Caption Competition #98

So you’re invited to the U.S. Embassy in Buenos Aires, where the Argies are having a function in your honor.  As it’s a formal affair, you have to wear at least a dark suit and a tie.

Whereupon you show up in said dark suit, but with your tie undone, your shirt untucked, wearing a Salvation Army scarf and clown shoes.

A rapper?  A tech executive?  A rock star?  Nope, it’s Al fucking Pacino:

Although my favorite pic of all at the august gathering is this one:

…and it’s just crying out for a caption.

Have at it, in Comments.

Quote Of The Day


“I only dump my load into anti-vaxxers, because 8 years of child support is better than 18.”

Now that’s  someone who understands how to put the odds in your favor.

And speaking of toxic loads

Taking these two items in tandem, I haven’t laughed so much since the neighbor lady got her tits caught in the spindryer.

Note:  a fitting way to mark my 2,000th post since starting Splendid Isolation.