Tuesday Funnies

The best thing about a Monday public holiday is that it makes the week shorter, like Hayden Panettiere.  In the meantime, there’s still work to be done as we all get on our bikes to get back to work:

And so, a few smiles may be needed:

And speaking of parties:

And to end this post on the same note it started:

Gives the term “biker babe” a whole new meaning, dunnit?

News Roundup

Pointed commentary — pointed, like these.

that’s not news.  The news is that she was only in labor for 22.6 seconds, a new world record for girl babies.

I don’t think there are measuring instruments powerful enough to detect my sympathy for these people.

my only question being:  how did they fit this man’s giant balls into the back of the police car?

these being the cityfolk that pretty much drank themselves into a stupor every night during Prohibition, how did the stupid Commie De Blasio think he was going to stop them?

I didn’t even know they had strip clubs in Cheyenne, but I’m pretty sure that face masks could only be an improvement.  For both the girls and the customers.

and these are the same people who are flooding into the U.S.  Oy.  No wonder the Democrats love them.

fair enough, as long as they reciprocate for our folks.  (Son&Heir has a standing job offer in London)

yeah, but they used the British Chinkvirus models to predict all this catastrophe.

to the surprise of nobody but the gun controllers.

  …OMG noes, she’s being hounded by the very State apparatus that she wants to sic on everyone else.

And speaking of boners:

and his defense?  “I didn’t know she was dead — I thought she was Jewish.”

Question Of The Day

Go ahead and read this little snippet:

Large lizards are invading Georgia and pose a major threat to native wildlife, state officials have warned residents.
Argentine black and white tegu lizards, which can grow up to four feet long and weigh more than 10 pounds, have been spotted in Georgia for years, and officials are now trying to eradicate the species from the state.
“They eat just about anything they want,” retired Georgia Department of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Resources Division biologist John Jensen said in a 2019 video about the lizards.

So, Gentle Readers, here’s the question:

What would be the cartridge you’d choose to help Georgia out with their little problem? 

Your suggestions in Comments.

Here’s mine.  And here it is, demonstrated — but this old boy is having WAY too much fun.  Jealous.