Bombs Away

I can earnestly recommend Lord HardThrasher’s series on the Allied bombing campaign in WWII Europe.  (He sounds exactly like Mr. Free Market would sound, if Mr. FM could be arsed to do a show about the military.)

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

He spares nobody, and I mean nobody.  (Ignore the occasional anti-Trump digs;  he’s just swinging his saber indiscriminately.)  He is, of course, especially scornful of the Nazis.


Greatest Living English Historian?  I report, you decide.

Speed Bump #7,694

Here we go again:

I don’t care about the story’s content or subject — on my interest scale, the hobbies of little fegelehs who jump into water rank somewhere below the sex lives of tarantulas — but FFS.

The knitting term is “PURL” and not “pearl”, you illiterate fucking scum of the earth.

There will come a time when I go over to Britishland and pay a visit to the offices of the Daily Mail, carrying my trusty cricket bat.  It will not be a pleasant site*.


*I know.  I just thought I’d pass it on.  Or you can take it as a pun.  Whatever.

News Roundup

Yeah well, screw the Gummint.  Stale bread is horrible.  As is the news this week.

...I’m so old, I remember the regulation mandating that any federal employee found delinquent in their taxes be summarily fired.

In Election News:

...guilt about what?  Civilization?  Ending slavery?  [3,000 other random benefits to mankind omitted for space reasons… and while we’re there, space travel as well]

...hope he got that in cash.  Just sayin’.

Keeping the assholes at bay:

...don’t fuck mess with Texas.

In Global Jew Hate News:

...and when they get all revolutionary and jihad-y, it will make it easier to nuke them right there.


...I’d have put them side by side, but no doubt the Izzies would have been equally offended.

In The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:

Let’s hear it for Global Warming Climate Cooling Change©:

...and nobody (except anyone with common sense) saw it coming.

And contemplating the naval:

...actually, they’re just hiding them from Ukrainian drones.

...and about time.

Let’s see what inane shit comes out of 


...and just so we all know, “soft swinging” is defined as having sex with your regular partner in the same room with others also having sex with their partners, but without swapsies.  No big deal;  our close circle of friends did it all the way through college, back in the ’70s.  It was kinda fun.

And in Romance News:

...and for those of you who had forgotten about Lucy (and shame in you if you did), here’s a little memory-jogger or two:

And I believe that’s about all the silly news we can handle for now.