.

no he doesn’t, any more than I feel pressure to have a negative attitude about gun control, which I hate as much as the Commie cocksucker hates America.

just wait till these same braindead CEOs have to deal with Biden’s new Labor Secretary, Bernie Sanders.

hey, as long as Salma Hayek is cast in the lead role, I’m cool.

Monday Funnies

Monday?  Yeah it is… so, time to get busy.

And for today’s Monday salute, we’re going to go with !!!!!SEX!!!! as the theme.

This isn’t sexy, but it’s funnier than hell (click on the pic):

And here’s some beauty to help guard against the week’s upcoming bullshit: