5 Worst Things To Do For 20 Hours

Yes, it’s back!  For a one-time reappearance only!*

In ascending order of horrible:

  • read Howard Zinn’s A People’s History Of The United States
  • walk along all the streets of downtown San Francisco
  • listen to Hillary Clinton explain (yet again) why she lost the 2016 election
  • be the lone man in an orgy with the female members of the Congressional Black Caucus
  • fly nonstop from NYFC to Australia… on Spirit Airlines or RyanAir.

Your contributions in Comments…


*unless you guys want more…

The Old And The New

…or maybe, the old & the young:

Dennis Quaid, 65, is ‘ENGAGED to PhD student girlfriend Laura Savoie, 26’ just five months after going public

And a pic of the loving couple explains it all:

“HOW CAN SHE DO IT?” is the wail.

Oh, please.  In the first place, ol’ Dennis is rich, famous and, to be honest, not at all bad for 65.  (Jeez, I’m 65 and I wish I looked half  as good.)  As for why he wants to hook up with her… do I really have to explain that?

Go, Dennis, go!   Every old fart in the world is on your side, dude.  Even if we’re as jealous as hell.

Monday Funnies

I know exactly how ol’ Hugh feels… especially after having had his eardrums blown out at the movies.

So let’s get with the laughter-injections:

Ditto Dallas, and north Texas in general.  Looks like the Dallas North Tollway at 7.00am or 6.00pm, only with fewer pickup trucks.  And matters aren’t helped by things like this:

Meanwhile, in Wyoming:

But what the hell, let’s stop traffic with a little glimpse of something out of Louisiana named Katherine LaNasa:

Keep your eyes on the road, folks…

Made ya look.