News Roundup

…with 0nly occasional links because, really, some things are just not worth getting into any deeper[Extreme Puke Alert]

and in other news, journalists and Democrat politicians sometimes lie.  And speaking of which:

backed up by none other than:

I’d suggest that someone Epsteins this foul Stalinist bitch, but unfortunately, it’s unlikely that the Praetorian Guard will turn on this Caesar.

me neither.  If Texas couldn’t turn purple with Skateboard Jesus  Butt-Boy Beto, it ain’t gonna happen this time.

or 200,000 or 100 million.  Pick a number (except zero), and Fuckhead Fauci will accept it.

yeah, all those guns lying around just got up all by themselves and started shooting at random people in the streets.  Another fucking Marxist (see above) who needs “special treatment” (see:  Pinochet).
And to add a gasoline hose to the fire:

…and therefore:

I would remind everyone that this Castroist lickspittle was elected to office not just once but twice by Noo Yawkers.

But enough politics.  Let’s talk about health, and the lying liars who claim to know what’s best for us.

and eating too little red meat makes you look like a vegan.  Checkmate.

except that last week, we were told that a glass of red wine with dinner “could”  prolong life.

I know what all the above makes me feel like:

Glasses are for amateurs.

Monday Funnies

When this is what faces you on Monday:

…it’s time to start thinking about getting away from it all:

And here’s a small incentive to get outta here and fly to exotic climes:

Of course, you’ll never actually see anything like that, but it’s all part of the dream, innit?