
Loyal Readers will remember when I posted this pic a while ago:

From Reader MikeS comes this confession:

When I looked at the pulp novel cover art my thoughts, in order:

That model Thompson won’t take a drum mag.
That bayonet is not issue for either the 98k or the M1 carbine.
Is that revolver a S&W or an H&R?
She needs some sandwiches and milkshakes.

I gotta get a life.

I have to admit, I chuckled.

Monday Funnies

Monday, bloody Monday:

And yeah, maybe that’s in some other part of the world;  here in Texas it’s early fall, which means you still wake up to the sound of lizards frying gently on the sidewalk, as evidenced by my car’s dashboard display early on Saturday morning:

So on with the show…

Truthfully, I think I’ve been like that all my life.  Anyway, I’ve said some stupid shit in my time, but nothing this  stupid:


And for our Monday pick-me-up:





That’s it;  I got no more for ya.


Saw this pic over at CW’s place (part of his fantastic Open Road series) and I could not help be amazed at the fact that people adhered to the traffic circle even though it was covered with snow.

Then it occurred to me that  the picture was doubtless taken in Germany or one of the other OCD countries, and the lone tracks which do  bisect the circle were probably made by a lost American tourist.

Wait A Minute

From Z-man, talking about conspiracy theorists:

“People don’t like simple answers.  If they did, Hollywood thrillers would feature no plot, just stuff exploding in between sex scenes.”

Actually, that’s about as succinct a description of modern Hollywood thrillers as I’ve ever read.  Unless of course Tom Cruise, Michael Bay or Marvel Comics are involved, in which case there’s no sex at all, just a series of witty one-liners between (and often during) the explosions.  And Tom Clancy must be turbo-spinning in his grave after what Hollywood has done to Jack Ryan.

I’d talk more on the topic, but I’m busy re-reading historian Paul Johnson’s Modern Times, and that takes concentration.